Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 109458

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laughter » Mariposa

Posted by lil' jimi on September 17, 2003, at 11:38:33

In reply to Re: Very Well Said lil'Jim!!, posted by Mariposa on September 17, 2003, at 10:33:52

hi Mariposa, hi Arrianna,

i thank you for your kind compliments ... ... y'all are always so sweet ... you and our lex friends make this thread sweet ... thanks ... a bunch!

> As always your post was the do you do it?? >

<whispering> i have a secret potion! ... shhhhh! ... it's lex-a-pro! ... ... HA!

> You always make me smile, and even LOL!!!

babe, if i am making you (or any of our threadsters) LAUGH ... ... then i am doing my job!

Wayne may be our Clown Prince here ... (yeah! Wayne!) ...
... but i am our Thread Jester ! .... HA!

and i do take that ol' 10 miiligrams of lex still and here in about 28 minutes i'll have my noon dose again ... and yes, Gal, i'm still doing really swell on lex
... just trying to keep this med oriented here, you know ...
... ... ... HA!

(But Wayne's the funny One !!)
.... .... How was sleeping with that GARLIC, WAYNE!!!

.... HA! HA! HA!

take care and laugh out loud!
~ jim


Re: Lil Jim

Posted by BLKVETTES on September 17, 2003, at 13:02:21

In reply to Re: Lil Jim » Mattsit, posted by Mariposa on September 17, 2003, at 10:02:30

> >
> > Wow. Are you inside my head observing or what?? I definately get the anxiety upon awakening...My eyes havent opened yet and Im already worried about the day ahead of me most days...Im trying to fight that off, but its tough.
> >
> > As far as feeling lazy..I think thats it..My motivation comes and goes depending on my mood....If Im happy im the hardest worker here...On an anxious day or day Im worrying all day I get nothing done...slack off, and piss people off.
> >
> > Im hoping for some stability soon. Im an engineer in mechanical construction so the stresses can and are more than I can handle on most days.
> You are still *early* into your Lex experience....don't want to upset you but feel I should warn you that things may get a little rough befor they get better. It may take 6-8 weeks befor you feel the *benefits* of Lex. Keep a good attitude, come here often for support and keep us posted on your progress!
> Best of luck!~~~8|8

Hey, your not being lazy!!!!!!!! Your suffering a mental disorder that can be corrected. None of this is your fault. You must of had to have a lot of motivation to get through school to become an engineer. Just wondering if your boss knows what your going through or is this a secret. TAKE CARE!!!


Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl

Posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 13:18:19

In reply to Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Dr. Bob on June 11, 2002, at 7:52:48

I am not feeling great todat, like I have the flu or something, My eyes were red and watery, I ache in certain muscle areas, a little stomach distress, I do not know if the watery eyes are giving me slight double vision, Is tis part of the Lexapro or do I have to go to the doctor to look for something else?



Posted by lil' jimi on September 17, 2003, at 14:12:47

In reply to Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 13:18:19

hey leedsman,

sorry to read that you're having a rough day there:

> I am not feeling great todat, like I have the flu or something, My eyes were red and watery, I ache in certain muscle areas, a little stomach distress, I do not know if the watery eyes are giving me slight double vision, Is tis part of the Lexapro or do I have to go to the doctor to look for something else? >

now, just because i'm ornery, i'd like to be able to blame this all on your Paxil withdrawals ... ... but that's a stretch given your off of paxil now, like what 2 months there? ... ...
... but it's possible (likely?) that your system is still trying to adapt to the discontinuation of paxil some ... and if that's a factor, at least we know that that will improve every day ...

... ... otherwise, even if i'm not being ornery, i got to tell you that every one of those symptoms have been reported as lex SEs ... most of them i experienced ... ... blurring of vision is not uncommon ... i had it some and mine was not the watery eyes-caused blurriness either ...
... as spooky as it seems, it would appear the visual neurochemistry lets us know when it is making its switch over to the new lex regime ...
... actually, at one point in my SEs my vision got a lot better ... ... one day (day 3 or 4 maybe) i was able to see way better with my crummy old glasses perscription ... ... but i got over it ... ... darn it! ...

i (like you ) felt like i had the flu ... ... so i treated myself like i had the flu and took analgesics (i like ibuprofen) and pushed fluids and got as much rest as i could ... for a family man anyway ... ...

... ... you are having some pretty extensive SEs there for as long as you've been on 10 mg ...
... i'd rate you as 7.5 out of ten there ...
... sorry it has to be so bad ...
... we all appreciate your posts here ...
... it's good to hear from you ... keep 'em coming ...

and drink a LOT of water and electrolyte drinks and any non-caffienated beverages, fruit juices are good .... and take your vitamins too ...

while we're at it let's cut down on our alcohol as much as possible too ...

do i sound like your grandma? ... ... well, she was right !

lexapro will try to dehydrate you ... don't let it .... drink more good stuff ...

take Care!
~ jim


Re: leedsman

Posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 14:49:53

In reply to leedsman, posted by lil' jimi on September 17, 2003, at 14:12:47

Thanks, Lil Jimi, I made it to work today, and am taking the advil for the muscle pain and I took a little of Claritin D for the watery eyes. It is more of a cloudy sort of feeling in my vision like some sort of light white mist, with a little bluriness. I will see how it goes the rest of the day. I appreciate your input, and if anyone else out htere, Wayne, Mariposa, Arianna, etc, would like to add anything , I would appreciate it.


Re: Bad day already!!! » Mattsit

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 16:06:39

In reply to Bad day already!!!, posted by Mattsit on September 17, 2003, at 7:50:44

Hi Mattsit, Of course you're not going crazy. You may be feeling uncomfortable. I'm sorry and hope that the rest of your day was ok.
I have a tendency to be a worrywart too.
Try to remember one day at a time.
Please give the Lexapro a chance~yes! As I'm sure you've read here, many people have had great success on the medication. For any anti-depressant to take effect, it usually takes a good 4-8 weeks~sometimes more, sometimes less.
We're all differentin the way we each react to these medications.
Sending hope your way:-)

> Day 6 of Lexapro...And Im very anxious this morning...worrying about losing my job, not losing my job, having to find a new job, how much i hate my current job, how much i dont want to lose my current job....
> Get my point? I worry about EVERY possible thing, even if the worries contridict themselves...that does NOT make sense...I hope the Lexapro helps me soon...I realize it may be a few weeks, but Im really hoping.
> Am I just lazy, or am I crazy??!?!?!?!?


Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? » leedsman

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 16:16:03

In reply to Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 13:18:19

leedsman~I'm sorry you not feeling great today.
My eyes got red and watery during the first few weeks of starting lexapro. I used OTC Benadryl. I'm not sure if this is a side effect~but I felt like you do too.
I hope you get to a doctor if you feel worse, it could very well be a *bug* or your body just adjusting to the Lexapro.
Hang in there and keep posting, we're here for ya:-)

> I am not feeling great todat, like I have the flu or something, My eyes were red and watery, I ache in certain muscle areas, a little stomach distress, I do not know if the watery eyes are giving me slight double vision, Is tis part of the Lexapro or do I have to go to the doctor to look for something else?


Re: leedsman

Posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 16:16:47

In reply to leedsman, posted by lil' jimi on September 17, 2003, at 14:12:47

Hey, Lil jimi, it;s been 5 weeks of the paxil for now and starting the 5th week of Lexapro at 10mg., I did have one week of 5mg. lexapro a week before that , does that count, because the week before that I was on 5mg. lexapro one day and 12,5 mg, paxil the other day for a week, so it has been cold turkey from paxil for 5 weeks now,

When did your lexapro kick in at what week?
I see my shrink on Monday and I wonder what is going to happen , and see if she wants me to continue Lexapro or go back to Paxil


Re: leedsman » leedsman

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 16:20:54

In reply to Re: leedsman, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 16:16:47

Hey leedsman, just a little extra input here for you:-)
Lexapro started to kick in for me the 1st week.
Please give the Lex a chance and like lil jim said~drink lots of water!
He's a great help when it comes to this stuff!
I wish you the best at your appt on Monday.

> Hey, Lil jimi, it;s been 5 weeks of the paxil for now and starting the 5th week of Lexapro at 10mg., I did have one week of 5mg. lexapro a week before that , does that count, because the week before that I was on 5mg. lexapro one day and 12,5 mg, paxil the other day for a week, so it has been cold turkey from paxil for 5 weeks now,
> When did your lexapro kick in at what week?
> I see my shrink on Monday and I wonder what is going to happen , and see if she wants me to continue Lexapro or go back to Paxil


Re: leedsman

Posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 16:54:42

In reply to Re: leedsman, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 16:16:47

thanks, galkeepinon, I appreciate the support.
How are you doing, and how long have you been on Lexapro now?


Re: leedsman » leedsman

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 17:07:12

In reply to Re: leedsman, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 16:54:42

~tyvm for asking how I was doing~that's very nice of you!
I'm hangin in there, one day at a time ;)
Tomorrow will be 7 WEEKS on the Lexapro. So the following week will be a good 2 months:-)
So far, so good:-)
Take care!
*****Hooray for Lexapro!!!!!!!!!!*****

> thanks, galkeepinon, I appreciate the support.
> How are you doing, and how long have you been on Lexapro now?


Re: leedsman

Posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 17:31:07

In reply to Re: leedsman » leedsman, posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 17:07:12

This is to everybody, I just read the internet about dry eye syndrome, which in fact can cause dry, burning, red itchy eyes, and later watery and excessive tearing of the eye. I had dry eyes over 6 years ago, which I believe was related to fibromyalgia and went to the eye doctor , who put in temporary plugsin to keep the eyes moist. I believe it did work. They say it can be from prescription drugs or other things. Has anybody felt this kind of dry eye syndrome since they have been on Lexapro, because mine started about 2 weeks ago, about the same time my neck and shoulder pains started. Any input to this?


re: leedsman ! » leedsman

Posted by lil' jimi on September 17, 2003, at 17:43:10

In reply to Re: leedsman, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 16:16:47

hi leedsman,

> Hey, Lil jimi, it;s been 5 weeks of the paxil for now and starting the 5th week of Lexapro at 10mg., I did have one week of 5mg. lexapro a week before that , does that count, because the week before that I was on 5mg. lexapro one day and 12,5 mg, paxil the other day for a week, so it has been cold turkey from paxil for 5 weeks now, >

of course, everything counts ... somehow ...
... even my own 'count' gets complicated in this kind of way ...

old story here

march 6 i got my prescription for 10mg and i took one 10mg dose ... ... was Stunned by my immediate SEs .... .... and therefore took only 5mg/day for the next month when i went up to 10mg where i am now, 5 more months later ... see? complicated ...

... so my SEs came in two episodes:
intense for my first week in march ...
then again in april, but much less intense and shorter ... only 5 days total ... i definitely had it very easy ... !

> When did your lexapro kick in at what week?
> I see my shrink on Monday and I wonder what is going to happen , and see if she wants me to continue Lexapro or go back to Paxil >

... my experience of feeling noticeably better was after i had gone up to 10mg ... maybe week 6 ...
... however, in retrospect, it is clear to me now that i was benefiting before that ... perhaps as early as 3 weeks at 5mg ... maybe?

good luck with your doctor's appointment ...
take care!
~ jim


re: leedsman ! part II » leedsman

Posted by lil' jimi on September 17, 2003, at 21:35:41

In reply to Re: leedsman, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 17:31:07

hey leed-O,

> This is to everybody, I just read the internet about dry eye syndrome, which in fact can cause dry, burning, red itchy eyes, and later watery and excessive tearing of the eye. I had dry eyes over 6 years ago, which I believe was related to fibromyalgia and went to the eye doctor , who put in temporary plugsin to keep the eyes moist. I believe it did work. They say it can be from prescription drugs or other things. Has anybody felt this kind of dry eye syndrome since they have been on Lexapro, because mine started about 2 weeks ago, about the same time my neck and shoulder pains started. Any input to this? >

i may have had some of that too ... ...
... ... but i was fighting dehydration so intently by drinking so much water that i'd doubt that my eyes could have dried out if they'd wanted to ... ... eye showed them! ..... ..... HA!

... i had some minor stiffness and some muscle soreness too ... ... very reminiscent of flu like aches and pains ... ... others have had severe cramps and worse .... .... definitely lex SEs ...

make sure you are drinking enough water ... ... then drink twice that amount ! ... ... dehydration will makes those SEs worse ... ... lex can and will cause dehydration ... ... protect yourself there!
good luck!
~ jim


Re: Lexapro Side Effects » leedsman

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 22:51:23

In reply to Re: Lexapro Side Effects, posted by leedsman on September 16, 2003, at 11:20:37

Describes me exactly~I've had a definate increase in appettite the last few weeks.

> Anybody have no real appetite in the mornings, but can eat better in the afternoon and evening?


Re: leedsman

Posted by BLKVETTES on September 17, 2003, at 23:16:02

In reply to Re: leedsman, posted by leedsman on September 17, 2003, at 17:31:07

> This is to everybody, I just read the internet about dry eye syndrome, which in fact can cause dry, burning, red itchy eyes, and later watery and excessive tearing of the eye. I had dry eyes over 6 years ago, which I believe was related to fibromyalgia and went to the eye doctor , who put in temporary plugsin to keep the eyes moist. I believe it did work. They say it can be from prescription drugs or other things. Has anybody felt this kind of dry eye syndrome since they have been on Lexapro, because mine started about 2 weeks ago, about the same time my neck and shoulder pains started. Any input to this?

Hi, I still think a lot of your problems have to do with paxil. Everytime I talk about these withdrawals it seems to be overlooked by the person going through it. Please read the links and see if you can relate. TAKE CARE!!!!


Do I smell Garlic? WAYNE????~hey lil jim:-) » lil' jimi

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 23:53:01

In reply to re: Neurontin thread or garlic? » galkeepinon, posted by lil' jimi on September 16, 2003, at 21:42:17

Hey there:-)
no, I actually didn't take any make-ups, just got back on it the next day:-)
Woooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooo for Lexapro :-)

> hey Gal,
> is that Wayne something or what ?
> > You brought a laugh to my day~thank you!
> > I think it's a little bit of both~or a lot?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! hehehe
> > Awwwwwww don't sleep with garlic around you're neck~the neighbors might complain about the smell!
> > Keep feeling good on the Lex, my friend:-)
> > I missed a dose yesterday~but back to schedule today.
> ... and speaking of meds ... ( ? )
> a week or 2 ago i missed a dose ... and i got a real nice buzz when i took my make up dose ... i should have taken at noon, but forgot till 6 the next morning ... then i took it and i was flying! ... ... then another 10 mg at noon again? ... oh, yes !
> ... ... i'd suppose i was having those bad ol' side-effects .... oh, booooooo! ... ... all "derealization"-like and pretty darn "de-personalized" too
> ... ... ... like i'm complaining ... ... ... HA!
> so ...
> did you take any make ups and did you have any effects from it?
> mine were fun!
> ~ jim


Oh Yeah~lil jimi.........

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 23:55:16

In reply to Do I smell Garlic? WAYNE????~hey lil jim:-) » lil' jimi, posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 23:53:01

and oh yeah~~I had a *high high high*
the day after I missed my dose~weird..........


re: Neurontin thread ?~~lil jim:-) » lil' jimi

Posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 23:59:40

In reply to re: Neurontin thread ?~~lil jim:-) » galkeepinon, posted by lil' jimi on September 16, 2003, at 21:13:28

I really liked Neurontin when I was on it, but my doc took me off :( Maybe it's in the future for me?
Glad you're doing good!!!!!!
I have NO experience with Zoloft, Wellbutrin, but I now have it with LEXAPRO
I end my 7th week tomorrow:-)
start week 8 Friday..........
Take care jimbo:-)

> hi Gal!
> you're welcome!
> apparently there more than a few folks taking this here neurontin with lexapro
> ... ... i am so clueless about neurontin
> ... ... i have like half an idea about wellbutrin
> ... ... and effexor and the other ssris ... sorta
> ... ... but i am the proverbial babe in the woods with these other meds ... ...
> oh yeah, my ol' 10 mg of lexapro still works for me here alright ... ... i'm doing fine, thanks for asking, you good Gal you!
> lex heads unite! .. .. .. .. HA!
> ~ jim
> > Thanks for clearing that up buddy!!!! How are you doing by the way?
> > Me? Lexapro is still working to a good degree~10mg! (this IS PB;) if ya know what I'm trying to say here, gotta talk about LEX!! Wooooooooo Hoooooooo)
> > ~from one lex head to another ;)
> > gal:-)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > > I would like the messages from the Neurontin group to come to my mailbox like the lexapro ones do. How do I do this. I get all the lexapro ones and read them. >
> > >
> > > our mission should somebody decide to accept it is to find a "Neurontin" thread ... post to that thread ... and check the "notify you of later follow-ups to this thread" box before we submit the post ...
> > >
> > > ... so are we ready team? ... no?
> > >
> > > see we have everything except the Neurontin thread ...
> > > .... what i did was to go to the bottom of the page and put 'Neurontin' into a pBabble Search (with the selected) ... ... a lot of Neurontin posts were listed there ...
> > >
> > > ... my suspicion is that there isn't a currently ongoing Neurontin thread ...
> > > ... the posts i looked at were on short threads or some were on this thread ...
> > >
> > > ... so If there is no Neurontin thread ...
> > > ... then you may just have to start one ...
> > >
> > > maybe the Neurontin folks just aren't the kind of cohesive fanatics ... ... these lex heads are ... ... HA!
> > >
> > > take care,
> > > ~ jim
> >
> >


Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl

Posted by leedsman on September 18, 2003, at 0:52:35

In reply to Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by Dr. Bob on June 11, 2002, at 7:52:48

what about dopamine and norinephrine , what does that do for you, if all you need is serotonin, what are the symptoms of missing the other two?



Posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 0:56:17

In reply to Re: Lexapro troubles - day 11 » Peter , posted by Esmarelda on September 16, 2003, at 12:05:20

Hi Esmarelda, I saw your post. I am having EXTREME anxiety yesterday and today. I start week 7, I believe on Friday. I'm so anxious right now I can't even think straight. I don't believe I have ever had this feeling~it's just plain ole anxiousness. Does this pass?
Any insight anyone? I can't believe it has anything else to do with besides the Lex, because I have read some posts about what seems to happen to some at week 6 or 7. The depression is controllable, but I am anxious as heck!!!
Typing fast, walking fast, shaking, heart skips, clenching jaw.
Help please?? :(
I am also losing my balance, it's scaring me just a tad.


re: Oh Yes ! » galkeepinon

Posted by lil' jimi on September 18, 2003, at 1:32:55

In reply to Oh Yeah~lil jimi........., posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 23:55:16

> and oh yeah~~I had a *high high high*
> the day after I missed my dose~weird..........

... mmm - MM !
... at first i thought you might've missed out on the fun there ...
... then i get this post ...
... OKAY ! ... ...
... just looking to enjoy every little thrill ...
... isn't this what a med-related board should be about ... ... sharing the valuable drug information ...

take care there keepin on gal !
~ jim


re: Neurontin thread ? :: Lex Heads Unite !! » galkeepinon

Posted by lil' jimi on September 18, 2003, at 1:49:51

In reply to re: Neurontin thread ?~~lil jim:-) » lil' jimi, posted by galkeepinon on September 17, 2003, at 23:59:40

hey Galster,

> I really liked Neurontin when I was on it, but my doc took me off :( Maybe it's in the future for me?
> Glad you're doing good!!!!!!
> I have NO experience with Zoloft, Wellbutrin, but I now have it with LEXAPRO
> I end my 7th week tomorrow:-)
> start week 8 Friday..........
> Take care jimbo:-)

congratulations on your 8 weeks !
we should celebrate ... ... a party !

this neurontin + lex combo seems to be getting popular kind of ala wellbutrin + lex ...
... ... i wonder if neurontin is a benzo ... ?
... think i'll look that up !

you take care too, Gal,
~ jim


jim~you are so pleasant:-) thank you:-) (nm)

Posted by galkeepinon on September 18, 2003, at 2:39:30

In reply to re: Neurontin thread ? :: Lex Heads Unite !! » galkeepinon, posted by lil' jimi on September 18, 2003, at 1:49:51


re: dopamine, norepinephrine

Posted by lil' jimi on September 18, 2003, at 2:41:36

In reply to Re: Anyone switched to Lexapro? « ggrrl, posted by leedsman on September 18, 2003, at 0:52:35

> what about dopamine and norinephrine , what does that do for you, if all you need is serotonin, what are the symptoms of missing the other two?

thanks to merriam-webster on-line (, i got this out of their dictionary ...
"is a vasopressor hormone of the adrenal medulla, and is a precursor of epinephrine in its major biosynthetic pathway" ...

so now we should know what epinephrine is:
"the principal blood-pressure raising hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla and is used medicinally especially as a heart stimulant, a vasoconstrictor in controlling hemorrhages of the skin, and a muscle relaxant in bronchial asthma -- called also adrenaline" ...

dopamine we know is what's deficient in parkinson's patients ... ... critically responsible to motor action ... also a contributor to feeling pleasure ...

... my doctor considered putting me on Effexor because it is an SNRI ... it stimulates norepinehprine levels, and she felt i needed and that norepinephrine supports motivation ...

... nitric oxide (NO) is another good neurotransmitter ... but nobody talks about it ... ... so it's my favorite ... because it's so unpopular ...

we need then all ... ... it is just that with enough serotonin we aren't as likely to kill anybody ... ... maybe ?

these are getting into the details, as wayne calls when i post tmi ... ..

... two kinds of resources about these kind of questions:
here at pBabble, read all of Larry Hoover's posts ... along with anything from JrBecker or Ron Hill ... ... these guys are amazing ...

then try
... where you will find the complete text of dr. ray sahelian's book _Mind Boosters_

so my continual nagging question i'm going to have to research is ...
When and why did adrenaline have it's name turn into epinephrine ?
... what i am wondering is how come adrenaline, the stimulating 'fight or flight' hormone, got a name change when it got promoted to vital neurotranmitter ?? ... (see how quizzical i am? two question marks !)

but i got to go to bed now, so i'll find out tomorrow
... good night,
~ jim

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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