Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 60244

Shown: posts 1 to 16 of 16. This is the beginning of the thread.


Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?

Posted by jacquie on April 17, 2001, at 19:18:03

My Doctor is now suggesting Buspar, we've given up on
SSRIs and various others and he now mentions Buspar.I also take
Wellbutrin (250mg per day now...just increased by 100mg)
I have been reading horrible things about it and Iknow
everyone is different, but has anyone had any positive
affects from it?
Many thanks,


I do » jacquie

Posted by SalArmy4me on April 17, 2001, at 19:39:55

In reply to Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?, posted by jacquie on April 17, 2001, at 19:18:03

*At high doses, it is just as effective an antidepressant as the SSRIs (60mg).
*It has no anticholinergic side-effects
*It has no sexual or weight-gain side-effects.
*Its the least drowsy medication I ever tried.
*It has few significant negative interactions with any other medications save MAOIs.
*Its less expensive than Prozac retail in my state.
*No blood tests are needed while on BuSpar.
*It is never addicting like the benzodiazepines.
*It has the respect of Dr. Bob's Psychopharmacology correspondents.

I took it for a month. It didn't work for my depression, but it was 1000% more tolerable than the TCAs and MAOIs I took.


Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?

Posted by JohnX on April 17, 2001, at 19:46:51

In reply to Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?, posted by jacquie on April 17, 2001, at 19:18:03

> Hello,
> My Doctor is now suggesting Buspar, we've given up on
> SSRIs and various others and he now mentions Buspar.I also take
> Wellbutrin (250mg per day now...just increased by 100mg)
> I have been reading horrible things about it and Iknow
> everyone is different, but has anyone had any positive
> affects from it?
> Many thanks,
> J


I think if you do a search on psycho-babble you will find many discussions on Buspar. It works a little differently than most anti-depressants by modulating serotonin levels as opposed to boosting them like the SSRIS. At the manufacturers recommended dose of 30mg/day it seems the success rate is sketchy. But the latest trend is to push the dose up to 60 mg/day where people seem to have a better chance of getting an effect. The side effects of Buspar are generally extremely benign, so I wouldn't be too concerned in that aspect.

As far as your comment on horrible effects, were you referring to the Wellbutrin or Buspar? The side-effect profile of Wellbutrin will vary from person to person. As you said everyone is different. I had almost no side-effects from Wellbutrin. But I couldn't stand other meds like Paxil. Everyone is different. But I believe Buspar generally is much more tolerable for everyone.



Re: I do

Posted by jacquie on April 17, 2001, at 20:24:32

In reply to I do » jacquie, posted by SalArmy4me on April 17, 2001, at 19:39:55

> *At high doses, it is just as effective an antidepressant as the SSRIs (60mg).
> *It has no anticholinergic side-effects
> *It has no sexual or weight-gain side-effects.
> *Its the least drowsy medication I ever tried.
> *It has few significant negative interactions with any other medications save MAOIs.
> *Its less expensive than Prozac retail in my state.
> *No blood tests are needed while on BuSpar.
> *It is never addicting like the benzodiazepines.
> *It has the respect of Dr. Bob's Psychopharmacology correspondents.

You're great, Sal. Thank you so much. Always right there
aren't you? Is it okay to take with Wellbutrin and
I take Klonopin at night. So many pills...ugh
Thanks mucho,
> I took it for a month. It didn't work for my depression, but it was 1000% more tolerable than the TCAs and MAOIs I took.


Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar? » JohnX

Posted by jacquie on April 17, 2001, at 20:30:07

In reply to Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?, posted by JohnX on April 17, 2001, at 19:46:51

> > Hello,
> > My Doctor is now suggesting Buspar, we've given up on
> > SSRIs and various others and he now mentions Buspar.I also take
> > Wellbutrin (250mg per day now...just increased by 100mg)
> > I have been reading horrible things about it and Iknow
> > everyone is different, but has anyone had any positive
> > affects from it?
> > Many thanks,
> > J
Hi John,
Thanks for response. I like Wellbutrin. I meant the Buspar. I serached briefly on
this site and really struggled to find anything positve about
Buspar and then my anxiety set in even more! Wellbutrin really
motivates me and keeps me on the up and up, but I only
recently went to 250mg from 150mg actually and I
was flying, but it settled by the pm. I still have to take Klonopin.
The reason for the Buspar is for my anxiety, but I
have social anxiety too and I don't know if Buspar
helps this or the higher dose of Wellbutrin.

Your're input is great.
Many thanks,
> j,
> I think if you do a search on psycho-babble you will find many discussions on Buspar. It works a little differently than most anti-depressants by modulating serotonin levels as opposed to boosting them like the SSRIS. At the manufacturers recommended dose of 30mg/day it seems the success rate is sketchy. But the latest trend is to push the dose up to 60 mg/day where people seem to have a better chance of getting an effect. The side effects of Buspar are generally extremely benign, so I wouldn't be too concerned in that aspect.
> As far as your comment on horrible effects, were you referring to the Wellbutrin or Buspar? The side-effect profile of Wellbutrin will vary from person to person. As you said everyone is different. I had almost no side-effects from Wellbutrin. But I couldn't stand other meds like Paxil. Everyone is different. But I believe Buspar generally is much more tolerable for everyone.
> -John


Re: I do » SalArmy4me

Posted by jacquie on April 17, 2001, at 20:33:06

In reply to I do » jacquie, posted by SalArmy4me on April 17, 2001, at 19:39:55

> *At high doses, it is just as effective an antidepressant as the SSRIs (60mg).
> *It has no anticholinergic side-effects
> *It has no sexual or weight-gain side-effects.
> *Its the least drowsy medication I ever tried.
> *It has few significant negative interactions with any other medications save MAOIs.
> *Its less expensive than Prozac retail in my state.
> *No blood tests are needed while on BuSpar.
> *It is never addicting like the benzodiazepines.
> *It has the respect of Dr. Bob's Psychopharmacology correspondents.
> I took it for a month. It didn't work for my depression, but it was 1000% more tolerable than the TCAs and MAOIs I took.

Sal- I responded to your note, but forgot to ad your name. SORRY!!!


Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyone?

Posted by jacquie on April 18, 2001, at 9:57:15

In reply to I do » jacquie, posted by SalArmy4me on April 17, 2001, at 19:39:55

>Sal, Cam, Dr. B, Anyone

I just spoke to a friend of mine who had a seizure
and they did an MRI and they think it is from
the Buspar. Have you ever heard of this????

Unfortunately, my dear friend has a drinking problem and
a drug abuse problem (prescription) and she
has fallen down many times and I think it is
not the Buspar , but the other abuses that do
not mix with Buspar and she also takes Zoloft.

My doc is sending out samples of Buspar today and
I am freaked to even touch them, even while taking

I fear very much for my friend and also for myself.

Have you heard of this seizure biz???

Any help is appreciated

thanks ,


Re: Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyon

Posted by vlvtelvis on April 18, 2001, at 10:27:09

In reply to Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyone?, posted by jacquie on April 18, 2001, at 9:57:15

It seems like buspar would make seizures less likely, if anything. There is a slight risk of them with wellbutrin taken alone, but you would have had problems by now if you were going to.

In the case of your friend, it sounds like there are way too many compounding variables to say what caused the siezure. The odds are pretty far against it having been the buspar though.

Go ahead and take it. You'll be fine.
As always, try and give it a month or so before deciding if you want to keep taking it.

Good Luck

> >Sal, Cam, Dr. B, Anyone
> I just spoke to a friend of mine who had a seizure
> and they did an MRI and they think it is from
> the Buspar. Have you ever heard of this????
> Unfortunately, my dear friend has a drinking problem and
> a drug abuse problem (prescription) and she
> has fallen down many times and I think it is
> not the Buspar , but the other abuses that do
> not mix with Buspar and she also takes Zoloft.
> My doc is sending out samples of Buspar today and
> I am freaked to even touch them, even while taking
> Wellbutrin.
> I fear very much for my friend and also for myself.
> Have you heard of this seizure biz???
> Any help is appreciated
> thanks ,
> jacquie


Re: Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyon » vlvtelvis

Posted by jacquie on April 18, 2001, at 10:54:50

In reply to Re: Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyon, posted by vlvtelvis on April 18, 2001, at 10:27:09

> Mucho thanks.
I think my friend is mixing and not matching well
and feel for her. I ask pharmacist locally here
in MA and he said he never heard of such a thing.
Soooooooooooooo...I am a little calmer, until the second
dose of Wellbutrin kicks in.

Thanks again, very much


Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?

Posted by jimmygold70 on April 19, 2001, at 13:52:08

In reply to Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?, posted by jacquie on April 17, 2001, at 19:18:03

Well, it's a unique non-addicitve anxyolitic. That's not bad at all. It dosen't work for everyone, but worth a try !!!

> Hello,
> My Doctor is now suggesting Buspar, we've given up on
> SSRIs and various others and he now mentions Buspar.I also take
> Wellbutrin (250mg per day now...just increased by 100mg)
> I have been reading horrible things about it and Iknow
> everyone is different, but has anyone had any positive
> affects from it?
> Many thanks,
> J


Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?

Posted by Tony P on April 23, 2001, at 2:18:19

In reply to Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?, posted by jimmygold70 on April 19, 2001, at 13:52:08

Here's one person ready to sing its praises. It obviously doesn't work for everyone, but it has sure worked well for me.

I first tried it when withdrawing from diazepines. Didn't like it, it seemed to make me incredibly aggressive when driving, which was frightening, and did nothing at all for the withdrawal symptoms. So I quit. I've since learned it's recommended to stop any diazepines before starting Buspar.

But later, when I'd got calmed down to a more normal chemical state and done a year or two of counselling, and reached a point where I thought I'd gone as far as possible down that road, but still suffering from moderate depression, I discovered an ad for Serzone in a medical magaine. It sounded like the very thing for what I was going through, so I talked it over with ny GP (one of the most open-mided doctors I know), and he agreed to give it a trial. It worked very well for my sleep disturbances and endogenous depression.

What about the Buspar, you ask? Well after a while it became clear the were two quite distinct components to my depression. One was there all the time, causing me night horror and guilt and sadness during the day. The other was stress related: as stress increased at work or at home, I would fight it for a while, then collapse into a state of total lack of energy and near-suicidal depression.

Then I remebered my previous experince with the energizing effects of Buspar. I suggested to my Dr., who is a open to try anything that might work, from diet and herbals to the latest designer drug. It did the job beautifully, I stopped yelling at my wife and kids, had more energy during the day, and no more collapses into deep depression.

I took 20 mg per day initially, more recently 10/day on average, and even 5mg when things are going well. It's funny stuff - for about the first hour, it feels like I've taken a major trank, then that wears off and I just feel "normal" - but the cheerful energetic normal I would like to be, not overstressed and not angry all the time.

Your mileage may vary, as has been said so often here, but for me Buspar has been a lifesaver. And I believe the speficic combination of Serzone and Buspar has also worked well for other people. It seems to have a lot of bad press, I think unfairly. For some people it is clearly a drug of choice, though I suspect it works best in combination with other A/D's

Just my own experience....

Tony P

> Well, it's a unique non-addicitve anxyolitic. That's not bad at all. It dosen't work for everyone, but worth a try !!!
> > Hello,
> > My Doctor is now suggesting Buspar, we've given up on
> > SSRIs and various others and he now mentions Buspar.I also take
> > Wellbutrin (250mg per day now...just increased by 100mg)
> > I have been reading horrible things about it and Iknow
> > everyone is different, but has anyone had any positive
> > affects from it?
> > Many thanks,
> > J


Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar? » Tony P

Posted by jacquie on April 23, 2001, at 4:25:03

In reply to Re: Anyone have anything positive to say about Buspar?, posted by Tony P on April 23, 2001, at 2:18:19

>Hi Tony ,
Thank you for responding. I am awaiting samples
of the Buspar from the doc as we speak. He starting
me out at 5mg for first 3 days, then 10 mg next 3,
15 mg e days and so forth until we reach 30 mg.

I am curious, as I am very sensitive to drugs.
(Note the time I wrote this...would have been
earlier as I have been up since 4am from Wellbutrin
and I also take 1.5mg Klonopin and I still
get up that early AND I am a gardener/landscaper
and I should be fear is this
will all catch up with me and I will collapse)
Anyway, you said it made you energetic, so I am inclined to think
to think most people would get insomnia from it
I have read that it causes insomnia or sedation.
Do you feel really tired and then whamo you are
wida awake? I guess I have to try in the am because
if I take one more thing that keeps me awake then
I will be up at midnight with only 3 hrs. of sleep.

Let me know what you think. Most people I have read
have said it makes them feel like a percolator!
It is suggested to me for anxiety and I think doc here
gets the feeling it will help with
depression. Wellbutrinis very motivating and keeps
me focused and helps me maintain an intellligent
conversation (it does nothing for my spelling)
My doc is somewhat openminded...he lets me call
alot of shots, but he is no dummy. Infact he is
one of the most brilliant shrinks I have seen
in a long time, but he is so pricey I have to
keep visits brief and notes and phone calls
brief (he'll charge for those if you can believe it)
I asked about Serzone as I wanted to try it, but
he said it was not his favorite, we were talking something
for anxiety and thisis why ithink he said this, so
we are going for buspar. Is it really expensive??
That's a big worry, I did some research andI see
120 for 60.

let me know your thougts again and thank you also!!



Re: Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyone?

Posted by Mr. Scott on April 23, 2001, at 23:20:12

In reply to Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyone?, posted by jacquie on April 18, 2001, at 9:57:15

Alcohol withdrawal lowers the seizure threshold.. Zoloft and Buspar may also slightly lower it, but may also raise it.. I'd focus on the drinking if I was the doc as well as the falling down.. I would not worry about buspar and seizures for most people.



Re: Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyone? » Mr. Scott

Posted by jacquie on April 24, 2001, at 4:43:47

In reply to Re: Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyone?, posted by Mr. Scott on April 23, 2001, at 23:20:12

> Alcohol withdrawal lowers the seizure threshold.. Zoloft and Buspar may also slightly lower it, but may also raise it.. I'd focus on the drinking if I was the doc as well as the falling down.. I would not worry about buspar and seizures for most people.
> mr.scott

Thank you for the info. Not being a drinker and
a good thing too with all this medication, i
fear for my friend. But I cannot say anything.
She tends to avoid me when she drinks as I do
not encourage at all.

I am awaiting Buspar. I did not like the pricing
I saw however!

Many thanks,


Re: BuSpar » jacquie

Posted by SalArmy4me on April 24, 2001, at 4:51:20

In reply to Re: Now I am freaked out....Sal? Cam? Dr. B, Anyone? » Mr. Scott, posted by jacquie on April 24, 2001, at 4:43:47

Get the BuSpar wholesale somewhere, like Costco or something. If you go to one of the major chain pharmacies, they will charge the heck out of you.


Re: BuSpar » SalArmy4me

Posted by jacquie on April 24, 2001, at 7:05:21

In reply to Re: BuSpar » jacquie, posted by SalArmy4me on April 24, 2001, at 4:51:20

> Get the BuSpar wholesale somewhere, like Costco or something. If you go to one of the major chain pharmacies, they will charge the heck out of you.


Mucho thanks for the tip. Did not know Costco did
this! I can mailorder. Very cool.
is getting very expensive and
is dysfunctional! Thanks


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