Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 5582

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Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by Mindy S. on June 18, 2004, at 17:23:36

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by ladydee54 on June 8, 2004, at 5:07:17

It's been 2 weeks and still off Zoloft 50 mcg. The headaches have decreased, but one question: HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED EXTREME MOOD SWINGS, FALSE ACCUSATONS, AND SHOUTING MATCHES TOWARDS LOVED ONES? I began accusing my husband of being a worthless husband who does not treat me well, etc. This is very unusual for me. I believe it was prompted because of certain aggravating family members and general stress added. I felt like I was losing my mind!! Is this typical of Zoloft withdrawal or should I get my head examined? I have to try to fix this problem because my husband is very hurt. As well he should be. I'm scared another episode like this will occur again! I do not want to take Zoloft for the rest of my life!! I'm a 28 year old female, no children. HELP!!!


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by Marilyn on June 22, 2004, at 8:09:46

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by Mindy S. on June 18, 2004, at 17:23:36

Dear Mindy,

Get in touch with doctor Ann Blake Tracy. Below are her details:

Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D.
Executive Director, International Coalition For Drug Awareness

Number: (1)-800-280-0730

Meanwhile you might want to navigate through the following URL's:

Personal antidepressant experiences

Zoloft side-effects reported by physicians


> It's been 2 weeks and still off Zoloft 50 mcg. The headaches have decreased, but one question: HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED EXTREME MOOD SWINGS, FALSE ACCUSATONS, AND SHOUTING MATCHES TOWARDS LOVED ONES? I began accusing my husband of being a worthless husband who does not treat me well, etc. This is very unusual for me. I believe it was prompted because of certain aggravating family members and general stress added. I felt like I was losing my mind!! Is this typical of Zoloft withdrawal or should I get my head examined? I have to try to fix this problem because my husband is very hurt. As well he should be. I'm scared another episode like this will occur again! I do not want to take Zoloft for the rest of my life!! I'm a 28 year old female, no children. HELP!!!


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by jimmyg on June 24, 2004, at 10:17:43

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by Marilyn on June 22, 2004, at 8:09:46

Hi. My wife has been on 50mg of Zoloft per day, and she's convinced it's okay to miss a dose or two without problems. Her reasoning is that she's been told (by doctors?) that it takes a couple weeks for the medication to enter or leave the system, so there's a sort of "buffer" when you're still medicated but not dosing.

I, however, see subtle but clear mood and personality differences when she misses a dose or two (and sometimes not so subtle). Plus, I am skeptical of the above reasoning.

Can someone confirm for me whether missing a dose or two of Zoloft is okay or not?



Re: Any suggestions of getting off of Zoloft

Posted by antigony on July 19, 2004, at 20:07:42

In reply to Re: Any suggestions of getting off of Zoloft, posted by Chica on February 28, 2002, at 9:44:30

I just wanted to say that the info. posted here has helped me psycologically deal with the withdrawl symptoms of weaning off of zoloft. My doctor actually had me go down to 12.5, then 12.5 every other day for a week before quiting and I am still feeling a little dizzy and very tired. its only been a few days since the last dose though, and the messages everyone left has given me hope. thanks.


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by meecer on July 20, 2004, at 20:21:51

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by jimmyg on June 24, 2004, at 10:17:43

I am eight weeks post Zoloft. I still zap, but rarely, and they aren't so intense. I figure a few more weeks and it will be all over. (I hope). I gained weight too, but am starting "Dr. Phill" and I believe this will work for me. (Have to lose the "baby weight" anyway.) I'm glad this site was here, or I don't think I could have done it! To all that have been here posting... Thanks! To all of you that have yet to take the leap, you can do it!


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft » meecer

Posted by Mindy S. on July 20, 2004, at 21:01:07

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by meecer on July 20, 2004, at 20:21:51

I've been off Zoloft since 6/1/04.I had several "clamping" type headaches, but that lasted for about a week. My sleep pattern was affected only by the headaches. Since then, my mind and body feel much healthier and normal.I haven't had any of the zaps I've heard of. I feel even better since I've started the South Beach Diet. Not strict like Atkins and I've lost about 6 lbs. after one week. Some of the weight was from the Zoloft (and a sluggish thyroid).
Hope this helps. Hang in there and Good Luck!


Coming off Lustral [Zoloft] « kate king

Posted by Jonathan on July 22, 2004, at 1:18:23

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft » meecer, posted by Mindy S. on July 20, 2004, at 21:01:07

Originally posted on the Newbies' Board by kate king; reposted on this thread because Lustral is the name in the UK (and perhaps some other countries) for what the US majority at PB know as Zoloft (sertraline).

Unfortunately, I'm not entitled to post on the Newbies' Board, so Kate may never see any replies on this thread to her post before they vanish into the archives :( It would, therefore, be helpful if a kind newby would please reply to her original post - - and include a link to this message. Thanks in advance :)

Here (at last) is what Kate said:

> Hi everyone, have just registered and am v. new to all this. Was surfing the web,in desperation as am trying to stop taking Lustral, and found the site. Have had depression for about ten years but only started taking anti-depressants about 3 years ago. Have been on 100mg and then cut myself down to 50mg and have now been off them for 2.5 weeks and finding it very tough now. I'm really not sure how much they've helped, they make life less painful, and give others around a break, but the downside is that I've got nothing meaningful done and don't mind just coasting along in a haze. Has anyone else had this problem and has anyone managed to come off successfuly (this is my second attempt)Kate.

Welcome, Kate :)

I've never taken Lustral, so I'll defer to the many contributors to this thread.

The simplest way to browse/read such a long thread, much easier than clicking on more than 330 links to individual posts, is to go to , copy & paste the URL of this message (or any other in the thread) into the box near the top of the page, then click on the "Display messages" button.

Good luck!


moclobemide 600 mg
lofepramine 140 mg
lithium 1000 mg


Re: Coming off Lustral [Zoloft]

Posted by JCM on July 26, 2004, at 7:43:16

In reply to Coming off Lustral [Zoloft] « kate king, posted by Jonathan on July 22, 2004, at 1:18:23

> Wow, that is like reading my own words! I found this site tonight at work having had a meltdown at work and bawling without notice at my manager, whilst trying to apologise to him for my menopausal behaviour (I am 25)!

Kate it sounds like you are going through exactly what I am, although I have been off cold turkey for only 5 days. It has made the biggest difference to hear that other people have gone through these insane withdrawal symptoms, as, for the last 5 days I have had those crazy dizzies, hot and cold flushes, pounding heart, not to mention the moods. I have tooted my car horn at so many people over the last few days...anyway in a nutshell I have been taking 100mg for 6 months, then cut down to 50mg 2 weeks ago. On doctor's advice I went cold turkey after a week and I can now see this is a really bad idea. I'm going to taper (with another doctor) in a gentler way, like those suggested by others here...maybe alternate 100/50mg, then 50/25mg, then 25/0mg. How are you going now?

It makes me really mad that we aren't warned properly about the physical, emotional and psychological effects of these drugs.

It was just the biggest relief to read everyone's comments- thanks. Hope you are going ok Kate.


Originally posted on the Newbies' Board by kate king; reposted on this thread because Lustral is the name in the UK (and perhaps some other countries) for what the US majority at PB know as Zoloft (sertraline).
> Unfortunately, I'm not entitled to post on the Newbies' Board, so Kate may never see any replies on this thread to her post before they vanish into the archives :( It would, therefore, be helpful if a kind newby would please reply to her original post - - and include a link to this message. Thanks in advance :)
> Here (at last) is what Kate said:
> > Hi everyone, have just registered and am v. new to all this. Was surfing the web,in desperation as am trying to stop taking Lustral, and found the site. Have had depression for about ten years but only started taking anti-depressants about 3 years ago. Have been on 100mg and then cut myself down to 50mg and have now been off them for 2.5 weeks and finding it very tough now. I'm really not sure how much they've helped, they make life less painful, and give others around a break, but the downside is that I've got nothing meaningful done and don't mind just coasting along in a haze. Has anyone else had this problem and has anyone managed to come off successfuly (this is my second attempt)Kate.
> Welcome, Kate :)
> I've never taken Lustral, so I'll defer to the many contributors to this thread.
> The simplest way to browse/read such a long thread, much easier than clicking on more than 330 links to individual posts, is to go to , copy & paste the URL of this message (or any other in the thread) into the box near the top of the page, then click on the "Display messages" button.
> Good luck!
> Jonathan
> moclobemide 600 mg
> lofepramine 140 mg
> lithium 1000 mg


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by mommyjones on August 10, 2004, at 18:19:54

In reply to withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by Shelly on May 4, 1999, at 17:37:51

Oh thank goodness. I thought I was going crazy. I can't afford the meds, and now I'm getting those fun little waves in my head. HATE IT. I guess I'll break down and buy them on payday. (3 more day's - wish me luck) I think I will just take 1/2 a pill.

Thanks for all the great info.


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft » Mindy S.

Posted by WanaBfree on August 11, 2004, at 12:48:34

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft » meecer, posted by Mindy S. on July 20, 2004, at 21:01:07

I've been on Zoloft for 5 yrs (50mg) & decided to wean myself of it. Tried cold turkey several times but became a raging lunatic, so now I'm skipping 2 days between doses until my one month supply runs out. Been on it so long I can't remember life without it. BUT I'm tired of the side-effects (S/E), i.e., weight gain, low/no libido & flat emotions. Talked to my doc, he suggests Celexa-another drug w/ similar S/E. So, I'm going to see how life is "drug free," but if the same old demons come knocking at my door again, I'm going to need help. I'm considering Wellbutrin if that comes to pass. Suggestions anyone?


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft » ladydee54

Posted by SusanP on August 22, 2004, at 16:11:19

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by ladydee54 on June 12, 2004, at 19:36:19

I have been on Zoloft 100mg for 10 years. In June, I was layed off from my job and decided that I could not afford to buy the Zoloft so I stopped taking them and the fun began. I went to bed on a Tuesday night and as I lay down, I had what felt like a electrical current go up my neck and over my head, the room started spinning. I kept telling myself that this would go away and I kept turning over trying to find a comfortable position until I finally fell asleep. The next morning I awoke to go on a job interview and was unable to walk or sit up. I called to my mother and she called a ambulance thinking that I had a stroke. I got to the hospital and the E.R. doctor ran tests and told me I had vertigo, gave me a prescription of Antivert, told me to follow-up with my primary physician and sent me home. The antivert did not help, I went to see my primary physician and he increased the Antivert and sent me home. I have been to several other doctors and back to the E.R., admitted to the hospital, been on the internet and talked with anyone that I could to try to get answers. All kinds of test have been run with no results. I have been in bed for 6 weeks. I have been dizzy, nauseated, very tired, crying for no reason, irrate, aggitated and feelings of suicide. Last week, I decided to go to a Chiropractor as a last resort and he researched the Zoloft and found that I was having withdrawals. I cannot understand how a Chiropractor could figure out what was wrong with me and not any of the other doctors that I went to (some of them being specialists). The only difference was that the Chiropractor acts like he cares. Anyway, I am now going to the Chiropractor and he is helping me get past the withdrawals of Zoloft. I am still dizzy, nauseated and weak, but at least I now know what the problem is and have someone helping me. I have not taken Zoloft for the past week and the symptoms are getting a little better. I know that this will take time and am resolved that I will get through this.


Re: Coming off Lustral [Zoloft] » JCM

Posted by Charlotte Wilson on August 27, 2004, at 14:54:17

In reply to Re: Coming off Lustral [Zoloft], posted by JCM on July 26, 2004, at 7:43:16

I have been experiancing nasty withdrawals from Lustral (Sertraline). I have been on them for a few years taking 100mgs. I reduced that to 50mgs about a year ago and now I want to reduce that again to 25mgs. I have been dizzy, panicky, angry, tearful, white noise in my head and waves of nausea and hearing wierdness. I am reluctant to carry on like this but i do want my full emotions back, though I'm starting a scary new job and do not want the symptoms to lead me to fear going to work. Can anyone tell me how long these symptoms will last and whether i will have anxiety forever? I'm under the doctor but it is nigh impossible to get an appointment and when I do he doesn't really want to listen. Thanks in advance and thanks also by the way for this forum, great to know i'm not alone.


has anyone tried becalmed?

Posted by Charlotte Wilson on August 27, 2004, at 15:53:41

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by my_own_feet on May 12, 2004, at 18:25:53

I have come across this website a few times now and tonight I was looking through the posts here and came across it again. I have often wondered about these tablets, theyre all natural enzymes etc, and anyone shed any light? Would like to give them a go eventually if i can ever get a pay cheque! My Lustral (zoloft) was free whilst I've been unemployed.


Zoloft vs. Prozac

Posted by FRESCA777 on August 29, 2004, at 7:43:39

In reply to has anyone tried becalmed?, posted by Charlotte Wilson on August 27, 2004, at 15:53:41

Zoloft for me has been nothing short of a life-saver. I began taking it approximately two years ago for anxiety and panic attacks, and not once experienced any problems until the day I thought I could quit cold turkey. Not realizing what I was getting myself into, I didn't hesitate to return taking the full dose (which was 150 mg). (I really should've done some research beforehand!) I was prescribed Prozac about a month ago by my physician and began taking it only to discover that the side effects of it were almost as bad as the withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft. I experienced dizziness and nausea as with the withdrawal of Zoloft. I've currently run out of Zoloft and debating on whether I should begin taking the Prozac once again. The "shocking" sensations, body aches, nausea and dizziness that I experienced from immediate withdrawal of Zoloft before are now returning. I no longer have medical coverage, and am considering just popping a Prozac. Has anyone here ever switched from Zoloft to Prozac with a smooth transition??? I'm a bit weary, but DO NOT want to go through Zoloft's nasty withdrawal symptoms ever again!!!

I also have Xanax...but thought only to reserve those for my panic attacks. Any suggestions???


Re: zoloft withdrawal in elderly

Posted by johnfr on September 23, 2004, at 8:46:25

In reply to Zoloft vs. Prozac, posted by FRESCA777 on August 29, 2004, at 7:43:39

My mother who is now 80 years old started taking zoloft at 50mg/day after my father passed away. She has been taking this for three years. She is great spirited and happy as she always was prior to the zoloft. I think her doctor made a mistake not to take her off zoloft after a few months.

Her symptoms of confusion and sleepiness may be from her age but may also be from the zoloft. I would like to see her off the drug. I have not yet spoken to her doctor but expect she is somewhat unfamiliar with withdrawal symptoms from the drug. Does anyone have any experience with withdrawal from zoloft at an elderly age.

thanks for your help.


Re: zoloft withdrawal in elderly

Posted by NinjaFerret on December 30, 2004, at 18:30:21

In reply to Re: zoloft withdrawal in elderly, posted by johnfr on September 23, 2004, at 8:46:25

Hi. I did a search for withdrawal symptoms and found you guys. I've been taking Zoloft for a kick the last bit of anxiety/ panic attacks/ depression out of my body. I was on it for 2 years before when I got hit with all this. Been off for a year and my doc decided to put me on again for a year, with therapy, to get my system back to " normal". I'm on day 5 of no meds. The "zaps" are just about gone. Gosh they make it a pain to hold anything. Woke up today with the dizzyness and nausea. Thankfully I knew what that was. Thought I was getting the flu again. While I don't remember quite what I had for sypmtoms last time, this is new. The spaceyness. Makes my day a lil harder to deal with. I want to sleep, but I'm not tired. No big deal. Luckily I have a few days off to relax and deal.

My point of writing was to say how wonderful you all seem. Sometimes it's hard to try to explain what's going on with your body to someone who has never really experienced it before. It's ice to have people to talk to who understand.


Re: zoloft withdrawal in elderly » NinjaFerret

Posted by ed_uk on December 30, 2004, at 20:01:06

In reply to Re: zoloft withdrawal in elderly, posted by NinjaFerret on December 30, 2004, at 18:30:21


> It's nice to have people to talk to who understand.

It is indeed. You are in the right place :-)



Re: Withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft

Posted by sjn on January 26, 2005, at 11:45:14

In reply to Coming off Lustral [Zoloft] « kate king, posted by Jonathan on July 22, 2004, at 1:18:23

I took Zoloft for approximately 6 months for generalized anxiety. I actually began with Effexor, but experienced too many side effects. Overall, I felt better on Zoloft, but decided to wean off about a month ago thinking it was causing me a "sour stomach" feeling between meals. Now off for over a month, I still have the stomach problem. I also recently began experiencing "head rushes"/lightheadedness and the pins and needles sensation throughout my body, which many have called "zaps."

I am convinced, after reading these posts and related materials on the web, that these symptoms are a result of taking, and withdrawing, from Zoloft.

Thanks Pfizer!


Re: Withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft

Posted by stresser on January 27, 2005, at 12:27:38

In reply to Re: Withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft, posted by sjn on January 26, 2005, at 11:45:14

I took Zoloft over a year ago and replaced it with Wellbutrin, with no side-effects at all. Nothing. Are you sure it's not the Effexor? I am taking Zoloft again right now, and hoping to have the same posisitive results again with it. I do know my friend went off Zoloft and didn't have any type of withdraw like you are describing either. I think you should contact your doctor about this. Let us know how it's going.-L


Re: Withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft

Posted by MoparFan91 on January 30, 2005, at 1:38:26

In reply to Re: Withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft, posted by sjn on January 26, 2005, at 11:45:14

I took Zoloft for about 5 weeks last year. I had to stop it when it made me mad as fire and super agitated. When I got off of it, the only withdrawal symptoms I had were some brain zaps, dizziness/wooziness, and crying spells. I actually had a nervous breakdown during the withdrawal. All in all, the withdrawal wasn't as severe as I've read because I wasn't on it that long.


Re: Withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft

Posted by Broken on January 30, 2005, at 14:04:32

In reply to Re: Withdrawal symptoms of Zoloft, posted by MoparFan91 on January 30, 2005, at 1:38:26

zero withdrawal for me.. Took it for about 3 months, quit cold turkey.


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by Ray L. on February 9, 2005, at 20:48:36

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by dorothee on January 26, 2000, at 23:17:11

well, right now as i'm typing, i'm going thru the horrible side-effects of withdrawing from Zoloft suddenly. i am not doing this because i want to, but because of insurance reasons. i no longer have prescription drug coverage and i cannot afford to pay the ridiculous price that the company charges.

my side effects include extreme nausea[i just tried to vomit about 10 minutes ago but couldn't get anything out], and these sudden zaps i feel in my head that makes me feel very disoriented. i do not like this feeling at all. it's prohibiting me from doing things that i normally do and it is making me feel more depressed. because of this, all i want to do is lie down and try to go to sleep. but even that seems to be hard to do.

in the past i tried to just gradually taper down my dosage but i still had similar side-effects. the withdrawal symptoms for Zoloft are not to be taken lightly at all. they are very serious, at least in my case.

here's my advice to anyone who's considering taking Zoloft. don't.


Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by Mirandakdj on March 1, 2005, at 20:22:37

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by JohnL on June 5, 2000, at 3:21:01

Geez! Am I glad I found all of your comments in the internet today. I've been taking 50mg of Zoloft for about 4 months for panic attacks and depression. I decided to go cold turkey, and do I regret that. Dr.'s or pharmacists really don't know about the withdrawal symptoms and if they do, they are denying it!

I feel like my head is changing channels every 2 to 4 minutes. I feel dizzy, aggravated and easily provoked, not to mention I feel like I'm in a dream land. I am constantly tired and can't seem to get off my bed. My attention span is back to when I was a 5 year old.

Now that I read your comments and your experiences, I suppose I better get myself off this drug slower. So I am going to call my doctor tomorrow and tell that bastard to give me a new prescription. I feel worst now than when I started taking this drug.

Good luck to all of you!


Redirect: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 1, 2005, at 23:47:43

In reply to Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by Mirandakdj on March 1, 2005, at 20:22:37

> Geez! Am I glad I found all of your comments in the internet today. I've been taking 50mg of Zoloft for about 4 months for panic attacks and depression. I decided to go cold turkey, and do I regret that...

Welcome! Sorry if it's confusing here, but I'd now like to redirect this thread to Psycho-Babble Withdrawal. Here's a link:




Re: withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft

Posted by Joe84323 on March 26, 2006, at 22:37:40

In reply to withdrawal symptoms coming off zoloft, posted by Shelly on May 4, 1999, at 17:37:51

I read this thread before I started Zoloft about 8 months ago, but decided to do it anyway as I was having chronic panic attacks, and thought my life as I knew it was over.

To go off Zoloft (Still coming off) I went down from 100 mg to 75 for a week, then 50 for a week, then 25 for a week. The day I ended Zoloft, I started taking some Wellbutrin I had leftover from attempting to quit smoking.

I took Wellbutryn for 5 days. The two days after I stopped Wellbutryn (has longer half life less withdrawal symptoms,)I experimented with St. Johns Wort.

St Johns Wort is a Reuptake Inhibitor in itself (some kind of protein causes this) and isnt the same effect as Zoloft, but keeps my serotonin steady whilst the SSRI's filter out of my system.

I am still irritable somewhat, but The St. Johns wort makes my sleep better, helps me wake up better, and makes me more productive.

I think after two months, I will continue a small regimen of St. John's Wort, which is incredible in itself.

The past two days I have had a ringing in my ear, and every sound is like 4x as loud, and sometimes I reply to friends while really I am hearing somebody talking 2 blocks away.

Some sort of crazy Superman stuff? eh?

God Bless peoples.... good luck

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