Shown: posts 1 to 19 of 19. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
I am only 22 years old and know that I am going to die soon. I can feel it. I have been drinking for years and I can't stop. I have tried. I have hospitalized myself several times with no positive outcome. I recently got fired from my job so now I am drinking more than ever. Too much time on my hands. I never feel good. After I drink, I suffer with extremely bad panic/anxiety. It is more like Depersonalization. It's horrible. I recently started taking Lexapro and ever since I started taking it, I get cravings for alcohol more than ever!!! Lexapro makes me want to drink daily. I know that I am going to need LONG TERM inpatient treatment. I have too or else I am going to die. I self medicate myself daily.... like right now I am going to take a tiny piece of Remeron so I can fall asleep. I feel horrible. I got drunk last night and now im having these weird like depersonalazation feelings. Has anybody ever overcome heavy drinking? especially while on medication? Am I always going to be a drunk :( Anybody know any good alcohol rehabs? What should I do... :(
Posted by Mariposa on August 28, 2003, at 21:02:12
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
> I am only 22 years old and know that I am going to die soon. I can feel it. I have been drinking for years and I can't stop. I have tried. I have hospitalized myself several times with no positive outcome. I recently got fired from my job so now I am drinking more than ever. Too much time on my hands. I never feel good. After I drink, I suffer with extremely bad panic/anxiety. It is more like Depersonalization. It's horrible. I recently started taking Lexapro and ever since I started taking it, I get cravings for alcohol more than ever!!! Lexapro makes me want to drink daily. I know that I am going to need LONG TERM inpatient treatment. I have too or else I am going to die. I self medicate myself daily.... like right now I am going to take a tiny piece of Remeron so I can fall asleep. I feel horrible. I got drunk last night and now im having these weird like depersonalazation feelings. Has anybody ever overcome heavy drinking? especially while on medication? Am I always going to be a drunk :( Anybody know any good alcohol rehabs? What should I do... :(
>You sound like you are REALLY hurting, and you are asking for help, please, please, see a professional health care person of any kind to get started; in fact, who gave you the Lexapro??? Are they assisting you in any way with your pain??? If they are just giving you meds and sending you on your way, you must see someone else. I am worried about you, but there is only so much a board like this can do!
PLEASE keep us posted on how you are doing!!!~~~8|8
Posted by Liligoth on August 28, 2003, at 21:46:27
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
Panic, Im not sure I can say anything that will help. Ive never had a drinking problem myself but I think I understand that you are in a crisis situation. Im sure if you look in your local phone directory you could locate some drug & alcohol services that you could call up. Please call someone like this & tell them all you've told us. This will get the ball rolling towards getting you well again. The world is full of ex-alcoholics & drug addicts! People do get well & Im sure you will too. Get yourself some help, Please!
Posted by hog80ci on August 28, 2003, at 21:51:06
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
> I am only 22 years old and know that I am going to die soon. I can feel it. I have been drinking for years and I can't stop. I have tried. I have hospitalized myself several times with no positive outcome. I recently got fired from my job so now I am drinking more than ever. Too much time on my hands. I never feel good. After I drink, I suffer with extremely bad panic/anxiety. It is more like Depersonalization. It's horrible. I recently started taking Lexapro and ever since I started taking it, I get cravings for alcohol more than ever!!! Lexapro makes me want to drink daily. I know that I am going to need LONG TERM inpatient treatment. I have too or else I am going to die. I self medicate myself daily.... like right now I am going to take a tiny piece of Remeron so I can fall asleep. I feel horrible. I got drunk last night and now im having these weird like depersonalazation feelings. Has anybody ever overcome heavy drinking? especially while on medication? Am I always going to be a drunk :( Anybody know any good alcohol rehabs? What should I do... :(
You are a brave soul, my friend. Admitting we have a problem is the first step towards recovery. I'm a drug addict, almost 22 years clean. I don't say that to brag, I didn't do it alone, only to let you know there is hope.I read your post several times. I'm not sure it's the Lex that's making you drink more. You are in the midst of a continuing and progressive illness. You admit to being recently fired and now find your self with too much time on your hands. Sounds like a pretty good excuse to get loaded more often. Anxiety and depression can be treated with medication. It's my belief that addiction (alcoholism) can only be treated by being in some kind of recovery program and surrounding yourself with like minded people. I don't know where you live, but I'm sure AA is there. Spend all of your free time in meetings. You can't go to too many. It might be a good idea to see a psych doc too. That way you can get on the right meds at the right dose and won't need to self-medicate.
You don't have to die from this.
Good luck to you...
Posted by Panic_attack on August 29, 2003, at 11:11:05
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by hog80ci on August 28, 2003, at 21:51:06
Thanks you Guys.. I decided to attend an AA meeting today, hoping to meet others struggling like me. I go at 7:00 PM. I live in Florida, and its not easy to find help out here for drug/alcohol addiction. Trust me, I have tried several times. This is not my first. Actually, this is an ongoing pattern. I have been to every mental health facility, hospitals, etc. and it might help me for 1 week or maybe 2, and then I end up back in the bars. My mom always tells me "Well your father was a serious alcoholic and too bad you took like your father, and not me". This sucks. I want to be normal. I hate being a drunk. I always feel like crap. Im always sick. I am going to the AA meeting tonight and I am going to tell them everything. I want help, I want a sponsor, and I want to meet other people who struggle with this nasty disease. I will keep you posted on my *updates*.
THanks You all
Posted by Emmy333 on August 29, 2003, at 16:08:56
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 29, 2003, at 11:11:05
panic-- i think that i can totally relate to your story. i am 23 and having a terrible time trying to stop drinking--i can't. it's cost me jobs, friendships, and my boyfriend. that's so sad to admit to=( but i think that you are a very strong person for taking a big step towards recovery--you are an inspiration .
keep us updated, please
Posted by KimberlyDi on August 29, 2003, at 19:30:38
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
Effexor saved my life from alcohol. For whatever reason, it curbed the anxiety that I always self-medicated with alcohol. THERE is HOPE. Yes, you could die. It's amazing that I'm alive. It took me from age 21 to 34 to hit rock bottom from the drinking. I've been to a few rehab programs. The major difference will be you. Your attitude in there, and what you want to do when you get out. If you can't get into rehab, see a doctor and talk about doing an out-patient rehab. If you can find one that will, don't waste that chance. Take the medication as prescribed, and have someone looking after you the first night. Seizures are possible and if they occur, someone will need to call 911. The doctor called me a hopeless cause back in 1997. (too many out-patient rehabs at home) But I proved him wrong. Be careful, withdrawal from alcohol is lifethreatening. If you have a chance to go into rehab, jump at it. You'll be safe there for a few days. Learn alittle more about your disease. If you have NO resources, contact a local AA group and beg them for help to get sober. Someone will know what to do. Good Luck!
Been there, done that, still living and very happy to be alive... birds still sing, flowers still grow, life goes on and so can you.
KDi in Texas
Posted by Simcha on August 29, 2003, at 19:47:11
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 29, 2003, at 11:11:05
Wow, I have so much to say about all of this.
Lexapro and alcohol generally do not mix. Drinking alcohol for many of us who have depression makes depression worse. My psychiatrist has explained to me that alcohol, used regularly with my Celexa (the predecessor to Lexapro and in the same family of SSRIs) will cancel out the effects of the Celexa.
That's the bad news.
The good news is that I hear that you are nearing a bottom. You can choose to get off of this elevator now, or you can choose to go lower. This is your choice. AA is a good place to start. It sounds like you know that you are an alcoholic. You are the only one who can make this determination according to AA. This is fundamental to Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable. I hear that you are taking the First Step seriously.
I have found the twelve steps very useful in my recovery from Sex Addiction, growing up in an alcoholic family, Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse, and most recently Over-Eating. No twelve-step meeting is perfect. I have found that at least having the willingness to go to a twelve-step meeting and making it there helps me.
I have to make the choice to continue to go to meetings, go to regular therapy (weekly), go to a psychiatrist (quarterly), and see my medical doctor (quarterly). There is so much that can help with my journey.
I started with the Twelve-Step journey when I was 25. You are a little younger than I was. I applaud you for your awareness at your age. It will save you more years of suffering, in my humble opinion, when you choose to use the help that is available in your area.
My brother who is a Recovering Alcoholic is three years sober and he attends somewhere between 5 to six meetings a week. He also suffers from Depression and he gets medication from a psychiatrist while going to weekly therapy. He started his journey when he was suicidal, with a gun in his mouth, calling the police, the police talking him out of doing the deed, and they got him into a mental hospital. He found a good social worker and she got him into a rehab center. Then he went to a half-way house, a three-quarter-way house, a depression support house, and finally he has been able to get into an apartment and begin to live more independently.
This did not happen overnight for him. Finally at three years of sobriety and recovery, he has been able to take a full-time job with full benefits. He has had to slowly rebuild his reputation with employers over the past two years while being sober because he too was fired because he was drinking on the job.
I know that you want all of this "fixed" right now. I did too when I was 25. I'm 33 now and I'm not using my addictions to medicate. It's taken eight years to get here. I am a grad student and I have a full-time job working as a Mental Health Counselor for Severely Emotionally Disturbed fourth and fifth graders. I would have not been able to do this when I first entered recovery when I was 25. I really needed to go through my continuing process for the past eight years to get here today.
All that matters is today. My past is gone. Tomorrow is not here. All I can handle is the present because that is what is real. I can only change my present. One day at a time, is a real useful slogan for me still from the programs I use. It reminds me to keep things simple by reminding me to focus only on my recovery today.
Please know that you can "start over" every day. Slips and relapses have been part of my journey and my brother's journey. This is normal. This is expected. Coming back is the real heroic act that sustains me even if I have used.
For me it takes medication, meditation, meetings, phone calls, working the 12-steps, going to therapy, and living my life in a more healthy manner to remain sane. I know it sounds like a lot right now. Do not concentrate on all the rest of it. Work on what is killing you right now. I believe you know the answer to this. Also, if you do suffer depression please get treatment even early in the recovery process. Your chances of staying sober will improve if you treat depression if it is present.
Blessings On Your Journey,
SimchaP.S.: You may email me at if you would like some support. I'm not an alcoholic. I am an addict and I believe that addiction has a common thread that makes differences only subtle. I don't pretend to know the exact suffering of your personal situation. I can tell you about my suffering and what has helped me to opt out of it. In Al-Anon, we have a saying, "Pain is necessary, suffering is optional." (Growth does entail some pain, it's the continual process of suffering that we can avoid.)
> Thanks you Guys.. I decided to attend an AA meeting today, hoping to meet others struggling like me. I go at 7:00 PM. I live in Florida, and its not easy to find help out here for drug/alcohol addiction. Trust me, I have tried several times. This is not my first. Actually, this is an ongoing pattern. I have been to every mental health facility, hospitals, etc. and it might help me for 1 week or maybe 2, and then I end up back in the bars. My mom always tells me "Well your father was a serious alcoholic and too bad you took like your father, and not me". This sucks. I want to be normal. I hate being a drunk. I always feel like crap. Im always sick. I am going to the AA meeting tonight and I am going to tell them everything. I want help, I want a sponsor, and I want to meet other people who struggle with this nasty disease. I will keep you posted on my *updates*.
> THanks You all
Posted by Viridis on August 29, 2003, at 23:34:06
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
If you're 22, you're already admitting that you have a serious problem, and are actively seeking help, then you're very unlikely to die soon. My guess is that you'll recover from this and be much happier and more productive in your future life. Do whatever it takes -- AA, psychiatrists, appropriate meds, etc. You have the potential to be one of the fortunate ones who sees the pitfalls early on and overcomes them. Insist on proper treatment and don't settle for anything less. From what you've said, I have a great deal of optimism that you have a very positive future ahead of you if you can just work through the present.
Best of luck!
Posted by Sebastian on August 31, 2003, at 19:24:05
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
I used to drink on a daily basis. Soon as I got home I filled a large portion of a 16 oz glass with 100 proof vodca (probably 1/3), it wouldn't be a night unless I had as many as posible with out losing it. I had problems with Everclear, and Rum aswell. I was prity heavy into drugs aswell. One day I wanted to see how long I could go with out drink (drink was the last problem to go), the night befor this I partyed hard and got very sick and realy just hated the way I was feeling in the morning. I didn't have a drink for 2 weeks (when I finished exames), when I did, I didn't want it, made me sick (not puke sick, just head sick.) I started anti-depressants (Celexa) finished school limiting myself to only drink one drink on the weekend. I think the Celexa helped because it didn't mix well with alcohol, made my face hot and red circles around the eyes.
I don't know if any of this helps but I think I would change anti-depresants, I've heard of others drinking more with Lexapro.
Posted by Quixote on September 1, 2003, at 6:15:37
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help plea » Panic_attack, posted by Viridis on August 29, 2003, at 23:34:06
I found Lexapro and Zoloft leaving me with that antsy-jagged-need-to-calm sort of discomfort that always sent me to have a couple glasses of red wine or heavy microbrew before i felt centered or grounded. Since taking Adderall (it totally calms and focuses me) i completely lost any cravings for alcohol, which suprised me- i've been drinking for years and years on a daily basis to get to that relaxed 'comfort zone'.
i'd heard that alcohol stimulates seratonin(?) or dopamine(?) or ONE of the things that depressed people lack? i could be totally wrong about what technically happens, and i welcome an explanation:
i stopped desiring alcohol altogether & no withdrawals when i tried Wellbutrin and began Adderall ...
Yet Zoloft alone, or Lexapro alone, definately left me with that need/crave for alcohol.
Hope this helps?
& i look forward to more insight :)
Posted by Arrianna on September 1, 2003, at 14:30:47
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
> I am only 22 years old and know that I am going to die soon. I can feel it. I have been drinking for years and I can't stop. I have tried. I have hospitalized myself several times with no positive outcome. I recently got fired from my job so now I am drinking more than ever. Too much time on my hands. I never feel good. After I drink, I suffer with extremely bad panic/anxiety. It is more like Depersonalization. It's horrible. I recently started taking Lexapro and ever since I started taking it, I get cravings for alcohol more than ever!!! Lexapro makes me want to drink daily. I know that I am going to need LONG TERM inpatient treatment. I have too or else I am going to die. I self medicate myself daily.... like right now I am going to take a tiny piece of Remeron so I can fall asleep. I feel horrible. I got drunk last night and now im having these weird like depersonalazation feelings. Has anybody ever overcome heavy drinking? especially while on medication? Am I always going to be a drunk :( Anybody know any good alcohol rehabs? What should I do... :(
I REALLY feel for you. I just posted about this and now I find your post!! I am also a recovering alcoholic/addict. Been in AA on and off since 1995. Just had 10mos. sobriety before drinking this weekend. Started out with just a couple of drinks Thrs. nite, then by Fri. nite, I was drinking like I used to: couldn't quit!!That nite of drinking has resulted in a 3day "hangover" so far. I'm also taking lex and am not sure if my long hangover is a result of that or just because I'm an alcoholic. Whatever the case, it can't be good for me or us to drink on AD's.
I read you were going to go to an AA meeting. Did you make it? You WILL find much support and help there! You will find people who have been where you're at and now live happily in recovery. There are people who care about you. You can make it.
Treatment, too, may be a wise choice for you now if you can find a program: inpatient and outpatient. I know too well the dark state you find yourself in. Before I entered in treatment in 1995, (I was 20 yrs. old), I wanted to die!! I felt like I already had, and I was dead emotionally and spiritually.
I feel hypocritical for saying this since I just relapsed: but, you can get your life back!! You can feel alive again! It's hard work, but so worth it. I and many others have experienced wonderful recovery and living without alcohol.
Give you much credit for seeking help. I think someone else posted that's the first step. It really is. From this point, just continue doing the next right thing one day at a time. It may not feel this way now, but you are really lucky to seek help so young. You have the rest of your life ahead of you!!
Posted by pat c. on September 1, 2003, at 14:40:14
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
Go to AA immediately.
I'm an alcoholic.
AA is the only place that can help you.
It's great. Awesome people. Saved my life.
There are millions in the US in AA that have the same problem we do.You don't have to drink anymore.
what's your e-mail address.
e-mail me and I'll e-mail you back w/ my e-mail address.
> I am only 22 years old and know that I am going to die soon. I can feel it. I have been drinking for years and I can't stop. I have tried. I have hospitalized myself several times with no positive outcome. I recently got fired from my job so now I am drinking more than ever. Too much time on my hands. I never feel good. After I drink, I suffer with extremely bad panic/anxiety. It is more like Depersonalization. It's horrible. I recently started taking Lexapro and ever since I started taking it, I get cravings for alcohol more than ever!!! Lexapro makes me want to drink daily. I know that I am going to need LONG TERM inpatient treatment. I have too or else I am going to die. I self medicate myself daily.... like right now I am going to take a tiny piece of Remeron so I can fall asleep. I feel horrible. I got drunk last night and now im having these weird like depersonalazation feelings. Has anybody ever overcome heavy drinking? especially while on medication? Am I always going to be a drunk :( Anybody know any good alcohol rehabs? What should I do... :(
Posted by FunBunny on September 26, 2003, at 5:30:57
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
Hi, I went throught the same thing that you did. I ended going into the hospital and I got detoxed and was there for about 3 days, they gave me valium as a detox drug. This was about 6 months ago, I've went out and drank only a handful of times since then. I have a new boyfriend now and I feel like I can taper down on my meds because I'm really happy and I would never drink alone like how I was before...I've lost about 30 pounds since I quit boozing meds and thearpy are going wonderful, and I'm in a wonderful realtionship. Go in and detox, then go to meetings or get involved with a group called Rational Recovery. Ask your doctor about Revia, it's a med to help with alcohol cravings after you are done detoxing. Good luck.
Posted by shadyut on September 26, 2003, at 13:45:18
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
Dude I can relate. I am a 21 and I have had severe anxiety for the last year now and just started taking lexapro last week. I still hasn't done shit for me, but I guess I gotta give it a little time to kick in. I too am an alcoholic. My mind races at night, if I don't drink at least 10 beers I'll never get to sleep. I know I have problems but I'm to embarrassed to go to any kind of AA. I need help!!!
Posted by Lazarus on September 26, 2003, at 17:37:17
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by shadyut on September 26, 2003, at 13:45:18
Shadyut, I am also an alcoholic. I've been in recovery for 12 years.
We are alcoholic because we have a personality disorder. When we stop drinking we begin to peel away the layers of the onion to discover our true selves and how to treat others better.
I have found mood stabilizers to be better than antidepressants. Speaking with a psychiatrist, if you can see one, is helpful.
Posted by shadyut on September 26, 2003, at 20:41:41
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro - Shadyut, posted by Lazarus on September 26, 2003, at 17:37:17
Thanks for the advice, but I'm really not a mean drunk. Other people don't have a problem with me drinking because most of my friends are lushes and getting drunk with me. The problem is, is when I'm alone I drink just to relax myself. And I do drink in excess just to fall asleep. But I agree that I do need some sort of help.
Posted by Pat C. on September 26, 2003, at 21:10:40
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by shadyut on September 26, 2003, at 13:45:18
AA is cool. You'll dig it.
Some people are grateful they are alcohlics, because they found the rooms of AA.
It's a real trip and quite peaceful.
> Dude I can relate. I am a 21 and I have had severe anxiety for the last year now and just started taking lexapro last week. I still hasn't done shit for me, but I guess I gotta give it a little time to kick in. I too am an alcoholic. My mind races at night, if I don't drink at least 10 beers I'll never get to sleep. I know I have problems but I'm to embarrassed to go to any kind of AA. I need help!!!
Posted by Dr. Bob on September 26, 2003, at 23:05:35
In reply to Re: I am an alcoholic on Lexapro - Lazarus, posted by shadyut on September 26, 2003, at 20:41:41
> Thanks for the advice, but I'm really not a mean drunk. Other people don't have a problem with me drinking because most of my friends are lushes and getting drunk with me. The problem is, is when I'm alone I drink just to relax myself. And I do drink in excess just to fall asleep. But I agree that I do need some sort of help.
Sorry to interrupt, but I think you might get more input on drinking on the new Psycho-Babble Substance Use board. Here's a link:
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
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