Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Strattera/sleep update » JohnnyB

Posted by not exactly on March 2, 2003, at 17:16:06

In reply to Strattera/sleep update, posted by JohnnyB on March 2, 2003, at 10:18:09

> I called my doc's office on Friday and spoke with the nurse (my PCP left town for two weeks after prescribing Strattera for me). The nurse said that the doc who is covering for my PCP instructed me not to split the 18 mg. because it will delay or arrest the passing of the side effects. She told me to stop by and pick some sleep med samples they had for me. It turned out to be Zyprexa...

Your substitute doc sounds like a real loser:
* advising _against_ discontinuing or reducing dose of a med that you are having a serious allergic reaction to
* prescribing an _antipsychotic_ to counter the insomnia s/e

> I didn't take the Zyprexa.

Good for you! Although it's generally a good idea to follow your doctor's advice, this doesn't mean that you should ignore your own better judgement. The Zyprexa could have interacted unfavorably with the Strattera and/or caused additional problematic s/e's.

> Today, I will try 9 in the morning and 9 in the early afternoon.

If you can tolerate 9 mg/day of Strattera, I would think that the prudent course of action would be to stay at that level until you repay your sleep debt before considering any dose increment.

- Bob


strattera update

Posted by teacherkris on March 3, 2003, at 20:27:34

In reply to Strattera/sleep update, posted by JohnnyB on March 2, 2003, at 10:18:09

Hi everyone, I've been reading these posts after someone put the link in at the healthyboards posts. I started Strattera almost 3 weeks ago now. My doctor started me extremely slow and I was irritated about it in the beginning. I started with 10 mg once a day for 7 days, then 10 mg in the am and 10 mg pm for 10 days, now yesterday I started 20 mg am and 10 mg pm, next week I'll go to 20 mg am 20 mg pm and then we'll meet again. Although I was frustrated with the slow start up I am happy I'm taking my time after reading some of the posts. I want this medicine to work so I'll take as long as it needs. As for side effects the only ones I've had are dizziness, some sleepiness and possibly irritability. I think it's hard to decide where irritability comes from! :-) Anyway, today I decided to try just taking half my concerta dose (normally 72/day) and see if any of the strattera was kicking in, it went great! I'm so excited. I felt calm and focused all day. If this is how it's going to be I'm thrilled and I'm not even at a therapeutic level yet. I also take zoloft 50 mg and I'm trying to get off of that so we'll see how that goes, but I only do one thing at a time so that's down the road. Anyway, sorry for the long winded post, I hope others keep posting their updates and I'll keep posting mine. For those who have commented that people seem to be having trouble with strattera I was thinking about something last night. We all tend to do something if we don't like how things are going but if things are good we do nothing. The only reason I sought out these boards is because I was having side effects, if I wasn't I wouldn't have put in the time so maybe that's why? Just a thought. Hope everyone else is doing well!


Re: Straterra approval--Any sexual side effects?

Posted by zenclear on March 4, 2003, at 19:28:09

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

As the PI warns, sexual dysfuntion is a potential side effect. Any reports, neutral, positive, or negative? Either for men or women?

Someone mentioned to me the other day that Strattera binds to lipids, and this may account for some of the sexual problems, as well as the postive therapeutic effects.

I suspect this may also explain why some people -- like me -- may have problems with skin sensitivity, as lipids are an essential part of our dermis (skin).

Thanks for the feed back!


Re: Straterra approval--Any sexual side effects? » zenclear

Posted by HADD Enough on March 5, 2003, at 8:59:12

In reply to Re: Straterra approval--Any sexual side effects?, posted by zenclear on March 4, 2003, at 19:28:09

Thus far, after over a month, I have had no sexual side effects. If anything, my libido has been enhanced (maybe because my mind is not as cluttered and I can focus on the good feelings).

Physically I can see no difference using Strattera. I am fully able to perform, and have no trouble having orgasms. This was not the case when I was taking Zoloft. On Zoloft, I could not perform physically, let alone have an orgasm.

Hope this helps.

HADD Enough


Atomoxetine (Straterra) and sex » zenclear

Posted by paulk on March 5, 2003, at 15:57:13

In reply to Re: Straterra approval--Any sexual side effects?, posted by zenclear on March 4, 2003, at 19:28:09

As a 48 year old male, I've found that it's put me about 20 years younger in the sex department (more drive and results). This could be quite variable with dosage and person. I'm not a doc, but I would think that a real doc will soon find it good to advise to start out at a low dosage and increase after 2-4 days if there is no effect - once there is an effect wait a couple weeks and evaluate if it needs to be adjusted.

Too high a dose caused me to have LESS focus and want to sleep all the time. The right dose is great.


Re: Straterra withdrawal

Posted by Rachel2 on March 5, 2003, at 16:30:35

In reply to Atomoxetine (Straterra) and sex » zenclear, posted by paulk on March 5, 2003, at 15:57:13

Thanks to everyone who has been posting their experiences on straterra. I've been very hesitant to start it because I've had such bad experiences with meds the last few months. Right now I'm coming off lexapro and my depression has been much worse. I'm wondering if anyone who has discontinued this drug has had bad withdrawal symptoms.


Re: Straterra approval--Any sexual side effects?

Posted by Steve_Ray on March 5, 2003, at 18:45:38

In reply to Re: Straterra approval--Any sexual side effects?, posted by zenclear on March 4, 2003, at 19:28:09

I have been taking 40 mg for three weeks, and the effects have been sexually positive, stronger libido,more fantacising,and better sex, the only thing is i have been having much stronger orgasms,almost to the point of being painful,also when i urinate it is slightly painful, has anyone else had this?


Re: Help! It has been weeks on Straterra!

Posted by dancingdp on March 6, 2003, at 8:47:45

In reply to Re: Straterra approval--Any sexual side effects?, posted by zenclear on March 4, 2003, at 19:28:09

Hi all,
Just wanted your imput on my sons current situation on Straterra. Stats: 10 yr. old boy...59lbs...ADD/OCD. Since he was 3 he has ADD. We started with the stims in grade 1. It has been 7 yrs. of all kinds of stims. Because he has OCD, the stims brought out the worst and he also got ticks as well as some awful side effects. We Started as guinea pigs as the pdoc was one of his first to try Strat. Doc was very hopeful. He has been currently taking risperdal for his OCD which has helped a lot. Doc started him off on a starter pac 18mg for 4 days then 25mg. along with 5mg of Adderal in the am. He stayed on 25mg. for 22 days. We saw no results on his abiltiy to focus and no change in him. He had minimal side effects so the pdoc uped him to 35 mg. and stoped the Adderal. He has been on 35 mg. for 16 days and still no changes. I give him 35 mg. in the am with food. His doc is away for 3 weeks. I am still waiting for something good to happen and I am getting very discouraged. Any thoughts would be really helpful. Howlong does this med take??? I will honor your suggestions. We have tried everything from Homeopathy, Chiropractors, allergy testing. Thanks, dancing


Re: Help! It has been weeks on Straterra! » dancingdp

Posted by Ritch on March 6, 2003, at 9:36:25

In reply to Re: Help! It has been weeks on Straterra!, posted by dancingdp on March 6, 2003, at 8:47:45

> Hi all,
> Just wanted your imput on my sons current situation on Straterra. Stats: 10 yr. old boy...59lbs...ADD/OCD. Since he was 3 he has ADD. We started with the stims in grade 1. It has been 7 yrs. of all kinds of stims. Because he has OCD, the stims brought out the worst and he also got ticks as well as some awful side effects. We Started as guinea pigs as the pdoc was one of his first to try Strat. Doc was very hopeful. He has been currently taking risperdal for his OCD which has helped a lot. Doc started him off on a starter pac 18mg for 4 days then 25mg. along with 5mg of Adderal in the am. He stayed on 25mg. for 22 days. We saw no results on his abiltiy to focus and no change in him. He had minimal side effects so the pdoc uped him to 35 mg. and stoped the Adderal. He has been on 35 mg. for 16 days and still no changes. I give him 35 mg. in the am with food. His doc is away for 3 weeks. I am still waiting for something good to happen and I am getting very discouraged. Any thoughts would be really helpful. Howlong does this med take??? I will honor your suggestions. We have tried everything from Homeopathy, Chiropractors, allergy testing. Thanks, dancing

From what I read he has been on the Straterra for about six weeks? The mode of action of Strat. is similar to antidepressants like desipramine and they can take up to eight weeks for some people to kickin. However, the lack of response may have more to do with coming off of stimulants. It may also take awhile for his body to adjust to the absence of the stimulants. Has his tics stopped since he has stopped the Adderall?


Re: Straterra approval-Day 6

Posted by reif5 on March 7, 2003, at 9:45:32

In reply to Re: Straterra approval-Day 6, posted by nmk on January 12, 2003, at 16:08:08

My son has been on Straterra for 1 week. He started with a 40mg 4 pack then switched to 60mg. He has had a significant lose of appetite to the tune of a 15lb weight loss. The first few days he had a head rush everytime he stood up, but those have now subsided. He is still having upset stomachs at different times of the day and is very tired. We have experimented with different times of day to take the medication so that he can have a normal sleep pattern...still working on that. I am wondering how long do we allow these
systems to continue until we call the doctor to have his dosage decreased or are these normal and will eventually disapate in time.


Re: Straterra approval-Day 6 » reif5

Posted by HADD Enough on March 7, 2003, at 19:49:43

In reply to Re: Straterra approval-Day 6, posted by reif5 on March 7, 2003, at 9:45:32

> My son has been on Straterra for 1 week. He started with a 40mg 4 pack then switched to 60mg. He has had a significant lose of appetite to the tune of a 15lb weight loss. The first few days he had a head rush everytime he stood up, but those have now subsided. He is still having upset stomachs at different times of the day and is very tired. We have experimented with different times of day to take the medication so that he can have a normal sleep pattern...still working on that. I am wondering how long do we allow these
> systems to continue until we call the doctor to have his dosage decreased or are these normal and will eventually disapate in time.

You might want to let your son's Dr. know, if you haven't already, about the side effects he is having. I don't know how often your son gets a med check, but if you've got one coming up soon, you could discuss whether or not to change to dosage or the time he takes his meds then.

For me, the first week was the worst by far as far as side effects go. I also started with the sample pack, 40Mg/day for four days, then 60Mg/day for two weeks. I'm now on 80Mg/day. My body was still adjusting to the new drug, and the dose change. I stuck with it though and most of the side effects have either gone away or have become manageable.

In my case, the stomach upset mostly went away after about a week or so, BUT, I still find that I get beter results if I eat small amounts during the day. If I let my stomach get too empty, I'm more prone to get the slightly nauseated/upset stomach feeling than I was before I started Strattera.

I've lost between 8 and 10lbs. in the five weeks I've been on Strattera. It may be due to the fact that Strattera has depressed my appetite also. It looks as though I've stablized at my new weight though, and I'm hoping that I won't get too much more dramatic weight loss.

I had some daytime tiredness for the first week or so, but it seems to have completely gone away.

As far as sleep, I'm sleeping, on average, about 2 to 3 hours less per night than I was without Strattera, 6 to 7 hours now vs. 9 to 11 before. I have no trouble falling asleep but I wake up earlier. So far this has not changed and I'm not sure it will, but for me it's not a problem.

I am a 50yr old male and, once again, I take 80Mg/day of Strattera once in the AM.

Hope this helps. These are my results, your son's may vary.

Good luck,
HADD Enough


Re: Anybody else sedated on Straterra? Please respond

Posted by jones on March 7, 2003, at 23:34:49

In reply to Anybody else sedated on Straterra? Please respond, posted by Cindylou on February 7, 2003, at 7:13:57

I was on 18mg and I was very tired! I felt like there was cement around my feet and I couldn't wait to get home and take a nap. I'm sorry that it didn't work for you, but, I am happy that I'm not alone.


Re: Anybody else sedated on Straterra? Please respond

Posted by james on March 8, 2003, at 22:15:04

In reply to Re: Anybody else sedated on Straterra? Please respond, posted by jones on March 7, 2003, at 23:34:49

I started Strattera about a week or two ago and titrated up to my current dose of 50mgs a day. No adverse effects, truthfully, I haven't noticed any effects at all.


Re: Anybody else sedated on Straterra? Please respond

Posted by Hattree on March 9, 2003, at 21:09:16

In reply to Re: Anybody else sedated on Straterra? Please respond, posted by jones on March 7, 2003, at 23:34:49

I understand you are a med-sensitive person like me. I think 18mg is too much. I'm experiencing a little sleepiness on 5-10mg (I'm splitting a 40mg capsule so its hard to be sure). That is tolerable in the short run but unfortunately I think its also making me depressed.


Re: Strattera half life

Posted by Hattree on March 10, 2003, at 10:45:02

In reply to Re: Anybody else sedated on Straterra? Please respond, posted by Hattree on March 9, 2003, at 21:09:16

Anybody know how long strattera sticks around in the body?


Re: Strattera half life » Hattree

Posted by Ritch on March 10, 2003, at 13:52:52

In reply to Re: Strattera half life, posted by Hattree on March 10, 2003, at 10:45:02

> Anybody know how long strattera sticks around in the body?

From what I remember from the monograph I think it is 5-8hrs for normal metabolizers. If you are a poor metabolizer or take an SSRI like Paxil or Zoloft or Prozac that will inhibit CYPIID6 liver enzymes and extend the half-life and increase the blood level. I think the half-life for the Poor Metabolizers was around 20hrs or so.


Re: Straterra and depression

Posted by Kashusha on March 10, 2003, at 14:02:07

In reply to Re: Help! It has been weeks on Straterra! » dancingdp, posted by Ritch on March 6, 2003, at 9:36:25

Hi all. I'm researching Straterra for myself and my 13yo daughter. She is on Paxil for "depression" (is it really?) and clonidine for tics. She has never taking stims because of her tics and so far has had no relief of ADD symptoms. I have taken Paxil and now Effexor Xr for depression. The depression is gone, but my ADD is becoming problematic. Tried Wellbutrin (made me hungry and anxious). I'm hoping our pdoc will be open to trying Straterra soon on one or both of us. Any imput would be appreciated!


Re: Strattera half life

Posted by Hattree on March 10, 2003, at 20:59:25

In reply to Re: Strattera half life » Hattree, posted by Ritch on March 10, 2003, at 13:52:52

How long is Prozac's half life? Seems like on me it was about three months.
> From what I remember from the monograph I think it is 5-8hrs for normal metabolizers. If you are a poor metabolizer or take an SSRI like Paxil or Zoloft or Prozac that will inhibit CYPIID6 liver enzymes and extend the half-life and increase the blood level. I think the half-life for the Poor Metabolizers was around 20hrs or so.


Re: Strattera half life » Hattree

Posted by Ritch on March 10, 2003, at 23:03:41

In reply to Re: Strattera half life, posted by Hattree on March 10, 2003, at 20:59:25

I think 3-5 days. I quit it once and didn't notice much difference for about a week, and didn't feel any withdrawal until about the end of the 2nd week.

> How long is Prozac's half life? Seems like on me it was about three months.
> >
> > From what I remember from the monograph I think it is 5-8hrs for normal metabolizers. If you are a poor metabolizer or take an SSRI like Paxil or Zoloft or Prozac that will inhibit CYPIID6 liver enzymes and extend the half-life and increase the blood level. I think the half-life for the Poor Metabolizers was around 20hrs or so.


Tics anyone?

Posted by Kashusha on March 11, 2003, at 0:34:24

In reply to Re: Straterra and depression, posted by Kashusha on March 10, 2003, at 14:02:07

It's me again, wanting to make sure my main point was made. I'm most concerned about my 13yo daughter who has not been successfully treated for her ADD. She has a tic disorder and cannot take stimulants.


Re: Strattera half life

Posted by Rachel2 on March 11, 2003, at 2:33:15

In reply to Re: Strattera half life » Hattree, posted by Ritch on March 10, 2003, at 23:03:41

Prozac has a pretty long half life. When I quit it the withdrawal didn't set in for a month. Then I think I went into a severe rebound depression for 3 months.

Again, if anyone out there has quit strattera could you let me know if you experienced any withdrawal symptoms. I'm still trying to decide if I want to try it.



Buspar and meds for ADD

Posted by Barbie57 on March 11, 2003, at 8:24:24

In reply to Re: Straterra - patience involved, posted by jrbecker on January 13, 2003, at 13:29:36

My doc and I are trying to figure out how to best medicate anxiety and ADD. I have taken Buspar for four years and it has improved my quality of life tremendously, but it doesn't help with ADD distraction and lack of follow through. I'm currently taking Metadate ER and like the mental results but seem to have tightness in chest and some physical agitation with it. One tack we're trying is to divide up my Buspar throughout the day so that it seems to coincide with the timerelease of the Metadate. I wonder about Straterra since I read that it has some anti-anxiety effects as well. Anyone have experience with Buspar and Straterra? Or related experiences treating anxiety and ADD?


Re: Buspar and meds for ADD

Posted by Ed on March 12, 2003, at 9:12:38

In reply to Buspar and meds for ADD, posted by Barbie57 on March 11, 2003, at 8:24:24

> My doc and I are trying to figure out how to best medicate anxiety and ADD.


I find that 18 mgs of Straterra in the AM helps with my particular combination of anxiety and ADD, in that it induces a little peace of mind. But if I take more Straterra that 18 mgs, I find that I get muscle tension and headache. Buspar didn't do anything for me when I tried it a few years ago.


Strattera half life/tics/withdrawal

Posted by mshyper on March 12, 2003, at 10:37:45

In reply to Re: Strattera half life, posted by Rachel2 on March 11, 2003, at 2:33:15


I'll answer all three for you from my exp. I am on 18 in am and 18 in mid afternoon. Have been on Strattera since Jan. 28. Control of my ADD like I never had on Ritalin. Even when a dose is winding down, don't have the "falling off a cliff" feeling I had with stims.

Half life for me-4.5-5 hours
Tics-none at all
Withdrawals-none at all. Can miss a dose with no adverse affects. Does not require tapering off like antidepressants


Re: Strattera half life/tics/withdrawal

Posted by Kashusha on March 12, 2003, at 11:28:28

In reply to Strattera half life/tics/withdrawal, posted by mshyper on March 12, 2003, at 10:37:45

> Hi,
> I'll answer all three for you from my exp. I am on 18 in am and 18 in mid afternoon. Have been on Strattera since Jan. 28. Control of my ADD like I never had on Ritalin. Even when a dose is winding down, don't have the "falling off a cliff" feeling I had with stims.
> Half life for me-4.5-5 hours
> Tics-none at all
> Withdrawals-none at all. Can miss a dose with no adverse affects. Does not require tapering off like antidepressants

Thank you for your response! My daughter and I are both seeing our dr. this week, and I hope she will consider strattera for us.

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