Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 5053

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Re: topamax

Posted by Georgia F on May 29, 1999, at 23:27:30

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Ellen Brodie on May 28, 1999, at 5:34:48

> > I am now on 300mg a day of topomax. My doc has been uping the prescription at 50mg about every 10 days. As the time as gone on I have notice consideraberably less cognitive dulling. At first I was at the reading level or at least felt like I was at the reading level of a twelve year old. I am thirthy six. It has helped stabilized my moods and the side efects have decreased over time. I am also taking klonopin. I am bipolar and have a generalized anxiety disorder. I hope this helps. Good Luck. Ellen

i am new to the whole ballgame of bipolar plus all of the medications the last year and and a half...i have been on a roller coaster of pills and doctors and side effects. I seem to not know what is wrong with me. The only thing they all agree on is ...i am bipolar..hard thing to find out at the late age...i was just kooky until now....i have been on lithium until three weeks ago among other things...and talk about extra weight...want some? 75 lbs in 14 months and now this incredible edema...i can barely walk...and i have 4 doctors telling me 4 different things...HELP!


Re: topamax

Posted by Ellen Brodie on May 30, 1999, at 7:10:46

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Aaron Friedman on May 27, 1999, at 20:49:47

> My doc took me up to 300mg of topomax. it was way to much in terms of the side effects. Actually the cognitive dulling has lessened alot but the anxiety was awful. I had her drop it back. I will proably have her go back to about 225. I seem to be able to stabilize my moods at that dosage. I notice though that my moods are the worse around my mentrual cycle. Any women out there concur with me!. Wish they that we could take pills just for that time of the month! HA!.


Re: topamax

Posted by Georgia F. on May 30, 1999, at 18:15:51

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Georgia F on May 29, 1999, at 23:27:30

disorder. I hope this helps. Good Luck. Ellen
> i am new to the whole ballgame of bipolar plus all of the medications the last year and and a half...i have been on a roller coaster of pills and doctors and side effects. I seem to not know what is wrong with me. The only thing they all agree on is ...i am bipolar..hard thing to find out at the late age...i was just kooky until now....i have been on lithium until

three weeks ago among other things...and talk about extra weight...want some? 75 lbs in 14 months and now this incredible edema...i can barely walk...and i have 4 doctors telling me 4 different things...HELP!

yesterday i tried posting here...the 75 lbs the way my name is Georgia...duh..see there is also increased fat in just began the topamax two weeks ago along with serzone and resperdal...any advice?
thanks.....since i am dense...may be easier to emaild me...georgia


Re: topamax

Posted by Ellen Brodie on May 30, 1999, at 18:56:01

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Georgia F. on May 30, 1999, at 18:15:51

>i don't want to start handing out advice that I am not qualified to give but it sounds to be like you don't have much confidence on your doctors or your diagnosis. Find competent medical care. I have been through many doctors and have only in the past year gotten good treatment, but it was through alot of pain and effort that I got it. I was hospitalized once. Do your own research, read if you can and educate yourself as much as you can. If you need to e-mail me or want to chat more my e-mail is Good Luck! trust me! You don'r need to suffer! Ellen

> yesterday i tried posting here...the 75 lbs the way my name is Georgia...duh..see there is also increased fat in just began the topamax two weeks ago along with serzone and resperdal...any advice?
> thanks.....since i am dense...may be easier to emaild me...georgia


Re: topamax

Posted by mj on May 10, 2000, at 15:09:33

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Ellen Brodie on May 30, 1999, at 18:56:01

Has anyone LOST any weight with this topomax. I have gained 75lbs on lithium and zyprexa with dieting and exercising with a personal trainer. If anyone's had any luck with losing the weight please let me know how. Thanks


Re: topamax

Posted by Brenda on May 12, 2000, at 13:30:21

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by mj on May 10, 2000, at 15:09:33

> Has anyone LOST any weight with this topomax. I have gained 75lbs on lithium and zyprexa with dieting and exercising with a personal trainer. If anyone's had any luck with losing the weight please let me know how. Thanks

Mj - I was on Topamax 100 mg. for about two months. I did experience loss of appetite. I was also on Wellbrutrin at the time and had absolutely no desire for food. It was actually a problem, as I have low blood sugar and would get hypoglycemic.
Good luck, Brenda


Re: topamax

Posted by CH on May 31, 2000, at 13:34:46

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Ellen Brodie on May 30, 1999, at 18:56:01

I'm currently taking Topamax and does curb your appetite. I've lost a few pounds.


Re: topamax

Posted by kady on June 2, 2000, at 13:24:38

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by CH on May 31, 2000, at 13:34:46

From prior postings here I found the majority of people lose weight while on Topomax. What I have just read in this long thread though makes me ponder. I am seeing a neurologist after suffering from migraines for the past 7 years. The GYN nor the Pri Care seemed to be able to take care of the problem. I am now in the stages of trying out different migraine meds to see if any work or react badly. Last follow up the neuro mentioned this Topomax. He is prescribing it to some with migraines. Why would this be? Also, I am reading much to do with bi polar, depression, and this Dr advised me this was a new drug to treat seizures. I know it all happens in the brain and sometimes chemically, I am just trying to put together why this is prescribed for so many different things. Anyone have any knowledge on this? By the way, the weight loss thing, this Dr states his most hopeless migraine case is a woman who just recently underwent some gastro surgery to help her lose weight. Since on Topomax, she is losing weight for the first time in her life! And the migraines are treated. I too am curious as to what Nancy's reply will be on why her Dr will not prescibe it anymore. I am trying to find out as much as I can on this drug before taking it. My husband is on Dilantin after surgery for an AVM and I noticed much mental slowdown with him. He has been on it for 3 years now and is just starting to think quicker and more clearly. I wonder if all seizure realated meds have this "dulling" effect? Thanks


Re: topamax

Posted by Amy O on June 7, 2000, at 13:37:14

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by CH on May 31, 2000, at 13:34:46

This is my first time writing in to anything like this, but I just started taking Topamax today and am curious about all the side effects I have been reading about. I was not aware of any cognitive "dulling" until reading about it just now. Is it very noticeable? I am only taking 25mg a day, then upping 25mg every two weeks until it reaches a suitable level. I am wondering though if this is the drug for me- It sounds like every one is very depressed- I have in the past suffered with bouts of depression,(these seem to come in waves) but my main concerns now are racing, eratic behavior, inability to focus on one thing (always thinking about what I should be doing) and a eating disorder- My doctor informed me topomax was very successful in treating an eating disorder (where 100mg of prozac failed) and has a calming effect. Anyone have symptoms like these??


Re: topamax

Posted by brynn on July 12, 2000, at 16:20:07

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Amy O on June 7, 2000, at 13:37:14

I recently began taking topomax yesterday and will
be taking 100mg a day 2 tablets in the morning and
at bedtime..i also take serezone(400), and wellbrutrin(100)
xr..Until now i have been diagnosed with major
depression, but i found out I am bipolar. Yet i am
still trying to deal with all that too. I hope I do
get better with the topomax and if i lose weight
great, but I noticed last night i could not sleep
soundly..maybe nerves about starting a new medication again..I
was taking depakote and Boom! i was sleeping like
a baby for the first time in years, my insomnia
has been pretty crazy b/c of my depression..well
now that i know i am bipolar it all makes sense the
moodswings, the ups and downs and all but one thing
is for sure I will say Depakote made my hair fall
out as quick as three days so plz, be careful
if you ever take this and thank god i am off of
it and i did not gain any more weight hopefully i
will lose the weight i have gained by being
depressed..I am a little scared of the cognitive
dulling what dosage does this happen,
and did any of you have any of the insomnia effect
i mentioned earlier-thx for your response to any of


Re: topamax

Posted by Janice on July 12, 2000, at 21:50:37

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by brynn on July 12, 2000, at 16:20:07

hi brynn,
I began Topamax about a month ago and have just had 2 decent nights of sleep--Finally! I thought the Topamax was supposed to make me drowsy.

My mood is stable and good, with no cognitive dulling. Good luck with it. The sleeplessness was a surprise to me too. Janice.


Re: topamax

Posted by Moe on July 14, 2000, at 22:08:44

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Janice on July 12, 2000, at 21:50:37

Hi all.
I have a semi-long story, to be followed up by a question....maybe just a statement, I don't know, yet.
Okay, I was hit by a car 12 years ago, had a seizure at that time, had a head injury and partial paralysis. Since then, my memory / intellect/ motor functions are back to where they were before the accident (Which I am greatly thankful for), and I was just a normal 28 yr old. I finally got up the courage to ask my doctor for anti-depressants and was put on Prozac, which I have probably needed for at least 6 years. Anyway....the doctors did not think I would have any more seizures, nor did I, since I had been off Phenobarb for 10 years without incident (they thought it was probably trauma-induced), but I have had 2 in the past 4 months. I guess my question / statement is two-fold -- Do you think the Prozac could be causing the seizures? And, if I go on Topomax (Which the doctor has warned about before the last EEG), will it counter-act with the prozac or could I ask about going off the prozac (Not that I would want to....I love prozac!) for fear of counter-actions of the different drugs?


Re: topamax

Posted by Karla on August 9, 2000, at 21:36:30

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Moe on July 14, 2000, at 22:08:44

> Hi all.
> I have a semi-long story, to be followed up by a question....maybe just a statement, I don't know, yet.
> Okay, I was hit by a car 12 years ago, had a seizure at that time, had a head injury and partial paralysis. Since then, my memory / intellect/ motor functions are back to where they were before the accident (Which I am greatly thankful for), and I was just a normal 28 yr old. I finally got up the courage to ask my doctor for anti-depressants and was put on Prozac, which I have probably needed for at least 6 years. Anyway....the doctors did not think I would have any more seizures, nor did I, since I had been off Phenobarb for 10 years without incident (they thought it was probably trauma-induced), but I have had 2 in the past 4 months. I guess my question / statement is two-fold -- Do you think the Prozac could be causing the seizures? And, if I go on Topomax (Which the doctor has warned about before the last EEG), will it counter-act with the prozac or could I ask about going off the prozac (Not that I would want to....I love prozac!) for fear of counter-actions of the different drugs?

I had been seizure free for 7 years and no meds. I took amitriptalyne (antidepressent) to try to prevent cluster headaches and also for depression. I was on a very low dose and it triggered a seizure. My dr. took me off the medicine asap. and I have been seizure free since (2 years). I am now on celexa and have had no seizure problem. In the inserts they warn you if you have a history of seizures they may cause them. So be carefull and good luck!


Re: topomax

Posted by archer on September 10, 2000, at 8:10:43

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by nancy on April 21, 1999, at 12:00:06

hi im a new topomax user. after years of suffering from frequent, severe, mood swings and numerous meds i was finally sent for a psychiatric evaluation and taken off prozac and put on topomax. just stated this week with 25mg daily for the 1st 2wks. then 25mgs bid along with serzone. i am very hopeful at this point. i have put on 30 lbs this last year and am totally disgusted by my binge eating. any info will be welcomed. thanx for the outlet. archer


Re: topomax

Posted by Janice on September 11, 2000, at 10:56:52

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by archer on September 10, 2000, at 8:10:43

hi archer,

I'm not sure what kind of information you are looking for, but I highly doubt that topamax will cause you to gain weight. I've heard after doses of 200mg, some people actually lose weight.

I'm on Topamax as a supplement mood stabilizer to lithium, and it has stopped my rapid cycling. This has been nothing short of a miracle for me since I have been rapid cycling for 15 years.

So many mood stabilizers cause weight gain and the best thing about Topamax is it doesn't. Increasing your dose slowly, which you are doing, will lessening the chances of any cognitive slowing (which is a possible side effect).

The best of luck to you, Janice


Re: topamax

Posted by sg on September 17, 2000, at 22:21:22

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by kady on June 2, 2000, at 13:24:38

My situation is the exact same.. my neurologist put me on Topamax for migraines, sleep, and weight loss.. said nothing about seizures or bi-polar... I am concerned about the varied uses... In fact they think I have Fibromyalgia... Any and all info would be appreciated... I'm on 25mg 7days,50mg, 75mg etc... scary

From prior postings here I found the majority of people lose weight while on Topomax. What I have just read in this long thread though makes me ponder. I am seeing a neurologist after suffering from migraines for the past 7 years. The GYN nor the Pri Care seemed to be able to take care of the problem. I am now in the stages of trying out different migraine meds to see if any work or react badly. Last follow up the neuro mentioned this Topomax. He is prescribing it to some with migraines. Why would this be? Also, I am reading much to do with bi polar, depression, and this Dr advised me this was a new drug to treat seizures. I know it all happens in the brain and sometimes chemically, I am just trying to put together why this is prescribed for so many different things. Anyone have any knowledge on this? By the way, the weight loss thing, this Dr states his most hopeless migraine case is a woman who just recently underwent some gastro surgery to help her lose weight. Since on Topomax, she is losing weight for the first time in her life! And the migraines are treated. I too am curious as to what Nancy's reply will be on why her Dr will not prescibe it anymore. I am trying to find out as much as I can on this drug before taking it. My husband is on Dilantin after surgery for an AVM and I noticed much mental slowdown with him. He has been on it for 3 years now and is just starting to think quicker and more clearly. I wonder if all seizure realated meds have this "dulling" effect? Thanks


Re: topamax

Posted by Karla on September 21, 2000, at 22:06:33

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by sg on September 17, 2000, at 22:21:22

I read on the internet when I was researching epilepsy the other day that the same neuron chemical that is responsible for epilepsy is also responsible for migraines. To much of it causes seizures, to little causes migraines. Many anti seizure medicines are used to treat migraines. I have mirgraines and cluster headaches. I have heard of Nurontin, Topamax, Dilantin, Depakote, and others being used. Also antidepressents are used to treat depression but are also used to treat headaches. Amitriptalyne, celexa, et . I am on Topamax (125 mg) and celexa (40 mg). Also heart medicines are used such as vepramil, propranol, inderol, etc. I am also on vepramil for my headaches.
The topamax and celexa both cause mental slowdown, tiredness, fatigue, lack of concentration, etc. but as your body gets used to it the effects are suppose to lesson. Another thing is key to the sucess of the drug Topamax is that it needs to be introduced to your body very slowley. 25 mg every 2 weeks. Keeping an am/pm balance. This will let your body adjust. If you get to tired or mentally slowed down they can slow down the increasing of the dosage. I have enjoyed being on it. I have tried all the medicines mentioned in my email and the topamax is the best tollorated by me so far. Good luck. go to and enter in topamax and it will bring up information
on the drug and give you all the possible side effects of the medicine even the rare ones. Good luck!


Re: topamax » Karla

Posted by archer on September 22, 2000, at 21:51:00

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Karla on September 21, 2000, at 22:06:33

>hey karla, thanks for the info on topomax. i was wondering why i was on such a small amount. i started on 25mg daily for 2wks, then 25mg bid this week, while starting 50mgs of serzone bid also this week. i've had trouble sleeping for the last 4 nites but figure thats because i weaned off the prozac for 2 weeks and that was completely out of my system. so i'll be patient for now. it was good to read your thread. thanks again. archer


Re: topamax

Posted by Karla on September 23, 2000, at 14:43:08

In reply to Re: topamax » Karla, posted by archer on September 22, 2000, at 21:51:00

Archer, The trouble sleeping could be caused by the topamax also. The first week I was on Topamax I experience axiety and insomnia. It went away the second week. Then my dose was uped the third week and I again experience axiety and isomnia. The fourth week it went away. The sixth week on I have had no trouble with it. So it could be the topamax. Just a thought. Might want to mention it to your dr. and let him sort it out.


Re: topamax » Karla

Posted by archer on September 24, 2000, at 19:50:08

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Karla on September 23, 2000, at 14:43:08

>karla, thanks for feedback. i will bounce it off my dr. when i see him in oct. by then i will have been on topomax for 5 wks and serzone for 4 wks. im keeping track of strange things i notice so i can let him know. i realize these side effects disappear after weeks on the meds. but just in case they dont. ya know. ive heard great things about topomax and am very hopeful that it will help me along with some intense therapy. thanks again. archer


Re: topomax » archer

Posted by Bonnie Sue on October 13, 2000, at 17:22:54

In reply to Re: topomax, posted by archer on September 10, 2000, at 8:10:43

>new user of topamax myself and a little worried at the fast rate of increase my Physician
popped me on.....50 mg 1st day 75 mg 2nd and 3rd then 100 mg 4th 5th 125 etc ...... working to 200 fast and Im experiencing some problems! It has only been a week and Im wondering if any of you have had severe arm and leg pain? (as in shooting sharp pains) Doc says expect nerves to act up but this is a little crazy(hee..hee) ...though I am feeling much less suicidal day by day...(DX PTSD with no satisfaction in many years on many meds ...)Im surprised at the quick results already as far as my mood swings but pain is unbearable???? connected ...not connected...has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.....Bonnie
(I am documemting changes just in case related to increase at fast rate....hope all is well as you all sound so positive with effect and with wieght as well and I am also a 55 lb extra due to many little pills in past 15 years! )

hi im a new topomax user. after years of suffering from frequent, severe, mood swings and numerous meds i was finally sent for a psychiatric evaluation and taken off prozac and put on topomax. just stated this week with 25mg daily for the 1st 2wks. then 25mgs bid along with serzone. i am very hopeful at this point. i have put on 30 lbs this last year and am totally disgusted by my binge eating. any info will be welcomed. thanx for the outlet. archer


Re: topamax

Posted by amyw on October 14, 2000, at 16:27:18

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by Amy O on June 7, 2000, at 13:37:14

My son just started topamax for a binge eating disorder after many tries with prozac and wellbutrin. I am hoping to hear that it is helping you in this area. Please write back and let me know how you are doing. this problem is a total nightmare for him and topamx is upposed to curb the urge to binge.


Re: topamax » amyw

Posted by Bonnie Sue on October 14, 2000, at 18:34:22

In reply to Re: topamax, posted by amyw on October 14, 2000, at 16:27:18

>unfortunatly can not help you with binge eating my wieght gain came over time and very slowley with many years of meds. but good luck though I have not read this as a reason for such a strong med other than if your child has had trauma .....but I am not a Doc just a researcher after many years of docs and meds..... my main concern again if anyone should read this please respond to previous writing "dated 10/13/00 Bonnie Sue" as I have severe pain....again good luck to you and your child....!
Bonnie sue

My son just started topamax for a binge eating disorder after many tries with prozac and wellbutrin. I am hoping to hear that it is helping you in this area. Please write back and let me know how you are doing. this problem is a total nightmare for him and topamx is upposed to curb the urge to binge.


Re: topamax

Posted by amyw on October 15, 2000, at 22:01:49

In reply to Re: topamax » amyw, posted by Bonnie Sue on October 14, 2000, at 18:34:22

Hos problem is not just binge eating. The eating comes with a severe agitaion during which he feels a racing inside and literally becomes frantic. It is being viewed as a bipolr thing.


Re: topomax » Bonnie Sue

Posted by archer on October 16, 2000, at 21:44:36

In reply to Re: topomax » archer, posted by Bonnie Sue on October 13, 2000, at 17:22:54

> hi bonnie-sue, im still new to topomax, but what i've read about it the slower the better. im not a dr and im sure he took your initial symptoms and their severity into consideration before subscribing this med? i would wonder was this a psychiatrist or a primary care pysician? keep trck of your symptoms as you up the dose and dont be afraid to keep in touch with your dr. i was put on topomax along with serzone and experienced a slew of sie-effects. tracked them all not sure which med was responsible for them, and thought they would go away. they didnt and i suffered 5 wks until i followed up with my dr. he took me right off the serzone. within 3 days i felt 90% better and will soon start effexor xr or xl not sure which one. i had bad leg pains after i weaned off serzone. just be aware of you symptoms, write everything down. goo-luk. topomax is helping with my appetite. talk to ya soon. archer keep in touch.

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