Shown: posts 1 to 11 of 11. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Anna Laura on May 31, 2001, at 7:39:49
I've been to a psychopharmacologist last week. I drove 250 miles and spent plenty of money just for being prescribred with the usual, lousy TCA (amytriptiline) plus an atypical antypsichotic that i'm swallowing every morning with no results at all. I have been really disappointed for something he told me.
This is what happened : i was sick and tired of pdocs not telling me anything clear on my condition. Every time i asked questions about my anhedonia and my apathy i never got a straight answer. All the pdocs i 've been to (except this one) have been so vague and obscure that they turned me off.
I 've been wondering if i was faulty not making clear questions, So i made a clear question this time. And the answer was quite dreadful. This guy told me i didn't have many chances to recover since i haven't been responding fully to the TCA in the past years (Tofranil).
I came out of his office crying and feeling lost. Right now i'm not turned off or angry, i'm desperate. Do ypu think he might be right? Is an uncomplete response a predictive factor?
Any comment will be appreciated.Thanks for listening
Anna Laura
Posted by loosmrbls on May 31, 2001, at 10:52:49
In reply to I'M DESPERATE, posted by Anna Laura on May 31, 2001, at 7:39:49
There are many of us here who have been suffering months, and even years, with mood (affective) disorders. Many of us have tried multiple medications with varying results. One question I would ask is "what do you think I have?" -- Depression?
If so (or let's even say bipolar disorder) and you haven't responded well to several different medical therapies, then you are in the "treatment-resistant group" that many of us here are in. But there is still hope.
Besides tricyclics, there are numerous other mood stabilizers and antidepressants out there, and many people respond to them -- even if others don't. It seems to be a very individual thing.The atypical antipsychotic sounds a bit harsh, but I don't know your case that well. It can be added to an anti-depressant short-term to "jump-start" it.
But let's talk worst-case scenario -- no meds seem to work that well.
Electoconvulsive therapy (ECT) has a 80+% response rate at reversing depression, and if medications cannot stabilize patients afterwards, there is even maintenance ECT. This is very effective in patients not doing well on meds.
I think he did the right thing by telling you there may be a chronic struggle with your mood disorder, but he failed to give you hope that it's not a death sentence. There are options out there to make you feel better.
Posted by SalArmy4me on May 31, 2001, at 22:05:40
In reply to I'M DESPERATE, posted by Anna Laura on May 31, 2001, at 7:39:49
Did you start on SSRI's in the beginning?
Posted by Anna Laura on June 1, 2001, at 16:11:53
In reply to Re: I'M DESPERATE » Anna Laura, posted by SalArmy4me on May 31, 2001, at 22:05:40
> Did you start on SSRI's in the beginning?
Thanks for answering everybody.
I did start Prozac a couple of months ago: i gave it a 8 weeks trial but ii didn't work much.
I felt better just for a few days (i felt more like my old self, thought it was rather promising, crossing my fingers, but all of a sudden it pooped out).
After a couple of weeks i decided to see a specialist instead of endlessly mixing and trying all kind of meds cocktails. I thought that perhaps he'd had helped me to find the right medication/cocktail in a shorter time.
I tried another SSRI before Prozac a couple of years ago (Zoloft): it worked but still a partial response. I think i've been giving SSRI a fair trial, haven't I?
I'm supposed to call the psychopharmacologist (the guy who prescribed me with Amytriptiline and levosulpiride) on next Tuesday to tell him how's going with the medications. I guess he is going to tell me to switch medication since they don't seem to work that much (i had the same old damned partial response on them).
The first antidepressant i took was in 1993 (tofranil) : i had a partial response on that too.
Before seeing him i was still hoping i got some more chances even if my my hopes were getting narrower by the time i tried a new medication that didn't not work. But this time i've been badly hurt by his words (he told me that my uncomplete response both to TCA and SSRI was a predictive factor of poor prognosis). I felt lost, and right now i'm thinking i'll never recover.
Posted by SalArmy4me on June 1, 2001, at 19:50:58
In reply to Re: I'M DESPERATE, posted by Anna Laura on June 1, 2001, at 16:11:53
Well, there's always buproprion, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, and nefazodone left to try.
Posted by Anna Laura on June 2, 2001, at 2:30:40
In reply to Re: I'M DESPERATE, posted by SalArmy4me on June 1, 2001, at 19:50:58
> Well, there's always buproprion, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, and nefazodone left to try.
Why didn't you mention MAOI ? And what about psychostimulants and dopaminergics?
Posted by SalArmy4me on June 2, 2001, at 11:32:02
In reply to Re: I'M DESPERATE SalArmy4me, posted by Anna Laura on June 2, 2001, at 2:30:40
I haven't gotten people on newsgroups to believe that MAOI's are not dangerous. They take the "cheese effect" way too seriously. I myself took Parnate last year, until it pooped-out on me. Now I'm on sertraline/venlafaxine XR/Depakote ER/olanzapine/lamotrigine/Desipramine
> > Well, there's always buproprion, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, and nefazodone left to try.
> Why didn't you mention MAOI ? And what about psychostimulants and dopaminergics?
Posted by Jason Lohr on June 4, 2001, at 5:32:39
In reply to I'M DESPERATE, posted by Anna Laura on May 31, 2001, at 7:39:49
Hey Anna Laura,
Don't give up the fight! I occassionally check back to psycho babble to see what is going on. I used to be a regular here. But I am no longer depressed.
You'll find on this board a lot of people who suffer. With doctors, you're probably not going to get the answers you deserve...because most doctors truly do not understand depression...
I know this from my own experience of battling depression for many, many years. Today, I live without depression, without medicine. Actully, I live with joy and satisfaction on levels I have never experienced. (I still have my moments, and hours, but its been such a dramatic turn around, I am grateful and patient with this process.)
Most doctors miss the boat becuase they are treating the symptoms...that's what the allopathic model of medicine is all about. Treat the symptoms. Even if you branch out and head down the windy and trecherous road of "alternative medicine" you'll still find the allopathic model in place. Instead of treating the patient with remeron or zyprexa, you get practicioners using vitamin A and zinc. Same approach as western medicine, just disguised under the cloak of "natural" means.
But hold on. There is no magic bullet cure to depression or anxiety or psychosis FOR EVERYONE. When you here about drug companies and research pipelines and genetic engineering, stand back, becuase this whole model of treating depression is focused on finding the magic bullet, the missing gene, ect.
But there is a growing idea that latent within ourselves is our own capacity to heal, our capaity for wellness.
A better way to go after mental well-being is to asume that mental health is a sympton, a reflection of an overall health problem, an imbalance. OK, so far. Now, how do you create health? Is health the abscence of disease, or sickness? Not really.
Health is vibrancy, vitality, strength. Vibrant health and sickness or disease, are mutaully exclusive.
Look around. There are a lot of people in the world today who lack robust health. Most poeple, I would argue, have never even experience great health.
Unfortunately, most western doctors are not very good at creating health. Doctors are trainned in fighting disease. They focus on the diagnosis.
If you focus on building health from the ground up, now your starting to go in right direction. True, psychotropic medicine can be usefull at certain times. When you are in such bad states of poor health, chronic disease, mental trauma, ect...medicine can be our life lines. In this light, pscyhotropic meds have there place. Better to take the drugs short term than kill yourself, ect. These drugs can be life savers! Doctors can play an invaluble service in keeping us from going over the edge, from breaking. And to this end, we own doctors a debt of gratitude.
So, in a perfect world, you come in, see the doctor becuause the anxiety is really is becomming debilitating. He gives you some medication. It helps. Now you go out and figure a way out to create health, as no drug can do that.
Next question. How do you recapture your own innate power to heal?
I had been searching for this answer for years. After thousands of hours of research, hundreds and hundreds of books and studies and doctors, I too was very perplexed by all the confusion out there. The local Barnes and Noble is filled with hundreds of books on creating wellness...each of them purporting a different route to health.
The dilemma with most of the books or diets out there is that they fail to recognize the uniquness of each person.
All I can say Anna Laura is that today, I am living a miracle. Reserve your skeptisim until you finish reading the book "The Metabolic Typing Diet." It will explain the beneifits AND limits to medicine, it will explain the confusion of why there are countless contradictions all across medicine and alternative medicine in studying the efficacy of drugs, herbs, vitamins, ect.
Thr truth is the studies don't lie. For every study that shows how calcium can help osteoperosis, there is another study that shows opposite results...why?
Biochmical individuality. You are unique. We all are. Each of us brings to the table our own biochemical "fingerprint." The pdoc Martin Jensen knew this. He could see this. That's why he didn't wory about the diagnosis. He just tried everything!
Now, the science of Metabolic Typing is about learning about your own unique fingerprint. It's coming to understand the messsages our bodies are contstantly giving us as to the state of our system. Learning to decipher these clues is the next step in learning how to feed our bodies and minds what they need.
Understand that food and nutrients and herbs can have profound efffects on the human body and mind. Most traditonal medicne from around the world understands this. Long before we had prozac, we used food and plants to heal.
It is very important to understand that most traditonal medicine recognizes that you treat the person, not the symptom. You may suffer anxiety. I may suffer anxiety. But the remedy to alleviate your pain may be different than mine.
Your mental health is unique to you! You might experience depression, so might I. But your depression could be more of a tired apathetic, listless experience. I might be more agitated, worried, have racing thought. When you begin to see how our bodies are designed, you'll begin to understand that what is happening in our brains is not becuase of a bad brain, just an imbalance.
For example. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for movement. It is considered the fight or flight branch of our nervous system. The sypathetic nervous system afords us the capity for quick thinking, action, good memory, lightness, sharpness, ect. But an over stimulated sypathetic nervous system creates excessive thoughts, anxiety, too much thinking, innability to relax, ect.
The next step is learning to identify that our bodies have certain innate tendencies for imbalance. My body might might tend to be more parasysmpathetic dominant whereas your body might tend to have more sympathetic tendancies, ect.
Once we begin to understand oursleves, identify our metabolic patterns, we can begin the process, with food, in correcting these imbalances!
There is a lot more to metabolic typing than just this. Specifially, the diet address aspects of the nervous system, carbo and lipo oxidative rates, catabolic/anabolic balance, prostaglandins, endocrine dominance, dosha typing from Ayerveda, ect.
Its powerful stuff.
Anna Laura, our bodies are designed for wellness.
IF you do not want to buy the book, check out the wonderful web site "" You will begin to undstand the ideas behind metabolic can change your life. It has mine.
Bottom line. See for yourself. If doctors or others want to tell you how it is, let them. You decide who and what to believe.
Keep going.
And thank you for listening.
Jason Lohr
Posted by Anna Laura on June 4, 2001, at 12:01:57
In reply to Re: I'M DESPERATE, Anna Laura, posted by Jason Lohr on June 4, 2001, at 5:32:39
> Hey Anna Laura,
> Don't give up the fight! I occassionally check back to psycho babble to see what is going on. I used to be a regular here. But I am no longer depressed.
> You'll find on this board a lot of people who suffer. With doctors, you're probably not going to get the answers you deserve...because most doctors truly do not understand depression...
> I know this from my own experience of battling depression for many, many years. Today, I live without depression, without medicine. Actully, I live with joy and satisfaction on levels I have never experienced. (I still have my moments, and hours, but its been such a dramatic turn around, I am grateful and patient with this process.)
> Most doctors miss the boat becuase they are treating the symptoms...that's what the allopathic model of medicine is all about. Treat the symptoms. Even if you branch out and head down the windy and trecherous road of "alternative medicine" you'll still find the allopathic model in place. Instead of treating the patient with remeron or zyprexa, you get practicioners using vitamin A and zinc. Same approach as western medicine, just disguised under the cloak of "natural" means.
> But hold on. There is no magic bullet cure to depression or anxiety or psychosis FOR EVERYONE. When you here about drug companies and research pipelines and genetic engineering, stand back, becuase this whole model of treating depression is focused on finding the magic bullet, the missing gene, ect.
> But there is a growing idea that latent within ourselves is our own capacity to heal, our capaity for wellness.
> A better way to go after mental well-being is to asume that mental health is a sympton, a reflection of an overall health problem, an imbalance. OK, so far. Now, how do you create health? Is health the abscence of disease, or sickness? Not really.
> Health is vibrancy, vitality, strength. Vibrant health and sickness or disease, are mutaully exclusive.
> Look around. There are a lot of people in the world today who lack robust health. Most poeple, I would argue, have never even experience great health.
> Unfortunately, most western doctors are not very good at creating health. Doctors are trainned in fighting disease. They focus on the diagnosis.
> If you focus on building health from the ground up, now your starting to go in right direction. True, psychotropic medicine can be usefull at certain times. When you are in such bad states of poor health, chronic disease, mental trauma, ect...medicine can be our life lines. In this light, pscyhotropic meds have there place. Better to take the drugs short term than kill yourself, ect. These drugs can be life savers! Doctors can play an invaluble service in keeping us from going over the edge, from breaking. And to this end, we own doctors a debt of gratitude.
> So, in a perfect world, you come in, see the doctor becuause the anxiety is really is becomming debilitating. He gives you some medication. It helps. Now you go out and figure a way out to create health, as no drug can do that.
> Next question. How do you recapture your own innate power to heal?
> I had been searching for this answer for years. After thousands of hours of research, hundreds and hundreds of books and studies and doctors, I too was very perplexed by all the confusion out there. The local Barnes and Noble is filled with hundreds of books on creating wellness...each of them purporting a different route to health.
> The dilemma with most of the books or diets out there is that they fail to recognize the uniquness of each person.
> All I can say Anna Laura is that today, I am living a miracle. Reserve your skeptisim until you finish reading the book "The Metabolic Typing Diet." It will explain the beneifits AND limits to medicine, it will explain the confusion of why there are countless contradictions all across medicine and alternative medicine in studying the efficacy of drugs, herbs, vitamins, ect.
> Thr truth is the studies don't lie. For every study that shows how calcium can help osteoperosis, there is another study that shows opposite results...why?
> Biochmical individuality. You are unique. We all are. Each of us brings to the table our own biochemical "fingerprint." The pdoc Martin Jensen knew this. He could see this. That's why he didn't wory about the diagnosis. He just tried everything!
> Now, the science of Metabolic Typing is about learning about your own unique fingerprint. It's coming to understand the messsages our bodies are contstantly giving us as to the state of our system. Learning to decipher these clues is the next step in learning how to feed our bodies and minds what they need.
> Understand that food and nutrients and herbs can have profound efffects on the human body and mind. Most traditonal medicne from around the world understands this. Long before we had prozac, we used food and plants to heal.
> It is very important to understand that most traditonal medicine recognizes that you treat the person, not the symptom. You may suffer anxiety. I may suffer anxiety. But the remedy to alleviate your pain may be different than mine.
> Your mental health is unique to you! You might experience depression, so might I. But your depression could be more of a tired apathetic, listless experience. I might be more agitated, worried, have racing thought. When you begin to see how our bodies are designed, you'll begin to understand that what is happening in our brains is not becuase of a bad brain, just an imbalance.
> For example. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for movement. It is considered the fight or flight branch of our nervous system. The sypathetic nervous system afords us the capity for quick thinking, action, good memory, lightness, sharpness, ect. But an over stimulated sypathetic nervous system creates excessive thoughts, anxiety, too much thinking, innability to relax, ect.
> The next step is learning to identify that our bodies have certain innate tendencies for imbalance. My body might might tend to be more parasysmpathetic dominant whereas your body might tend to have more sympathetic tendancies, ect.
> Once we begin to understand oursleves, identify our metabolic patterns, we can begin the process, with food, in correcting these imbalances!
> There is a lot more to metabolic typing than just this. Specifially, the diet address aspects of the nervous system, carbo and lipo oxidative rates, catabolic/anabolic balance, prostaglandins, endocrine dominance, dosha typing from Ayerveda, ect.
> Its powerful stuff.
> Anna Laura, our bodies are designed for wellness.
> IF you do not want to buy the book, check out the wonderful web site "" You will begin to undstand the ideas behind metabolic can change your life. It has mine.
> Bottom line. See for yourself. If doctors or others want to tell you how it is, let them. You decide who and what to believe.
> Keep going.
> And thank you for listening.
> Jason LohrJason,
Thank you so much for having shared your experience with me and for giving me so much time (the letter is lenghty, you must have
taken a long time writing that).Thanks again everybody
Anna Laura
Posted by Miragee on June 4, 2001, at 23:06:03
In reply to Re: I'M DESPERATE, Anna Laura, JASON LOHRR, posted by Anna Laura on June 4, 2001, at 12:01:57
Hi Anna Laura,
I agree that you can't give up the fight. I have struggled for years trying to get relief through medicines that work for a short time and then cease being effective, but there are other things out there. There is hope.
After trying several SSRI's on me, one doc finally gave me Depakote and "WOW." I got part of my brain back. A later diagnosis of Lyme Disease led me down the road to treatment of that illness and now I am feeling better than I have in 20 years.
A web site that I found interesting is
> > Hey Anna Laura,
> >
> > Don't give up the fight! I occassionally check back to psycho babble to see what is going on. I used to be a regular here. But I am no longer depressed.
> >
> > You'll find on this board a lot of people who suffer. With doctors, you're probably not going to get the answers you deserve...because most doctors truly do not understand depression...
> >
> > I know this from my own experience of battling depression for many, many years. Today, I live without depression, without medicine. Actully, I live with joy and satisfaction on levels I have never experienced. (I still have my moments, and hours, but its been such a dramatic turn around, I am grateful and patient with this process.)
> >
> > Most doctors miss the boat becuase they are treating the symptoms...that's what the allopathic model of medicine is all about. Treat the symptoms. Even if you branch out and head down the windy and trecherous road of "alternative medicine" you'll still find the allopathic model in place. Instead of treating the patient with remeron or zyprexa, you get practicioners using vitamin A and zinc. Same approach as western medicine, just disguised under the cloak of "natural" means.
> >
> > But hold on. There is no magic bullet cure to depression or anxiety or psychosis FOR EVERYONE. When you here about drug companies and research pipelines and genetic engineering, stand back, becuase this whole model of treating depression is focused on finding the magic bullet, the missing gene, ect.
> >
> > But there is a growing idea that latent within ourselves is our own capacity to heal, our capaity for wellness.
> >
> > A better way to go after mental well-being is to asume that mental health is a sympton, a reflection of an overall health problem, an imbalance. OK, so far. Now, how do you create health? Is health the abscence of disease, or sickness? Not really.
> >
> > Health is vibrancy, vitality, strength. Vibrant health and sickness or disease, are mutaully exclusive.
> >
> > Look around. There are a lot of people in the world today who lack robust health. Most poeple, I would argue, have never even experience great health.
> >
> > Unfortunately, most western doctors are not very good at creating health. Doctors are trainned in fighting disease. They focus on the diagnosis.
> >
> > If you focus on building health from the ground up, now your starting to go in right direction. True, psychotropic medicine can be usefull at certain times. When you are in such bad states of poor health, chronic disease, mental trauma, ect...medicine can be our life lines. In this light, pscyhotropic meds have there place. Better to take the drugs short term than kill yourself, ect. These drugs can be life savers! Doctors can play an invaluble service in keeping us from going over the edge, from breaking. And to this end, we own doctors a debt of gratitude.
> >
> > So, in a perfect world, you come in, see the doctor becuause the anxiety is really is becomming debilitating. He gives you some medication. It helps. Now you go out and figure a way out to create health, as no drug can do that.
> >
> > Next question. How do you recapture your own innate power to heal?
> >
> > I had been searching for this answer for years. After thousands of hours of research, hundreds and hundreds of books and studies and doctors, I too was very perplexed by all the confusion out there. The local Barnes and Noble is filled with hundreds of books on creating wellness...each of them purporting a different route to health.
> >
> > The dilemma with most of the books or diets out there is that they fail to recognize the uniquness of each person.
> >
> > All I can say Anna Laura is that today, I am living a miracle. Reserve your skeptisim until you finish reading the book "The Metabolic Typing Diet." It will explain the beneifits AND limits to medicine, it will explain the confusion of why there are countless contradictions all across medicine and alternative medicine in studying the efficacy of drugs, herbs, vitamins, ect.
> >
> > Thr truth is the studies don't lie. For every study that shows how calcium can help osteoperosis, there is another study that shows opposite results...why?
> >
> > Biochmical individuality. You are unique. We all are. Each of us brings to the table our own biochemical "fingerprint." The pdoc Martin Jensen knew this. He could see this. That's why he didn't wory about the diagnosis. He just tried everything!
> >
> > Now, the science of Metabolic Typing is about learning about your own unique fingerprint. It's coming to understand the messsages our bodies are contstantly giving us as to the state of our system. Learning to decipher these clues is the next step in learning how to feed our bodies and minds what they need.
> >
> > Understand that food and nutrients and herbs can have profound efffects on the human body and mind. Most traditonal medicne from around the world understands this. Long before we had prozac, we used food and plants to heal.
> >
> > It is very important to understand that most traditonal medicine recognizes that you treat the person, not the symptom. You may suffer anxiety. I may suffer anxiety. But the remedy to alleviate your pain may be different than mine.
> >
> > Your mental health is unique to you! You might experience depression, so might I. But your depression could be more of a tired apathetic, listless experience. I might be more agitated, worried, have racing thought. When you begin to see how our bodies are designed, you'll begin to understand that what is happening in our brains is not becuase of a bad brain, just an imbalance.
> >
> > For example. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for movement. It is considered the fight or flight branch of our nervous system. The sypathetic nervous system afords us the capity for quick thinking, action, good memory, lightness, sharpness, ect. But an over stimulated sypathetic nervous system creates excessive thoughts, anxiety, too much thinking, innability to relax, ect.
> >
> > The next step is learning to identify that our bodies have certain innate tendencies for imbalance. My body might might tend to be more parasysmpathetic dominant whereas your body might tend to have more sympathetic tendancies, ect.
> >
> > Once we begin to understand oursleves, identify our metabolic patterns, we can begin the process, with food, in correcting these imbalances!
> >
> > There is a lot more to metabolic typing than just this. Specifially, the diet address aspects of the nervous system, carbo and lipo oxidative rates, catabolic/anabolic balance, prostaglandins, endocrine dominance, dosha typing from Ayerveda, ect.
> >
> > Its powerful stuff.
> >
> > Anna Laura, our bodies are designed for wellness.
> >
> > IF you do not want to buy the book, check out the wonderful web site "" You will begin to undstand the ideas behind metabolic can change your life. It has mine.
> >
> > Bottom line. See for yourself. If doctors or others want to tell you how it is, let them. You decide who and what to believe.
> >
> > Keep going.
> >
> > And thank you for listening.
> >
> > Jason Lohr
> Jason,
> Thank you so much for having shared your experience with me and for giving me so much time (the letter is lenghty, you must have
> taken a long time writing that).
> Thanks again everybody
> Anna Laura
Posted by Anna Laura on June 6, 2001, at 7:48:18
In reply to Re: I'M DESPERATE, Anna Laura, posted by Miragee on June 4, 2001, at 23:06:03
> Hi Anna Laura,
> I agree that you can't give up the fight. I have struggled for years trying to get relief through medicines that work for a short time and then cease being effective, but there are other things out there. There is hope.
> After trying several SSRI's on me, one doc finally gave me Depakote and "WOW." I got part of my brain back. A later diagnosis of Lyme Disease led me down the road to treatment of that illness and now I am feeling better than I have in 20 years.
> A web site that I found interesting is
> > > Hey Anna Laura,
> > >
> > > Don't give up the fight! I occassionally check back to psycho babble to see what is going on. I used to be a regular here. But I am no longer depressed.
> > >
> > > You'll find on this board a lot of people who suffer. With doctors, you're probably not going to get the answers you deserve...because most doctors truly do not understand depression...
> > >
> > > I know this from my own experience of battling depression for many, many years. Today, I live without depression, without medicine. Actully, I live with joy and satisfaction on levels I have never experienced. (I still have my moments, and hours, but its been such a dramatic turn around, I am grateful and patient with this process.)
> > >
> > > Most doctors miss the boat becuase they are treating the symptoms...that's what the allopathic model of medicine is all about. Treat the symptoms. Even if you branch out and head down the windy and trecherous road of "alternative medicine" you'll still find the allopathic model in place. Instead of treating the patient with remeron or zyprexa, you get practicioners using vitamin A and zinc. Same approach as western medicine, just disguised under the cloak of "natural" means.
> > >
> > > But hold on. There is no magic bullet cure to depression or anxiety or psychosis FOR EVERYONE. When you here about drug companies and research pipelines and genetic engineering, stand back, becuase this whole model of treating depression is focused on finding the magic bullet, the missing gene, ect.
> > >
> > > But there is a growing idea that latent within ourselves is our own capacity to heal, our capaity for wellness.
> > >
> > > A better way to go after mental well-being is to asume that mental health is a sympton, a reflection of an overall health problem, an imbalance. OK, so far. Now, how do you create health? Is health the abscence of disease, or sickness? Not really.
> > >
> > > Health is vibrancy, vitality, strength. Vibrant health and sickness or disease, are mutaully exclusive.
> > >
> > > Look around. There are a lot of people in the world today who lack robust health. Most poeple, I would argue, have never even experience great health.
> > >
> > > Unfortunately, most western doctors are not very good at creating health. Doctors are trainned in fighting disease. They focus on the diagnosis.
> > >
> > > If you focus on building health from the ground up, now your starting to go in right direction. True, psychotropic medicine can be usefull at certain times. When you are in such bad states of poor health, chronic disease, mental trauma, ect...medicine can be our life lines. In this light, pscyhotropic meds have there place. Better to take the drugs short term than kill yourself, ect. These drugs can be life savers! Doctors can play an invaluble service in keeping us from going over the edge, from breaking. And to this end, we own doctors a debt of gratitude.
> > >
> > > So, in a perfect world, you come in, see the doctor becuause the anxiety is really is becomming debilitating. He gives you some medication. It helps. Now you go out and figure a way out to create health, as no drug can do that.
> > >
> > > Next question. How do you recapture your own innate power to heal?
> > >
> > > I had been searching for this answer for years. After thousands of hours of research, hundreds and hundreds of books and studies and doctors, I too was very perplexed by all the confusion out there. The local Barnes and Noble is filled with hundreds of books on creating wellness...each of them purporting a different route to health.
> > >
> > > The dilemma with most of the books or diets out there is that they fail to recognize the uniquness of each person.
> > >
> > > All I can say Anna Laura is that today, I am living a miracle. Reserve your skeptisim until you finish reading the book "The Metabolic Typing Diet." It will explain the beneifits AND limits to medicine, it will explain the confusion of why there are countless contradictions all across medicine and alternative medicine in studying the efficacy of drugs, herbs, vitamins, ect.
> > >
> > > Thr truth is the studies don't lie. For every study that shows how calcium can help osteoperosis, there is another study that shows opposite results...why?
> > >
> > > Biochmical individuality. You are unique. We all are. Each of us brings to the table our own biochemical "fingerprint." The pdoc Martin Jensen knew this. He could see this. That's why he didn't wory about the diagnosis. He just tried everything!
> > >
> > > Now, the science of Metabolic Typing is about learning about your own unique fingerprint. It's coming to understand the messsages our bodies are contstantly giving us as to the state of our system. Learning to decipher these clues is the next step in learning how to feed our bodies and minds what they need.
> > >
> > > Understand that food and nutrients and herbs can have profound efffects on the human body and mind. Most traditonal medicne from around the world understands this. Long before we had prozac, we used food and plants to heal.
> > >
> > > It is very important to understand that most traditonal medicine recognizes that you treat the person, not the symptom. You may suffer anxiety. I may suffer anxiety. But the remedy to alleviate your pain may be different than mine.
> > >
> > > Your mental health is unique to you! You might experience depression, so might I. But your depression could be more of a tired apathetic, listless experience. I might be more agitated, worried, have racing thought. When you begin to see how our bodies are designed, you'll begin to understand that what is happening in our brains is not becuase of a bad brain, just an imbalance.
> > >
> > > For example. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for movement. It is considered the fight or flight branch of our nervous system. The sypathetic nervous system afords us the capity for quick thinking, action, good memory, lightness, sharpness, ect. But an over stimulated sypathetic nervous system creates excessive thoughts, anxiety, too much thinking, innability to relax, ect.
> > >
> > > The next step is learning to identify that our bodies have certain innate tendencies for imbalance. My body might might tend to be more parasysmpathetic dominant whereas your body might tend to have more sympathetic tendancies, ect.
> > >
> > > Once we begin to understand oursleves, identify our metabolic patterns, we can begin the process, with food, in correcting these imbalances!
> > >
> > > There is a lot more to metabolic typing than just this. Specifially, the diet address aspects of the nervous system, carbo and lipo oxidative rates, catabolic/anabolic balance, prostaglandins, endocrine dominance, dosha typing from Ayerveda, ect.
> > >
> > > Its powerful stuff.
> > >
> > > Anna Laura, our bodies are designed for wellness.
> > >
> > > IF you do not want to buy the book, check out the wonderful web site "" You will begin to undstand the ideas behind metabolic can change your life. It has mine.
> > >
> > > Bottom line. See for yourself. If doctors or others want to tell you how it is, let them. You decide who and what to believe.
> > >
> > > Keep going.
> > >
> > > And thank you for listening.
> > >
> > > Jason Lohr
> >
> > Jason,
> >Miragee, it was very kind of you posting this mail. I really needed that, thanks.
Anna Laura
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.