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Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 16:42:16
Tommorow or some time later I may go to a mental hosptail, im not on the correct meds and the doctor that I see won't do anyhting, she won't treat me because I'm an addict, accoriding to her. Listen I know's such a burden to know I can never take stimulants again because I just saw on facebook people who are having fun and being productive and that is what set it off. See that's what really triggers me, and just right now I think its best to go get revaulated. I know I'll never have a stimulants again. I know what to do to get one but im not going to do that because I know right when I get my hands on it I will more than what is prescibed. But you know its so frustrating because I know plenty of people who get away with it. I just need to accept the concsequences of making a bad mistake, which got me here. I mean It could be worse, I could be in jail for drug charge, or you know there are so many more things that could be worse and that's why I need to grateful for what I have. I just do not have the drugs anymore that I want and I know that everyone now thinks....since i was put on xanax, dexedrine, temazpeam, that your a drug addict becuase those are highly addictive drugs. I just miss them so much and I htink its a grieving period for me. But I really need to get revaulated for depression. See this is why my doctor is bit cruel. She thinks that I'm depressed that im off stimulants, which is true but she will not treat the depression because she believes its part of the addiction, and will not increase my prozac or swtich me. She just leaves me there. And I've got to get away from her and get some real help for suicdal thoughts and depression.
Just please tell me what to say for them to take me in and revaulate me, just my current meds. I need to get on something that is going to help me better.
Here are meds:
Buspar 15mg X 3 daily
Prozac 60mg X 3 daily
Intuniv 4mg
Zyprexa 10mg
Posted by Phillipa on December 3, 2010, at 18:55:52
In reply to I need your help, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 16:42:16
That is a lot of prozac is it even prescribed at a higher dose? Phillipa
Posted by Christ_empowered on December 3, 2010, at 19:09:09
In reply to I need your help, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 16:42:16
listen dude, I went through a phase where mental health professionals treated me like crap. I had to stand up for myself. Now, the state medical board is involved.
Sometimes, shrinks use labels to bully patients. I'd advise you to take a break from being a mental patient and learn to live w/o mental health professionals. Any doc can prescribe; you don't need a shrink to be mean to you, take your $$$, and then Rx a bunch of pills you don't even like.
Stand up for yourself. Tell your doc enough is enough. Start living outside your labels.
Posted by sigismund on December 3, 2010, at 21:55:36
In reply to Re: I need your help, posted by Christ_empowered on December 3, 2010, at 19:09:09
Moving out of home away from your mother would simplify things immensely.
You must have thought about this, about why you have not, the practical reasons (money!?) and the emotional ones (that's to think about).
It's a normal part of growing up.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 23:08:11
In reply to I need your help, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 16:42:16
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 23:17:36
In reply to Re: I need your help, posted by Christ_empowered on December 3, 2010, at 19:09:09
you know...that is really true because see my doctor labels me a "drug addict" for no reason, I mean I was prescibed Xanax, Dexedrine to take the at the same time and now that im off it she thinks im this "drug addict" that is seeking for any medication that will change the way I feel, and she won't treat it because to her it's part of the addiction. It's not, I have had depression and sadness long before I saw her. See she found what was wrong with me, there are a couple things that where eveualted, I have a low processing speed. She told me over and over again that I don't have ADD, but rather slow processing speed, which she can't do anything about it. You know I just need to fire her, and get her away from me because she's just letitng me sit and decreptating away, my mother is fond of her and likes the way she comes across cold and mean to me. Not suprised.
You know I could just go without meds but I'm hoping that a job will call and I have enough money to get out of this house. I feel trapped alot and feel like I have a leash on me, that litterly is choking me to death.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 23:23:52
In reply to Re: I need your help, posted by sigismund on December 3, 2010, at 21:55:36
I's codependency and that's whats keeping me on this ground of no success. Listen I know I talk about this alot and I tend not to have any actions. Here are the actions that prevent me from doing the correct thing. I'm afraid of my parents. I need not to be afraid, but the worst thing they can do is kick me out on the street, with no car, no isnurance, no money. That would be very difficult because it is EXTREMELY hard for me to communicate effectivelty wtih people without stimulants.
I need to get work soon
Posted by Tomatheus on December 3, 2010, at 23:45:19
In reply to Re: I need your help Christ empowered, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 23:17:36
Would you describe your "slow processing speed" as a slowing of thought and movement? If so, you may be experiencing psychomotor retardation, which is a treatable depressive symptom. I experienced significant relief from this symptom when I was on Nardil. I'm not saying that you would necessarily respond to the same medication that I did, but the main point that I want to make is that something can be done about psychomotor retardation.
Posted by Christ_empowered on December 4, 2010, at 2:05:47
In reply to Re: I need your help Christ empowered, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 23:17:36
OK, I don't know your life that well, so I can't give really specific advice, but maybe it'd be good to start making steps to make yourself happier.
My first step would be to kick this shrink to the curb. Do you have refills already? When I had probs with a shrink, I got 3 refills when I walked out. Just explain that its not working out, you'll be looking for a new doc, but you'll need some refills on your Rx to make a smooth transition to a new prescriber. If she doesn't do it, call your state medical board and file a complaint.
Once that's done you'll probably feel better. Until you can get a job to get out of the house, start trying to negotiate a better relationship with your mother, if you can (again, I don't know your life, just a suggestion). My guess is that if you ditch the shrink your mom will start to see you as more independent and might start treating you a bit better.
I think you might want to take the time to try to identify what it is you expect from meds, what you can realistically hope to get from meds (which, BTW, isn't a whole lot for most people), and what you need to address through non-drug means.
Being labeled an addict sucks. Shrinks talk a good game about being caring towards the troubled, the disturbed, the addicted, but in reality a lot of them treat you like crap when you need human kindness the most. Trust me, I've been there--that's why I keep pushing you to get your meds from a non-psychiatrist and try to think outside the labels put on you by psychiatrists.
Psychiatrists have labeled me narcissistic, schizophrenic, low-IQ, drug-addicted, and even went so far as to say I was faking symptoms for attention/sympathy and to feel "special." Obviously, that turned out to be pure BS over the long haul, but I never would have figured that out if I'd stuck around in the Death Cult that is much of modern mental health.
Get out of the system for a bit, try to get a job and get out of the house, experience life, grow, get closer to God (we're both Christians, so I can recommend that to you) and see if you don't start looking, feeling, thinking, and doing better. If you have some severe problems later on--psychosis, mania, whatever--feel free to go to a different shrink and get help you need on your terms. Trust me, you may not get crazy controlled substance Rxs (in my experience docs won't do that to you when you are or are trying to be a functioning member of society), but you will gain (self)respect and get what you need out of psychiatry w/o all the BS.
Again, this is my non-professional, late-night/early AM rambling opinion, take it or leave it as you see fit.
Posted by KathrynLex on December 4, 2010, at 2:38:31
In reply to I need your help, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 16:42:16
RJ: One of the most important things you can do is find a good psychiatrist who knows what they're doing. Someone also mentioned getting your GP to prescribe meds. That's always an option but be sure they are well versed in psychiatric medication. A GP once prescribed the wrong meds for me and it was a nighmare I wouldn't want to repeat. So I went and found myself a wonderful psychiatrist. Granted, everyone's experience is different, a friend of mine got her meds from a GP and couldn't be happier.
Even if it's simply the lack of stimulants that's making you depressed it is your pdoc's responsibility to treat that so you don't have to suffer the way you are now.
Go shopping for a new pdoc. There are SO many different meds out there, you'll be able to find one.
I wish you well.
Posted by merpmerp on December 4, 2010, at 9:05:24
In reply to Re: I need your help, posted by Christ_empowered on December 3, 2010, at 19:09:09
I think this is great advice - you are much more than a sum of some labels slapped on your by "mental health professionals". I agree with others who say the first thing is to ditch the shrink.
I think there are advantages and disadvantages to working with a psychiatrist - even a good psychiatrist has a lot of ego wrapped up in the job, whereas a regular doc, I have found, can be be more willing to listen to the patient.
> Sometimes, shrinks use labels to bully patients. I'd advise you to take a break from being a mental patient and learn to live w/o mental health professionals. Any doc can prescribe; you don't need a shrink to be mean to you, take your $$$, and then Rx a bunch of pills you don't even like.
Posted by ed_uk2010 on December 4, 2010, at 9:08:38
In reply to I need your help, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 16:42:16
>Here are meds:
> Buspar 15mg X 3 daily
> Prozac 20mg X 3 daily
> Intuniv 4mg
> Zyprexa 10mgThat's quite a lot of medication Matt. Do you think that you are over-medicated? Also, I'm not sure why you'd want to increase Prozac, because 60mg/day is already a lot.
Posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:42:32
In reply to maybe 1 thing at a time..., posted by Christ_empowered on December 4, 2010, at 2:05:47
My gut feeling is this.
You are labelled an addict, given terrible drugs in quantities unknown to me, and have to live with people you are frightened of and who control you on pain of being kicked out into the street. Plus you are not well, whether the drugs are helping you or not.
I suppose there's a lot of feedback, one problem bleeding into another.
Posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:44:40
In reply to Re: maybe 1 thing at a time..., posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:42:32
And I don't know how you get money.
Posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:46:49
In reply to Re: I need your help Christ empowered, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 3, 2010, at 23:17:36
>She told me over and over again that I don't have ADD, but rather slow processing speed, which she can't do anything about it.
I'd just let stuff like that wash over you. I wouldn't know where to start with that. Not a clue.
Posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:49:31
In reply to Re: I need your help Christ empowered, posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:46:49
>>She told me over and over again that I don't have ADD, but rather slow processing speed, which she can't do anything about it.
I know what I'd feel like saying in a sarcastic voice
'Can't you make me more intelligent?'
And then I'd walk out.
Posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:53:12
In reply to Re: I need your help Christ empowered, posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:46:49
>She told me over and over again that I don't have ADD,
Goes it exist?
>but rather slow processing speed,
Does that exist?
>which she can't do anything about it.
Well she can but she won't, for better for worse?
Posted by ed_uk2010 on December 4, 2010, at 12:50:13
In reply to Re: I need your help Christ empowered, posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:46:49
>slow processing speed, which she can't do anything about it...
So do I, especially before 9am. Nothing that a good cuppa can't sort out, unless there's been a bit of overindulgence the night before.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 5, 2010, at 0:04:08
In reply to Re: I need your help Christ empowered » rjlockhart04-08, posted by Tomatheus on December 3, 2010, at 23:45:19
A low processing speed, I guess its like having a computer that takes time to understand things that ... your trying to program it to do. Well same thing with a person, but she underneath it all I believe thinks I'm not very intelligent. I mean sometimes I believe that, she gave me an IQ test and it came out low, it was actually 89. She then lowered my zyprexa because she thought it was causing some mental blockage. That didnt really help at all either. But about the psychomotor redardation I do think I have that because there's sometimes Im just like "why is me slow, due" I can't think fast to respond to convesation and it makes me feel like this blob that just has a low processing speed.
This is what she's doing, say that I had a broken leg from jumping from a tree. She tells me that its my own fault and she's not going to treat stupidity with medicine. That's exactly her cruelty tatics are. If I had a breathing problem, she would argue that its my heart and not give me anything to help me breathe, rather for the heart. She used that as an example to me, and I said "we'll what happens if I can't breathe, what going on after that?" she just smiled like im not going to awnser that.
Really there's no outsmarting her, or argueing with her because she's going to be an obstruction to getting right treatment. She won't do anything because she see's me as an addict.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 5, 2010, at 0:12:41
In reply to Re: I need your help, posted by KathrynLex on December 4, 2010, at 2:38:31
My GP ... he would say you need to go to your pdoc because he knows a I have one and he just doesnt want to get envolved with it. My mother is the main .. thing that won't let me get treated, I mean that means that she won't change doctors.
You know....I may go to my doctor and ask him if he can do anything because ... see I asked my pdoc if there was anything that she could do for my inattetion which was a stimulant alternative she told me no. My doc may can help on that, im just so afriad of my parents because they actually dismantled all my attempts in the past to be treated. They went straight to the doctor and told him I was an addict. To narrow the medications down, and the enjoyment of controlling the situation like usally. I'm just scared of them but yes I know im going to one day have to get out of this.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 5, 2010, at 0:17:13
In reply to Re: I need your help, posted by merpmerp on December 4, 2010, at 9:05:24
Right, and thank you for that suggestion. I'm just so scared to make a descion because im bullied my parents and that's why I think I just need to be commited to get away from this.
I'm ... you know alot of times people have told me to do things nad I usally tend not to listen to advice. I do NOT ... want that to happen again in the future because many people have tried to help me get through hard times but from not listening to people they just left or lost their confidence in me.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 5, 2010, at 0:22:24
In reply to Re: I need your help, posted by ed_uk2010 on December 4, 2010, at 9:08:38
I go through periods during the day that really causees depression, I was on 80mg and that worked ok. But really I think a 2nd opinion to get OFF this cocktail im on would be great. I have no problem getting rid of this cocktail I take. Now back a year ago when i was juiced up on xanax, dexedrine, and temazpam. I thought it was the greatest cocktail to take together but that was obviously something I got taken off of. I don't care anymore I just need a doctor that will do something and not sit there and take my money while she does nothing.
Posted by Tomatheus on December 5, 2010, at 0:24:01
In reply to Re: I need your help Tomatheus, posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 5, 2010, at 0:04:08
I'm very sorry that you're not getting better treatment. I don't know what else to tell you other than to consider some of the advice that you've been given on this thread. I think you definitely deserve to have a doctor who won't use your past problems with addiction as a roadblock to prevent you from getting better psychiatric care, but you probably already know that. I hope you find a way to get in to see a doctor who, in my opinion, will make the treatment of your depressive symptoms more of a priority than your current doctor is.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 5, 2010, at 0:24:18
In reply to Re: maybe 1 thing at a time..., posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:42:32
I don't know exactly what you mean. All I can say Is i suffer alot, but you know its best to not think of self that much because there always is someone who is in more misery and has it worse than me.
Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on December 5, 2010, at 0:25:14
In reply to Re: maybe 1 thing at a time... » sigismund, posted by sigismund on December 4, 2010, at 11:44:40
I work but i got laid off for a while. That really makes things sh*tty.
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