Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Wellbutrin to Buspar

Posted by Draisy on March 21, 2004, at 23:15:09

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin to Effexor, posted by dtsd on March 19, 2004, at 18:46:39

hey guys, it's Draisy. has anyone tried Buspar? i'm going to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow. Could that be my alternative to effexor? i hear if your depression is mostly anxiety based Buspar is great and has fairly innocuous side effects.

I agree that not being able to orgasm and packing on the pounds won't help depression.

apparently .02% of the population of wellbutrin users are prone to seizures. i'm no statistician but i'm wondering if this is somehow a gross underestimation. I’m not saying that everyone will seizure or anything but out of 3 people I have met who have taken wellbutrin, 2 of us have seizured.

I know this isn't a reliable means of gathering stats but it doesn't seem right. and seizures are no minor side effect. i lost two front teeth when i had mine (on with the veneers!), a large chunk of my top lip and that’s not to mention the physical trauma to my head that went a bit deeper than my vanity. and i know that i'm lucky.

my boyfriend is a doctor and when i was in the hospital he went through my apartment and followed the blood to try to recreate what happened (it looks like i might have had more than one). He says that it looks like my head just missed the corner of the kitchen table, and here we are all just glad i wasn't driving.

One more thing. I was asking my boyfriend and a friend of ours why my doctor didn’t suggest buspar and paxil when I refused to take the effexor he was pushing on me because of the side effects. apparently there are anti-depressants out there that don’t have seizure, weight gain and sexual dysfunction side effects. they said that pharmaceutical companies push doctors to sell their particular drugs. I guess that means that we have to do our own research to try to find out what is best for us. …I guess that’s why this site makes sense ;)

So can anyone tell me anything about buspar and paxil or any of the antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds that don’t have the above mentioned side effects?


Re: got FAT?

Posted by Shyla on March 22, 2004, at 8:41:39

In reply to Re: got FAT?, posted by semi-conscious on March 19, 2004, at 14:38:58

Boy, this topic is confounding me. Since I have been on Effexor (75 mg) for about 2 months now, I have noticed that my appetite has been supressed. I have much more energy, and I feel pretty happy most of the time. I also noticed that my long-lost sense of humor has returned. I feel and look much better.


Re: Effexor Newbie » Beta

Posted by PoohBear on March 22, 2004, at 9:39:51

In reply to Re: Effexor Newbie, posted by Beta on March 21, 2004, at 19:14:25


My personal experience with many of the common antidepressants and side effects lead me to request Effexor from my pDoc this time around. For me at least, it has been a miracle, regardless of the negative posts that one finds here. I have tried to be as positive as possible over the last 5 months of posting because there are MANY for whom Effexor works and works WELL. For many there are issues with withdrawal after stopping the med, but this can be midigated by using Prozac when stopping Effexor.

I had a number of side effects when I started Effexor, none of them extreme. Among these were troubles getting to sleep at night, frequent urination, difficulty urinating, erectile disfunction and anorgasmia, plus ring ears, dry mouth some dizziness and brain "zaps". All of these went away with time and as my system got used to the drug. The erectile disfunction I was able to counter for a while with Wellbutrin, but I don't even need that now. For me, the most aggravating side effect when first beginning Effexor were the absolutely bizzare technicolor dreams. But these too went away with time.

My point here is that I was determined to make this work and stuck with it long enough, adjusting doseages with my pDoc until we achieved satisfactory results...

I didn't notice any real weight GAIN with Effexor, but I did notice that it was much harder to LOSE weight, which has not helped me reaching my Weight Watcher goal, but hey, that's the way it goes.

The biggest thing for me is that Effexor stopped my suicidal ideation *dead* in its tracks and for the first time in my memory I was able to stop unwanted thoughts from contantly streaming into my brain, out of control.

I am now augmenting 150mg of Effexor each morning with 100mg of Seroquel at night for mood moderation and sleep and 20-30mg of Adderall daily for ADHD. This combo seems to be working very well for me.

Is this enough insight for you? Take care,


> I am on week 2 of 75mg of effexor XR, started out at 37.5 mg for a week. I was 25 lbs. underweight when I began, have gained almost 10 lbs, may be due to the effexor XR, or my attempts to eat more. I was initially prescribed Zoloft for depression, but quickly re-diagnosed with PTSD so effexor was evidently more recommended. I am on a new found crash course with antidepressents and traumatherapy. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks. =)


Re: got FAT?

Posted by sjb on March 22, 2004, at 9:57:23

In reply to Re: got FAT?, posted by Dirtylowdown4 on March 19, 2004, at 12:55:51

I think the timing was just coincidental. The initial weight loss experienced by SOME people on meds usually wears off after a few months.


Re: got FAT?

Posted by newgirl on March 22, 2004, at 13:04:32

In reply to Re: got FAT? » semi-conscious, posted by gabbix2 on March 19, 2004, at 14:54:15

The first month or so on Effexor, I lost weight too. But after that, I quickly began gaining. In a little over a year and a half I gained 25-30 lbs., which is not like me at all. I noticed a lot of water retention too. I wasn't over-eating, and my activity level really didn't change - I think the Effexor really messes with your metabolism. I quit pretty much cold turkey - it's been almost 3 weeks since my last dose.
Can you PLEASE let me know how long it took for you to loose the weight once you stopped taking the Effexor. I'm dieting, and exercising like I never have before - in hopes of dropping this unwanted weight before summer. THANKS!

I was told that if anything it would cause weight loss. (ha!)
> I've never gained so much weight so quickly.
> It scared me, my clothes would get tighter seemingly overnight.
> I was only on the drug for maybe two months and I gained about 25 lbs in that time and I was NOT overeating.
> Effexor didn't work for me (I'm putting that mildly)
> I quit taking it and the weight did come off,
> so I know it was the effexor. I think much of it was from water retention.
> I really don't know what the answer would be if you need to stay on it and it's causing weight gain, because I know that for some it's not about food consumption.
> I really wish I had some more uplifting news for you, and I'm sorry you have a Dr. who still believes everything in the drug package inserts it's frustrating.


Re: Wellbutrin to Buspar » Draisy

Posted by Spinxxie on March 22, 2004, at 15:46:39

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin to Buspar, posted by Draisy on March 21, 2004, at 23:15:09

I am on Effexor and Buspar.. the combo is good, my anxiety is way down, but my memory isn't as good as it was.. dang side effects.. but it is a good combination.. no sedating qualities, and I do generally sleep better then I did before. I have gained some weight.. but I think it is because I was depressed.. not the meds... I have to admit.. I am amazed how quickly the Effexor is working so quickly and well.. though.. still getting hot flashes..argh... anyhoo.. just my two cents.. tx Spinxxie


Re: got FAT? » newgirl

Posted by Semi-conscious on March 22, 2004, at 17:27:32

In reply to Re: got FAT?, posted by newgirl on March 22, 2004, at 13:04:32

This message is for NEWGIRL, Thank you for your reply to my post. You sharing your information helped to confirm what I believe. You were thoughtful and suppoertive. I don't think I'll be going off Effexor anytime soon. The Dr. has me taking 300mg now. Plus, I take 1 Lorazepam, 1 Temazepam and 1 Geodon at night. All antidepressants, pls 2 Ranitidine a day for my ulcers. I starve myself but it seems that food really isn't the problem. I just got an exercize machine. Exercise and muscle are the only things I can think of to raise my metabolism, to counter the effects of the Effexor and drinking lots of water. If I can just get up out of this chair now, I'll try to put the damn thing together. If you want you can e-mail me direct at Tell me how the exercize is working out. I've got 40 lbs to go before I can fit back into any of my clothes!


Re: got FAT? To Emma

Posted by jesstam on March 22, 2004, at 21:59:33

In reply to Re: got FAT? To Jesstam:, posted by Emma Smith on March 20, 2004, at 18:57:06

Hi Emma!

I hope that does not happen, but I have sort of reached a plateau on the weight and have not lost any more. I'm monitoring to see if I start gaining, but as far as everything else I feel much better, have been a little tired again since the doc increased me to 225mg, but I think my energy is slowly coming back, my night sweats so far have stopped since I went to 225mg. I hope your doing well also!!

> Hi Jesstam,
> I started taking Effexor XR in July of 2003. It worked wonders (and really is fine now, I just don't like the weight gain and want to try life drug-free....I posted awhile back entitled "Should I begin the weaning process?")
> Maybe I'm looking for a "cause" for the weight gain, but around 4 months into taking the drug, I noticed slight weight gain. I could blame it on the holidays, but I was sick with the flu and did not partake in the normal holiday treats. Since then it has been increasing. I'm up 15-20 pounds since July. Who knows? All I know is that the weight gain is what is on my mind now.........
> Hope you are doing well... :)


Re: got FAT? To RealB

Posted by jesstam on March 22, 2004, at 22:01:10

In reply to Re: got FAT? To Jesstam:, posted by realblonde48 on March 20, 2004, at 21:59:05

I'm sorry you are having a bad time with this AD, I hope things get much better for you... God Bless

> I have been trying to wean off of this medicine for a month and have found it to be very difficult. After finding this website however, I have found some comfort. I, too, have gained 25 pounds. One day I was fine and the next day nothing fit. My doctor checked my hormones and even did a cat scan to make sure there was nothing else going on. After taking the effexor xr since the end of November, I truly believe that this is the cause. It was my idea to get off it completely. The weight gain is worse than any other type of depression. It has made me cry on a daily basis. I can deal with the rest of the "stuff" if I can get rid of the weight! How long did it seem to take for the weight to come off after getting off of the medication completely - if anyone else has a hopeful story????? I have gone from 300mg to 18mg. The weaning seems to be such a slow process!


Re: Wellbutrin to Buspar

Posted by Draisy on March 23, 2004, at 1:32:01

In reply to Re: Wellbutrin to Buspar » Draisy, posted by Spinxxie on March 22, 2004, at 15:46:39

hey, thanks for the 2 cents :)
dr. put me on celexa. said buspar isn't all that effective for most people. i guess you're not most people on buspar like i'm not most people on wellbutrin. here goes round 2....

> I am on Effexor and Buspar.. the combo is good, my anxiety is way down, but my memory isn't as good as it was.. dang side effects.. but it is a good combination.. no sedating qualities, and I do generally sleep better then I did before. I have gained some weight.. but I think it is because I was depressed.. not the meds... I have to admit.. I am amazed how quickly the Effexor is working so quickly and well.. though.. still getting hot flashes..argh... anyhoo.. just my two cents.. tx Spinxxie


Re: Effexor newbies

Posted by KennyBingo on March 23, 2004, at 11:31:41

In reply to Effexor Newbie, posted by ljfordrbob on March 18, 2004, at 17:16:25

For Beta, ljfordrbob, PoohBear, et al.:

I was struck by lj's post, finding numerous biographical parallels. I too am now slipping into mid-adulthood. Life changes (eg divorce, grad school) brought about crushing and enveloping depressive episodes not felt since adolescence. I don't believe it's an overstatement to say that Effexor, combined with smart choices and a good therapist, has been a lifesaver.

So for those discouraged by weightgain, among other unsavory side-effects (you can ditto everything in PoohBear's report about side-effects for me)and the hazards of tapering off, take heart. It is not always simply a chemical cross to bear.

True, I did gain a little weight once starting Effexor. It has given me a heretofore never experienced craving for chocolate, of all things. But changing my eating habits a bit and exercise have made this manageable. Plus, I think a lot of it is simply water retention. (Yes, guys get this too.)

True, the initial technicolor dreams and hypo-mania were a little exhausting. But they have subsided. Exercise has helped counter this as well.

True, there are still episodes of downward, blue moods occasionally. But I am able to "bracket" these with the knowledge that they are transient, under my control, and that they will soon pass. Effexor's no auto-happy panacea, but it is one hell of a shot in the arm. I no longer drown.

Hope my response is somehow useful to some of you. Good luck for all those just starting and just ending their treatment.



A few words on supplements » romeyjuju

Posted by kp2sushi on March 23, 2004, at 18:13:01

In reply to Re: STAY OFF EFFEXOR IF YOU CAN, posted by romeyjuju on March 20, 2004, at 17:27:05

A few words of wisdom:
A) You don't know if Effexor will be a good or bad match until the subject ingests it. Your anecdotal evidence will not apply to everyone.

B) Unproven and poorly understood "herbal" supplements are not going to be your magic bullet.

C) GABA is not an amino acid, it is a neurotransmitter. Unfortunately, it does not cross the blood brain barrier. Instead it is metabolized to PABA (yes, the PABA that every suncreen proudly announces it does not contain), which then crosses the blood brain barrier and is then converted to GABA as needed. GABA is essentially useless.

D) The Omega acids are your best bet, but look for small scale, long term improvement.

E) With this cocktail, it will be unlikely you will be able to eludicate a single agent that is causing improvement.


Re: To Realblonde re: weight gain

Posted by realblonde48 on March 24, 2004, at 16:43:14

In reply to To Realblonde re: weight gain, posted by Emma Smith on March 21, 2004, at 15:01:12

> Hi,
> I agree with you that the weight gain is most depressing. So sad that this has to be one of the "side effects."
> When I lost weight in the beginning, I thought "Yes!!! I must be one of the lucky ones who won't gain!" I didn't expect to lose weight, but I was hoping that eating right and exercising would help me maintain. Ugh.
> Can you tell me a bit more about your weaning strategy? This week I decided to take my 75mg dose every other day. Didn't really bother me that much. However, my body knew when it needed the next dose. Should I stay here for awhile? Or should I go every 3rd day? Or should I cut back the dose every other day? Of course the doctor would rather I wait a couple of more months. But, I feel my stressors and triggers are gone right now and I'd like to try and "handle" it.
> Any suggestions? I, too, would love to hear from others who took off the weight after discontinuing the Effexor. Good luck to you!

I am not the one to ask about weaning. I am a person who wants it to happen right now! The dr. said to take the lower dosage for a week, then every other day for a week and then every two days. By then, I should be off of it. Instead, I keep cutting it in half each week. I started out with the 37.5 pill and this week I am splitting that dosage into fourths. I am not a doctor and can't recommend this. So far, it's working for me. Last week I went for two days without and had the "brain shocks". I decided to slow down a little and break it into smaller dosages. I keep hoping the pounds will melt off as fast as they seemed to come on. I too, was on this about four months before I really noticed the weight gain. What made it really bad was that I joined a health club in November and had been going three days a week when the pounds started to pile on. It just didn't make sense.

Let me know how you are doing. What makes it difficult for me is that I am in the mental health profession and just wanted something to help with the moods that come with work and everyday stressors. I was not a "depressed" person. I should have taken my own advice and sought counseling before starting any kind of medication!!!!


10 days and sexual side effects ?

Posted by ritchie4 on March 25, 2004, at 9:44:23

In reply to Re: To Realblonde re: weight gain, posted by realblonde48 on March 24, 2004, at 16:43:14

just started at 37.5 7 days now at 75 at 9 days noticed sweating and yawning but have come back down to earth from the effects of my trauma and seem to be couping i have noticed a drop in labido though and am concerned will this be tempory wasnt speeping much for several days now im getting a bit better dr. was going to presribe sleeping pills but i expressed a need for something quick acting for the anxiety so he went with lorazepam instead i have only taken it at nite and not reqularary this is my first experience with this sort of thing i thought i was experiencing anxiety attacks doc say i am depressed situationally. this will help me deal with the situation and function


My first time on anything ever!

Posted by Hez on March 25, 2004, at 16:28:27

In reply to 10 days and sexual side effects ?, posted by ritchie4 on March 25, 2004, at 9:44:23

Well, I have read just about every post on this site (I have lot's of time on my hands at work) and its definitely interesting.

I started taking Effexor XR yesterday. I have been moderate to severely depressed for about 6 months and just going further and further down. I lost me, I lost my boyfriend (only temporarily I hope!) and I needed to do something. I am on the 37.5mg dose for 7 days and then if my side effects lessen or disappear I can bump myself to the 75mg a day.

A small dose, yes, but OMG! Yesterday at work was the first day in a long time I was actually productive before 2pm! I felt like I was on speed and not in a bad way! I felt manic is what I felt.

Anyway, I passed out at about 9pm and woke up to pee and I felt like I had been sleeping for hours and it had only been two. Then I went right back to sleep and slept straight thru to 5:30am (which is early for me).

My appetite is so surpressed that I can barely tell that I am hungry. Some things taste weird and I have a metallic taste in my mouth as well as my teeth and tongue feeling when you get a buzz from drinking a beer.

I just hope I don't gain weight...but thank god that I am on Effexor because if I wasn't and I was reading all those posts about huge weight gains I would've had a panic attack!

At any rate, I feel better. I love that it is calming my mild OCD tendencies and my craving for ciggies. I can't believe that this drug would work that fast but dang! Reading everyone's contrubutions has been really informative. Thanks a lot..I'll be lurking!



Re: To Realblonde re: weight gain

Posted by Emma Smith on March 25, 2004, at 20:27:30

In reply to Re: To Realblonde re: weight gain, posted by realblonde48 on March 24, 2004, at 16:43:14


Thanks for a "run-down" on how you are handling the tapering off. From what I have read here (and other places) it is the concensus to slowly wean as you are. I hope to follow suit.

I've been taking 37.5 every 3rd day now. (It has only been a week, but feels like it has been longer, for sure!) By the time my "dose" comes due, I'm quite brain seems to lag.... and I'm a bit irritable. I can get through the others, but the irritability is what gets me. With a 3 and 1 year old, irritability isn't good. Luckily my husband is in tune with it and knows when to make me take a break! :)

I'm going to keep at this level for awhile, I guess. I'm not feeling any depression or anxiety, so that is good.

I, too, hope the weight starts coming off. I'm not afraid to work at it. It's just frustrating to work at it and see the scale go up and clothes get tighter!! :) Good luck to you, keep us posted.


Re: Wanting to quit

Posted by Neelix on March 25, 2004, at 22:15:28

In reply to Wanting to quit, posted by PixieEm on February 16, 2004, at 13:31:42

Hey Emily, As I understand there is a list of so called dangerous drugs either in a class action lawsuit or slated for one. The web page to go to is: They have a whole list of drugs and what can be done to protect your rights. N


Re: Effexor newbies

Posted by muggins on March 26, 2004, at 0:31:03

In reply to Re: Effexor newbies, posted by KennyBingo on March 23, 2004, at 11:31:41

hi guys.....brilliant to read posts and know all in the same boat....started 37.5mg for a week and zoloft (trying to get off zoloft)then 75mg effexor shock.....boyfriend of over a year dumped me in the middle of my personal hell.....was not at all having problems figuring out what is heartbreak and what is new meds. boyf got new stressful job, shifts, mum died all in the sapce of a month and I wobbled as well. all too much for the poor manam also on anti anxiety pills for when i need (alzam)....someone here suggested getting something to counteract the anxiety side effects (i dont usually have anxiety) 3 weeks into 75mg and saw pDoc yesterday.......suicide trailer in my head, but have a beautiful 4 year old daughter (single mum) who i could not bear to leave...pDoc suggested clinic yesterday....but that wold be admitting now going up to 150mg can get homeopathic pills for water retention, will buy, eating like a bird but feel fat (am 60kgs)...will have to hit the gym........thanks guys....make me feel sane !

> For Beta, ljfordrbob, PoohBear, et al.:
> I was struck by lj's post, finding numerous biographical parallels. I too am now slipping into mid-adulthood. Life changes (eg divorce, grad school) brought about crushing and enveloping depressive episodes not felt since adolescence. I don't believe it's an overstatement to say that Effexor, combined with smart choices and a good therapist, has been a lifesaver.
> So for those discouraged by weightgain, among other unsavory side-effects (you can ditto everything in PoohBear's report about side-effects for me)and the hazards of tapering off, take heart. It is not always simply a chemical cross to bear.
> True, I did gain a little weight once starting Effexor. It has given me a heretofore never experienced craving for chocolate, of all things. But changing my eating habits a bit and exercise have made this manageable. Plus, I think a lot of it is simply water retention. (Yes, guys get this too.)
> True, the initial technicolor dreams and hypo-mania were a little exhausting. But they have subsided. Exercise has helped counter this as well.
> True, there are still episodes of downward, blue moods occasionally. But I am able to "bracket" these with the knowledge that they are transient, under my control, and that they will soon pass. Effexor's no auto-happy panacea, but it is one hell of a shot in the arm. I no longer drown.
> Hope my response is somehow useful to some of you. Good luck for all those just starting and just ending their treatment.
> K


Re: My first time on anything ever!

Posted by DirtyLowDown4 on March 26, 2004, at 8:31:44

In reply to My first time on anything ever!, posted by Hez on March 25, 2004, at 16:28:27

It is truly remarkable that you would get such positive results so quickly. I think your positive attitude helps. The drug will not work unless you have confidence that it will work. Most drugs have a plesibo effect based on a patient's attitude. It usually takes up to 8 weeks to get the full effect. If you are happy with the results you might want to hold off on upping your dosage. The side effects may change with increased dosage. Women on this medication generally report loss of labido and anorgasmia. You might want to consider that possibility when increasing your dosage. I started out at 37.5 and increased to 75 mg and then increased to 150 mg. I did not like how I felt at 150 and backed it down to 75 mg and feel pretty good and will stay at 75 mg unless I start feeling low again. This is just a suggestion so take it for what it's worth. You have to decide what's best for you. Good luck for this med!

> Well, I have read just about every post on this site (I have lot's of time on my hands at work) and its definitely interesting.
> I started taking Effexor XR yesterday. I have been moderate to severely depressed for about 6 months and just going further and further down. I lost me, I lost my boyfriend (only temporarily I hope!) and I needed to do something. I am on the 37.5mg dose for 7 days and then if my side effects lessen or disappear I can bump myself to the 75mg a day.
> A small dose, yes, but OMG! Yesterday at work was the first day in a long time I was actually productive before 2pm! I felt like I was on speed and not in a bad way! I felt manic is what I felt.
> Anyway, I passed out at about 9pm and woke up to pee and I felt like I had been sleeping for hours and it had only been two. Then I went right back to sleep and slept straight thru to 5:30am (which is early for me).
> My appetite is so surpressed that I can barely tell that I am hungry. Some things taste weird and I have a metallic taste in my mouth as well as my teeth and tongue feeling when you get a buzz from drinking a beer.
> I just hope I don't gain weight...but thank god that I am on Effexor because if I wasn't and I was reading all those posts about huge weight gains I would've had a panic attack!
> At any rate, I feel better. I love that it is calming my mild OCD tendencies and my craving for ciggies. I can't believe that this drug would work that fast but dang! Reading everyone's contrubutions has been really informative. Thanks a lot..I'll be lurking!
> Best,
> Hez


Re: Effexor newbies

Posted by realblonde48 on March 26, 2004, at 11:29:29

In reply to Re: Effexor newbies, posted by muggins on March 26, 2004, at 0:31:03

After reading your post, I hope you take the advice of the doctor and seek some help with all of the other "baggage" you are having to deal with. Don't be afraid to ask someone for help. You are right in that your four year old needs you more than you will ever know. Suicide is not even an option. As a mother and a counselor, there are alternatives. Give your self time but also keep a support network open.


Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr » jal

Posted by Davez on March 26, 2004, at 20:27:31

In reply to Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr, posted by jal on September 13, 2002, at 14:53:11

I'm on 75mg dose right now and have what I could explain as an increase in sexual stamina (staying power so to speak). It does sort of feel like a numbness in a way but I can get past it to climax. I looked on the NET and they say "abnormal ejaculation" is a side effect. That sounds to me like cats and dogs shooting out of your penis or something weird like that. I have heard from others that Prozac and other similar drugs can prevent a person from climaxing. I found that I just require faster sex to get off and that slower sex will last all night. I would think though if I went up to 225mgs I might not be able to climax at all. I would talk to your doctor about it and maybe you could switch to another brand. That sometimes works.

> I've been on effexor xr for the past 4 months, went from 37.5mgs up to 225mgs now and the only thing I feel is numbness in my penis and my sex drive is way down from where it was before effexor xr.Is this common for men to feel this?
> Any men out there have the same numbness down there? Whats the cure ? Help my girlfriend thinks its her but I'm telling her its my meds.


Re: My first time on anything ever!

Posted by scullycat on March 27, 2004, at 1:43:21

In reply to My first time on anything ever!, posted by Hez on March 25, 2004, at 16:28:27

It is "my first time on anything ever" (at the 4 week mark) although it should have probably happened a long time ago. I can't believe that I went from completely bawling my eyes out hysterically every single day for 2 years to not at all beginning with the first dose. I'm only taking the 75mg and I feel like I'm actually able to get through the day and communicate with my poor husband without having my emotions constantly running over the top. I can actually talk about things and not freak out. Nice for him. Nice for me.

I do seem to have a lot of side effects that I'm still hoping will go away. Nausea, the metal taste thing (glad to hear I'm not the only one using that description), the constant sweating and chills, fatigue and the headache that just won't go away. But I can deal with that 'cause I feel so much better.

I'm also having some concerns about my eyesight that I noticed only last week (I am not able to read some things that I could very recently). I know that I am a candidate for narrow angle glaucoma, and I have vision in only one eye so I'm a bit concerned after reading the FDA report of possible side effects. Of course I will see my opthamologist, but I'm wondering if anyone experienced this type of thing or read info about it anywhere else other than the effexor web site?



Re: I'm getting off Effexor (if I can) READ!!! » kataklysm

Posted by pekostar on March 27, 2004, at 18:36:40

In reply to I'm getting off Effexor (if I can) READ!!!, posted by kataklysm on January 18, 2003, at 5:32:11

I have been on medication for years, also for anxiety. Effexor really worked for me....but I gained weight and its time to see if I can handle life without it. I weened myself off of it. (over a months time) And even then it has some terrible withdrawls. HORRIBLE. I am finding now that I am emotional but i am determined to get though this. Has anyone else succeeded in becoming drug free? Did you lose weight? Did you end up on something else?


Re: I'm getting off Effexor (if I can) READ!!!

Posted by Davez on March 28, 2004, at 10:12:29

In reply to Re: I'm getting off Effexor (if I can) READ!!! » kataklysm, posted by pekostar on March 27, 2004, at 18:36:40

I quit smoking a year ago and that was pure hell. Felt like someone was jumping on my chest. I couldn't imagine Effexor withdrawl could compare. I hope not because I just started taking it.

> I have been on medication for years, also for anxiety. Effexor really worked for me....but I gained weight and its time to see if I can handle life without it. I weened myself off of it. (over a months time) And even then it has some terrible withdrawls. HORRIBLE. I am finding now that I am emotional but i am determined to get though this. Has anyone else succeeded in becoming drug free? Did you lose weight? Did you end up on something else?


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by mary rose on March 28, 2004, at 20:51:35

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I like Effexor XR alot. I've been on it since they introduced the XR and it helps me to concentrate, gives me energy and puts me in a better mood.

However, it doesn't help anxiety like Paxil does. I was taking both and they worked great together except I had to stop taking Paxil due to the excessive weight gain.

How does Buspar work for anxiety? Maybe the two together would be a good combination.

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