Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me » riverrock

Posted by SLS on July 9, 2000, at 16:06:18

In reply to Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me, posted by riverrock on July 9, 2000, at 12:44:20

> >
> > I think I would just ask to be sedated for 2 weeks or something. Really scary and awful sounding.
> >
> > Shar
> Shar, I spent about two hours this morning reading through the posts from the last 6 months or so.....Holy cow! I had no idea how scary this stuff could be...I am currently taking 400mg of Welbutrin and had just worked my way up to 75mg of Effexor XR to replace the Welbutrin, when I changed my mind!! Have already gone back to 37.5mg capsule and plan to ween myself off this week. Too, many horror stories, too many side effects...I am so sensitive to the sexual dysfunction side effects of SRI's I should have know this would be the same...I can put up with alot of side effects, but that ain't one of 'em!!!And at 75mgs it is already happening. Welbutrin alone just wasn't doing the trick...maybe my pdoc will find something else to combine it with....I like your idea of being sedated for 2 weeks :-)
> Thank you everyone for all the information you have posted here and for helping me make another difficult dicision about AD's....Back to the drawing board......
> Beth

Dear Beth,

Effexor is not a drug from Hell. It is an extremely effective antidepressant that has helped people for whom no other treatment was adequate.

I am a bit dismayed that you have decided not to try Effexor based upon what you have read here. For the most part, these complaints about Effexor involve the withdrawal symptoms that appear when it is discontinued too quickly. Other drugs have this same potential. Effexor is a good drug, and can really act well when combined with Wellbutrin. If the time comes when you must discontinue Effexor, there are ways of preventing intense withdrawal symptoms. First of all, it must be tapered slowly. I see too many people attempt to discontinue both Effexor and Paxil abruptly. Withdrawal symptoms are almost guaranteed under these conditions.

One of the better methods of discontinuing Effexor is to use Prozac as "buffer" substitute to allow the body to acclimate gradually to the loss of its serotonin action. I am surprised that I don't see this done more often here. The strategy is simple. Take one 20mg Prozac pill. Sometimes a second dose of 10mg is added a week later. That's it. It would be nice to hear from people who have tried this method to see how well it really works. I think I might start a new thread to find out.

If Wellbutrin is partially effective, I would be inclined to add another drug to it rather than switch. Effexor and Zoloft are good choices. Actually, Wellbutrin makes a good drug to combine with just about everything.

I am not suggesting that you try taking Effexor as your next drug, but I encourage you not exclude it from your list of alternatives.

Be well.

- Scott


I am more nervous about this cr*p than ever!!

Posted by ToddfromPhoenix on July 9, 2000, at 17:57:42

In reply to Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me » riverrock, posted by SLS on July 9, 2000, at 16:06:18

I am convinced this medicine only prolongs the agony that has been this life. I have decided to discontinue this and any other psych medicine. If things get too bad, well it hasn't been the best of lives anyway and I won't be missed.

My marriage and life is in shambles. It won't matter to anyone if I disappear.

Goodbye and good luck.


Todd -- Stay-ay-ay just a little bit longer....

Posted by shar on July 9, 2000, at 19:28:03

In reply to I am more nervous about this cr*p than ever!!, posted by ToddfromPhoenix on July 9, 2000, at 17:58:58

I think I understand exactly what you're saying. But I must disagree with you about not mattering if you disappear.

I believe the whole world could change if you disappear. That's scary too. There may be a life you need to touch, a place you need to be, or something important to do. I believe that we all need to be here, and it's not good to go where we're not invited. (Not that I don't want out of this dimension myself at times...many times.)

You can also share on this board, Todd. A lot of people get into very bad spaces like it sounds like you are now. Who better to offer them a flicker of hope than someone who has come out the other side? (I expect you have come out of many other bad times, and have experience with this.)

You are a survivor. Many of us are. Bloody but unbowed. There is something important about you staying here, and I really, really hope you will.

In SLS post, he indicated that there are ways of dealing with all this withdrawal crap. I don't think I will ever get off meds, but the idea of withdrawal sure scares me. Don't go until you've tried what SLS said; you have something to teach us (whether on this topic or another one).


> I am convinced this medicine only prolongs the agony that has been this life. I have decided to discontinue this and any other psych medicine. If things get too bad, well it hasn't been the best of lives anyway and I won't be missed.
> My marriage and life is in shambles. It won't matter to anyone if I disappear.
> Goodbye and good luck.


Thanks for reassuring info » SLS

Posted by shar on July 9, 2000, at 19:40:50

In reply to Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me » riverrock, posted by SLS on July 9, 2000, at 16:06:18


Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me

Posted by riverrock on July 9, 2000, at 19:43:03

In reply to Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me » riverrock, posted by SLS on July 9, 2000, at 16:06:18

> > >
> > >
> Dear Beth,
> Effexor is not a drug from Hell. It is an extremely effective antidepressant that has helped people for whom no other treatment was adequate.

> - Scott

thank you for putting things into perspective for me. I was panicing and being a bit hasty in my decision....But in all honesty many of the posts on here seem to be negative and it really did frighten me. If you could start a positive thread about Effexor that would be great.

I've decided that I will stick with it for a minimum of two months, and then make my decision. I am not even up to a theraputic dose yet, but unfortunately, I am already experiencing some sexual disfunction..Jeez, I hate that more than anything! Does it ever get better?

thanks again,


Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me

Posted by Cindy W on July 9, 2000, at 20:35:11

In reply to Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me, posted by riverrock on July 9, 2000, at 19:43:03

> >
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> >
> > Dear Beth,
> >
> > Effexor is not a drug from Hell. It is an extremely effective antidepressant that has helped people for whom no other treatment was adequate.
> > - Scott
> Scott,
> thank you for putting things into perspective for me. I was panicing and being a bit hasty in my decision....But in all honesty many of the posts on here seem to be negative and it really did frighten me. If you could start a positive thread about Effexor that would be great.
> I've decided that I will stick with it for a minimum of two months, and then make my decision. I am not even up to a theraputic dose yet, but unfortunately, I am already experiencing some sexual disfunction..Jeez, I hate that more than anything! Does it ever get better?
> thanks again,
> Beth

Beth, I think your idea of sticking with it for two months is a good one. That will give you time to see if it works and to see if the sexual dysfunction decreases. For me, there was initial sexual dysfunction which gradually faded to just a tiny amount of delay in getting aroused (a big improvement for me compared with other AD's I tried, incl. Prozac, Luvox, Zoloft). Best wishes! P.S. it helps to get a "head start" when you're with someone, plus this means you can ask for more foreplay! ;)


Re: I am more nervous about this cr*p than ever!!

Posted by Cindy W on July 9, 2000, at 20:39:01

In reply to I am more nervous about this cr*p than ever!!, posted by ToddfromPhoenix on July 9, 2000, at 17:58:58

> I am convinced this medicine only prolongs the agony that has been this life. I have decided to discontinue this and any other psych medicine. If things get too bad, well it hasn't been the best of lives anyway and I won't be missed.
> My marriage and life is in shambles. It won't matter to anyone if I disappear.
> Goodbye and good luck.

Todd, hope you will still feel free to let us know if we can help you, whether or not you are on meds. I've felt much like you feel for a very long time (my life and marriage are in shambles, too). Things can and will get better. Are you in therapy? What's going on in your life? We will miss you if you disappear. Please keep writing and share your experiences.


Re: I am more nervous about this cr*p than ever!!

Posted by Gerri_mww on July 9, 2000, at 20:53:38

In reply to I am more nervous about this cr*p than ever!!, posted by ToddfromPhoenix on July 9, 2000, at 17:57:42

> I am convinced this medicine only prolongs the agony that has been this life. I have decided to discontinue this and any other psych medicine. If things get too bad, well it hasn't been the best of lives anyway and I won't be missed.
> My marriage and life is in shambles. It won't matter to anyone if I disappear.
> Goodbye and good luck.

I know a lot of us talk about suicide in passing and as fleeting thoughts but to actually verbalize it to strangers to me means you are seriously needing someone to help you. Dodging life or taking it is never the answer.
We all have a purpose here and our lives touch thousands of others who will be affected by the loss of our life. If Effexor isn't working please call your psych immediately to find something that does. BUT NEVER GIVE UP!
I have lived all my life contemplating leaving this world for the better life in the next. I even have my funeral plans/wishes all laid out. BUT, I have realized that we must never give into these thoughts more than as an amusement or wishing to change things.
I once saw a chicken suop episode that stated don't hope things, make them (ie change them).
If you feel a stranger or someone in this forum would better understand your feelings right now. I am available. E-mail me at and I will send you my phone number if you need someone other than a close friend to talk to (sometimes someone totally uninvolved can see the situation and a solution better than those closest to the picture.
Please if you do not get ahold of me find someone to talk to.
Please do not give up one yourself. Once you have hit rock bottom the only way is up.
Take Care and please do not do anything for at least 24 hours...


Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me » shar

Posted by paul on July 9, 2000, at 23:00:34

In reply to Possible withdrawal agony scares me, posted by shar on July 8, 2000, at 23:29:13

fwiw i came off wb coldturkey and had NO problems w/it at all-except for an end to the tremors/rage etc which i'd call more of a benefit than anything else----


prozac wont work

Posted by nico on July 10, 2000, at 1:20:26

In reply to Re: im trying to quit, im losing my mind, posted by stjames on July 9, 2000, at 1:47:29

thanks for the advice james. but i cant take prozac. it will make me manic. and someone else said i should try buspar or wellbutrin, but i cant take those either.
i just dont know how to get out of its control.


Re: prozac wont work

Posted by Libby on July 10, 2000, at 9:59:37

In reply to prozac wont work, posted by nico on July 10, 2000, at 1:20:26

Nico, I wouldn't worry too much about the withdrawal symptoms if your doctor slowly tapers you off the medicine. The nasty withdrawal effects I have experienced were the result of my forgetting a dose. With my doc's help, I successfully tapered from 300 mg to 150 in a week with no bad effects at all. I start tapering off for good very soon and although I probably wouldn't choose to take Effexor again, I'm not terrified of stopping.


Re: prozac wont work

Posted by stjames on July 10, 2000, at 17:43:14

In reply to prozac wont work, posted by nico on July 10, 2000, at 1:20:26

> thanks for the advice james. but i cant take prozac. it will make me manic. and someone else said i should try buspar or wellbutrin, but i cant take those either.
> i just dont know how to get out of its control.

James here....

You might try what I use, Atavin, 1 mg, once or twice a day for a few days. Stops the w.d symptoms
dead for me.



Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by CG on July 11, 2000, at 20:39:00

In reply to I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by ToddfromPhoenix on July 8, 2000, at 0:06:12

> I have never posted to any bulletin board, but I really feel alone on this one. I took Prozac 40mg for nearly 8 years for depression. About six months ago, I decided that it was time to try and "be normal" and stop taking the medicine. These past six months have been awful and I have been very depressed.
> I finally took my wife's advice and went to a Psychiatrist to get re-evaluated. He said that Effexor was "the answer" and dropped a sample box into my lap. I have been taking it for about 3 weeks and am up to 150mg a day. So far I can say it has made an improvement, but I can't say it is the answer for what is going on with me right now.
> My concern is that I stumbled onto this sight and it seems like a bunch of people have had a bad time with this medicine, both taking it and getting off of it. I have always struggled with psych meds because I feel I lose some of my control of how I truly feel about things being masked in the medicine's "cloak of apathy" so to speak. I am worried that I might be taking this stuff for life and that just isn't how I would like to see myself forever.
> I am also finding a rather embarrassing side effect. It seems my libido has taken a vacation and doesn't know when it is coming back. Also, the literature talks about "abnormal ejaculation". My experience is it's very hard to have an orgasm with this medicine. Has anyone else experienced this? I am serious about this and it is starting to become problematic.
> Hi Todd! This is my first time posting a follow up, but have been reading the messages here for a couple of weeks now. I started taking Effexor Xr a couple of weeks ago and was very scared at first but now I am very comfortable with it. I take 150mg a day too. The only side affect I can complain about is the sweating. But with all the good things that have been happening to me I just bear with it. And just like you I am scared that I will need this medication forever. But the thing that reasures me that if I do need it forever is that at least I feel like a normal person again. I am not crying over nothing or angry at all the wrong people. I just started seeing a psychiatrist so I don't really know what my future holds for me as far as taking anti depressants but just have some patience. I definately don't feel "numb" or emotionless on this medication. In fact, I swear that I have developed a back bone. I noticed myself not being so passive when I normally was and on the flip side I am easier going with people who I used to be sort of aggitated with (especially at work!). I also don't dwell on the things don't need to be worried about like before. I have found that my libido is not what it should be too, but I feel more affectionate than I did- so go figure. Best of luck to you and thanks to all the people who post messages here-they have really helped me!!!


Re: Anyone have success getting off effexor?

Posted by Gary on July 13, 2000, at 20:04:51

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

> I have been on 225mg per day of Effexor for the last 5 years or so. I also take 1 to 1.5 mg per day of Xanax. I am curious if anyone else has been perscribed Xanax along with Effexor by their doctor. I am finding it very difficult to get off the Effexor because of the withdrawl symtoms. The eye crunches and severe anxiety have prevented me from being able to even slowly reduce the daily dosage. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who has been successful. The more information you can give me the better.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!

Posted by Shel on July 18, 2000, at 1:35:45

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I too have had problems with depression for the last 7 years. Crying for no reason, could not sleep, couldn't eat, feeling out of control of my life, turning mole hills into mountains.

I first on Zoloft for about a year was just fine, then quit (thought I could handle life without "having to take drugs" and slowly went down hill over the next 6 months.

Went back on and was on it for a couple more years, felt great and decided I was all better and went off of it and crashed again- this time in 3 months. Tried Zoloft again, this time-no relief. Then tried Wellbutrin for a month, felt a little better, but not like before. Then tried Efferox XR.

Started slow and built up to 150mg per day. Wonder drug! I love it! Have been on it over a year. No side effects to speak of. During the last 9 months I have managed to survive a move from Indiana to Austria (no kanagroos here) for a 3 years ISP assignment with my husband's company. We had to sell our house, cars, leave family, friends, my job and our horse behind with less than a 2 month notice. Stranger in a strange land and they don't speak much English in these parts. Yes I have had to learn German. Sprechen sie Deutsch?

I have survived! Have had some down days over the last 9 months that I attributed to more of loneliness and boredom and winter blahs than from depression. Summer's here and I am great!

Work with your doctor for the right level- give it time to build up in your system- a month prehaps and you should see positive results as I have.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!

Posted by Cindy W on July 18, 2000, at 8:26:16

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES! , posted by Shel on July 18, 2000, at 1:35:45

> I too have had problems with depression for the last 7 years. Crying for no reason, could not sleep, couldn't eat, feeling out of control of my life, turning mole hills into mountains.
> I first on Zoloft for about a year was just fine, then quit (thought I could handle life without "having to take drugs" and slowly went down hill over the next 6 months.
> Went back on and was on it for a couple more years, felt great and decided I was all better and went off of it and crashed again- this time in 3 months. Tried Zoloft again, this time-no relief. Then tried Wellbutrin for a month, felt a little better, but not like before. Then tried Efferox XR.
> Started slow and built up to 150mg per day. Wonder drug! I love it! Have been on it over a year. No side effects to speak of. During the last 9 months I have managed to survive a move from Indiana to Austria (no kanagroos here) for a 3 years ISP assignment with my husband's company. We had to sell our house, cars, leave family, friends, my job and our horse behind with less than a 2 month notice. Stranger in a strange land and they don't speak much English in these parts. Yes I have had to learn German. Sprechen sie Deutsch?
> I have survived! Have had some down days over the last 9 months that I attributed to more of loneliness and boredom and winter blahs than from depression. Summer's here and I am great!
> Work with your doctor for the right level- give it time to build up in your system- a month prehaps and you should see positive results as I have.

Shel, glad to hear it's worked so well for you! Doing so many changes in a short time must have been a challenge.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!

Posted by noa on July 18, 2000, at 15:20:47

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES! , posted by Cindy W on July 18, 2000, at 8:26:16

Yes, I have had success on it. It has caused some unwanted effects at higher doses, but I lowered the dose and augmented with several other meds, and this seems to work.


Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!

Posted by Moni on July 18, 2000, at 18:30:25

In reply to Re: I am scared of this medicine, HELP ME!, posted by CG on July 11, 2000, at 20:39:00

Hi.. this is my first time posting, following up, etc. I have been on effexor xr for the past 10 weeks. I am up to a 75mg and a 37.5mg together. My doctor didn't want to put me at 150mg yet. I have to call next week to let him know how this works out. I understand what you mean about your libido. I have the same problem. It's definitely almost impossible for me to have an orgasm and the feeling of wanting to have sex is nearly gone. My doctor told me to relax more. I tried that.. I have an orgasm rarely. I'm trying to balance out in my mind that I could be worse off. I don't know if this is the right medicine but it has helped me with the depression a great deal. I'm more social, less angry at everyone, no crying, stopped all the excessive worrying, eating and sleeping again. But yes, as you stated.. no libido. Is this the price we have to pay for being sane?? It may be.

> > I have never posted to any bulletin board, but I really feel alone on this one. I took Prozac 40mg for nearly 8 years for depression. About six months ago, I decided that it was time to try and "be normal" and stop taking the medicine. These past six months have been awful and I have been very depressed.
> >
> > I finally took my wife's advice and went to a Psychiatrist to get re-evaluated. He said that Effexor was "the answer" and dropped a sample box into my lap. I have been taking it for about 3 weeks and am up to 150mg a day. So far I can say it has made an improvement, but I can't say it is the answer for what is going on with me right now.
> >
> > My concern is that I stumbled onto this sight and it seems like a bunch of people have had a bad time with this medicine, both taking it and getting off of it. I have always struggled with psych meds because I feel I lose some of my control of how I truly feel about things being masked in the medicine's "cloak of apathy" so to speak. I am worried that I might be taking this stuff for life and that just isn't how I would like to see myself forever.
> >
> > I am also finding a rather embarrassing side effect. It seems my libido has taken a vacation and doesn't know when it is coming back. Also, the literature talks about "abnormal ejaculation". My experience is it's very hard to have an orgasm with this medicine. Has anyone else experienced this? I am serious about this and it is starting to become problematic.
> >
> > Hi Todd! This is my first time posting a follow up, but have been reading the messages here for a couple of weeks now. I started taking Effexor Xr a couple of weeks ago and was very scared at first but now I am very comfortable with it. I take 150mg a day too. The only side affect I can complain about is the sweating. But with all the good things that have been happening to me I just bear with it. And just like you I am scared that I will need this medication forever. But the thing that reasures me that if I do need it forever is that at least I feel like a normal person again. I am not crying over nothing or angry at all the wrong people. I just started seeing a psychiatrist so I don't really know what my future holds for me as far as taking anti depressants but just have some patience. I definately don't feel "numb" or emotionless on this medication. In fact, I swear that I have developed a back bone. I noticed myself not being so passive when I normally was and on the flip side I am easier going with people who I used to be sort of aggitated with (especially at work!). I also don't dwell on the things don't need to be worried about like before. I have found that my libido is not what it should be too, but I feel more affectionate than I did- so go figure. Best of luck to you and thanks to all the people who post messages here-they have really helped me!!!



Posted by Dakota on July 18, 2000, at 19:51:19

In reply to Re: JUST STARTED TAKING EFFEXOR XR, posted by Dean on April 15, 2000, at 16:41:13

I am new to Effexor XR. I have been taking it for 4 days. I have been struggling with panic attacks, agoaphobia, and depression for over 7 years now. My question to anyone that would like to respond is have any of you out there been prescribed this for all of these disorders and did you get any relief? I take Xanax .25mg 3x a day. Sometimes more if I feel really anxious. I would really appreciate any input from anyone. I havent experienced any side effects. Normally, do you notice them right from the beginning? Please help!!!!!!!


love and hate

Posted by kimi on July 18, 2000, at 20:10:21

In reply to Re: Anyone have success getting off effexor?, posted by Gary on July 13, 2000, at 20:04:51

> I started taking effexor a year ago with adipex to lose weight. I love the effexor, so I continued to take it. I had no idea that so many folks experienced the same things as I did. Like the eye twitching. Also, I've tried to quit a few times and I just feel wrong. No other description, my brain farts and I just feel wrong. I kicked a hole in the bathroom wall, and I'm not at all violent. Oh yeah, I'm always having weird, novel quality dreams. I only take 150 mg. Neither of my prescribing doctors told me any of this stuff, and the original Dr. put me straight on 150 to start with. Zombie. I do like me better though when I'm taking it.


Re: love and hate

Posted by noa on July 19, 2000, at 7:24:55

In reply to love and hate, posted by kimi on July 18, 2000, at 20:10:21

Starting slowly and titrating up slowly is often the key for going on effexor, either the regular of the xr.

I am fortunate to have a pdoc who is cautious when starting me on meds, starts with the smallest possible dose.



Posted by riverrock on July 19, 2000, at 20:59:45

In reply to Re: JUST STARTED TAKING EFFEXOR XR, posted by Dakota on July 18, 2000, at 19:51:19

> I would really appreciate any input from anyone. I havent experienced any side effects. Normally, do you notice them right from the beginning? Please help!!!!!!!

Hi Dakota,

I have been building up on effexor for about 3 weeks now and take just under 150mgs. I am feeling some wonderful relief from the depression and also some lessened anxiety. I nver had panic attacks, just general anxiety, but I am actually having moments of feeling happy and relaxed...I am experiencing some side effects, but I heard that after a couple of months they may disappear. After 6 months, if they are still there, they aren't going away. I am hot and seem to sweat more, but am also having some chills. The hardest part right now is the sexual side effects. Plenty of desire, but I am anorgasmic. Have read that exercise and possibly Ginko Biloba will help with that...need to check with my Pdoc about that....Don't get anxious about the meds, if they don't work for you, I'm sure your doc will move you onto something else...Good luck!


Re: withdrawal

Posted by Louie on July 20, 2000, at 1:54:53

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by Donna Odom on May 23, 2000, at 12:08:42

I've been on effexor for about a year and a half, my dosage to date was 150 mg daily. Last week I decided to finally get off the drug, it has been now 4 days since I took my last pill and the withdrawals have been extremely severe. I realize that getting off it suddenly was not the smartest thing to do but I am tired of taking it and I'll be damned if I'm going to let this pill control my life. Today however I felt much better, I still have all the withdrawals feelings, but have become bearable. I must say I'm on vacation and I would have not being able to give it up so sudden otherwise. I have been home doing nothing but watch tv, but I finally started to feel more myself than I have before since I began taking this dreadful drug. I hope things get better now, I'll keep you posted.


Re: withdrawal

Posted by Libby on July 20, 2000, at 9:56:04

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by Louie on July 20, 2000, at 1:54:53

Louie, please post your progress. I start tapering off today, should be off in two weeks. I'm hopeful about getting off it, but also a little afraid. I had no problem tapering down for dose adjustment, but I have had terrible experiences when taking a dose late. It would be very helpful for me to read about someone else who's going through it (and hopefully will make it)... Thanks. L.


Re: Long-term effects

Posted by tlc on July 23, 2000, at 11:17:06

In reply to Long-term effects, posted by Jillie on July 8, 2000, at 20:10:26

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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