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Posted by Paul_d_234 on September 29, 2004, at 19:51:56
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by stressed on September 28, 2004, at 7:54:47
Is your daughter seeing a psych doc or a family doc? How old is she?Suggest you and daughter look into other meds - like Welbutrin or Cymbalta - that don't cause weight gain and treat depression before trying Topamax.
Its easier to manage side effects and understand risks if you are one med rather than two. Nothing wrong with two meds but that should be done after you rule out an agent that treats the primary concern.
> She is taking it because she has been on lexapro and gained much weight. Her doc. put her on it to control moods and also to help her binge eating disorder. It is getting out of control. Yesterday she said she felt like she had the flu, and felt really hungry, light headed a bit. That's not good. Thanks for your info, you are helping me more than you know.
Posted by stressed on September 29, 2004, at 20:30:28
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by Paul_d_234 on September 29, 2004, at 19:51:56
Paul_D: My daughter is seeing a psych, and a family doc. They are father and daughter, so they interact on a more than regular basis. She is taking Welbutrin 300mg, now. Lexapro made her gain weight. She is 16 yrs. old. and my husband side of the family is REALLY heavy, and BED seems to be handed down to her from both sides......what a mess. I hope to get this taken care of before she goes to college. So far, she says the urge to binge has gone away at 50mg. per day. We will see....thanks very much for responding.
Posted by headachequeen on September 29, 2004, at 20:30:28
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by Paul_d_234 on September 29, 2004, at 19:51:56
> Is your daughter seeing a psych doc or a family doc? How old is she?
> Suggest you and daughter look into other meds - like Welbutrin or Cymbalta - that don't cause weight gain and treat depression before trying Topamax.
I hate to burst anyone's bubble but one of the first warnings the pharmacist gave me was that welbutrin could cause weight gain... and it did and it can also cause seizures and as I am already having seizure problems it was not exactly the answer to my problem... but it is not something that I would recommend anyone try...
if there is already a problem then why take something that can cause another very serious problem????
to me that is playing with fire....
Posted by headachequeen on September 29, 2004, at 20:40:00
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by stressed on September 29, 2004, at 20:30:28
> Paul_D: My daughter is seeing a psych, and a family doc. They are father and daughter, so they interact on a more than regular basis.
This would seem to be a really great team effort...
and more helpful than the usual system...
you are most fortunate...
as is your daughter...
One thing that concerns me though is that in the research I have been doing, Lexapro is not advised for people who are on anti-seizure medications...
and Topomax is basically an anti-seizure med...
just a thought...
Posted by bridgey1128 on September 30, 2004, at 15:56:21
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed » stressed, posted by headachequeen on September 29, 2004, at 20:40:00
I took Welbutrin and it made me bonkers. I didn't have weight gain with it though. I had an EXTREMELY dry mouth though. If you are bipolar you shouldn't be taking Welbutrin though. People who are bipolar usually react strangely to antidepressants. I stopped taking the Lexapro before I could tell if it even worked because it made me gain 5lbs in 3 days. It's an antipsychotic. Different class of drugs. Is your daughter been diagnosed as depressed? Or bipolar? That makes a difference
Posted by headachequeen on September 30, 2004, at 16:13:58
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by bridgey1128 on September 30, 2004, at 15:56:21
> I took Welbutrin and it made me bonkers. I didn't have weight gain with it though. I had an EXTREMELY dry mouth though. If you are bipolar you shouldn't be taking Welbutrin though. People who are bipolar usually react strangely to antidepressants. I stopped taking the Lexapro before I could tell if it even worked because it made me gain 5lbs in 3 days. It's an antipsychotic. Different class of drugs. Is your daughter been diagnosed as depressed? Or bipolar? That makes a difference
Welbutrin is one of those meds that seems to be prescribed for so many things...
I know one social worker who is bipolar and suicidal and, yes, he works with children in dire need, arrgghhh, and refuses to get help in case it interferes with his keeping his job...
he gets welbutrin to help him keep his job...
it apparently helps him with his symptoms although it is not helping his smoking I must add....I was on Welbutrin because my doctor thought that the highs I reach when my creative side achieves success followed by the extreme lows that occur when nothing happens in my creative life had to be bi-polar symptoms... he never seemed to realise that these 'symptoms' were not controlling me but that I was controlling them, driving them as it were and not them driving me,
the stuff did not make me bonkers as you describe it, Bridgey, it flattened my personality completely... and it caused me to gain weight along with the Zyprexa... what a disaster they were... and the dry mouth...
I am diabetic and thirsty all the time as it is...
the welbutrin made life unbearable....awful stuff...
and the little happy face on the front of the tablet... insult to injury!!!!
Posted by stressed on September 30, 2004, at 18:32:47
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by bridgey1128 on September 30, 2004, at 15:56:21
Bridgey: My daughter is depressed or was. She says she is not now. When she took Welbutrin before, she lost weight right away. It made her really hot and sweaty, so the doc switched her to Lexapro....bad move. Anyway, she is off it now. I just want her off of everything. Thanks.
Posted by bridgey1128 on September 30, 2004, at 20:45:58
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by stressed on September 30, 2004, at 18:32:47
Yeah I wish I didn't have to take anything. Unfortunately, being bipolar, when I don't take my meds, my family doesn't like me very much! hehe Hopefully with both her Dr's working together they will find something that works for her. But if she ever feels uncomfortable about taking something I hope she won't hesitate to tell her Dr's so. I think so many times Dr's expect us to just shut up and take the dang pills. I know weight gain is so frustrating. They give us something for depression and then it makes us fat which makes us depressed which makes us have to keep taking medicine for depression which makes us fatter which makes us more depressed than see where I am going with this. It's a catch 22 a lot of times. And I was wrong about the Lexapro.. I took that earlier. It is an antipsychotic I do believe but I didn't have weight gain with it. It was the Zyprexa. My mistake. Zyprexa is also an antipsychotic. IT is the one that made me pack on the pounds. After you take so many different freaking drugs you forget which is which!!! Good luck to your daughter. I hope she finds the right combination of meds and therapy. 16 is a hard age. God Bless
Posted by dazedandconfused on October 1, 2004, at 16:46:40
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by bridgey1128 on September 30, 2004, at 20:45:58
Just a quick note,
Lexapro is an antidepressant. An SSRI in the same class as Prozac, Zoloft, etc. It is not an antipsychotic.dazed
Posted by stressed on October 1, 2004, at 17:08:39
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by dazedandconfused on October 1, 2004, at 16:46:40
Everyone, when does this stuff start kicking in?
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 1, 2004, at 17:38:21
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by dazedandconfused on October 1, 2004, at 16:46:40
Gotcha about Lexapro. I couldn't remember which it was. I knew I had taken it and it didn't help. I have taken so MANY that haven't helped they seen to kinda all blend together after awhile. One I wouldn't ever EVER recommend to anyone, if even for the horrid HORRID withdrawl symptoms is Effexor. MAN OH MAN! That was some HORRIBLE stuff. I had taken that for a couple of months with bascially no results (like the others except for a very strange side effect of stratispheric libido) when I started getting a headache. Well, it lasted and lasted and lasted and lasted. It about drove me crazy so I decided this was NOT for me. I also had what is called "brain shivers". This feels like someone suddenly grabbing your head and shaking it for all it's worth and your eyeballs spinning around in your head at any given moment. Not painful but very dizzying and frightning when driving and everything goes crazy on you. I VERY slowly tried to go off the Effexor and it wouldn't let me! I went down like a quarter of a capsule. I had to open them up and divy up the little balls of medicine inside, it was very ridiculous. When that about drove me to insanity I started having panic attacks because it was really upsetting me that a medicine had this much control over my body and wouldn't let go! I had some Ativan and I took ONE and the brain shivers and headaches stopped. I don't know why but it allowed me to break the drug withdrawl. After this horrible ordeal is when I went to my Dr and said SOMETHING ELSE IS WRONG! I AM NOT JUST DEPRESSED!..this is when we discovered I might be bipolar and was tested. BINGO! And to answer your question Stressed in a round about way, it takes a while to "work" so to speak. It depends on what you are taking Topamax for and how much. I can tell that I am going to need to go up again because I am starting to get irritable again..a sign of my mania. Aggressive irritability and excessive talkativeness. Hopefully your daughter will be able to tell you when she is starting to feel better and I hope she is also in therapy. I don't think that a teenager or any child should be on medication without some sort of therapy, whether it be psychology or behavior therapy dealing with ADHD. I hope your daughter finds some light at the end of her tunnel soon. Med hopping is no fun. Been there done that.
Posted by headachequeen on October 1, 2004, at 18:04:48
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by bridgey1128 on October 1, 2004, at 17:38:21
Effexor. MAN OH MAN! That was some HORRIBLE stuff.
Effexor is indeed horrible... I was on it in conjunction with Zyprexa and with I forget what to help me sleep... to stop the brain from spinning all night as I was simply unable to stop thinking so could not sleep, part of my problem that they kept thinking was bipolar... as I said I am not bipolar I simply get on these creative binges and highs and cannot stop, the ideas come and they do not stop and I am afraid to let them stop...
at any rate, with the Effexor and the Zyprexa I was a zombie... not only were there no creative highs, there were no thoughts, no ideas... nothing... I was the waking dead... totally flat-lined...
no emotions, nothing... my face was flat, my eyes which are usually alive and flashing with life and fire were dull and flat... my husband was not happy, said he would rather cope with the all night waking person than the dead psychologist who was trying to help me deal with childhood trauma that had emerged with the breakdown that followed the death of my dog... don't even smile... I had a complete emotional crash following the death of my favourite dog, my soul mate and total partner and ended up in hospital and so much emerged as a result...
said one day that he was having a hard time getting past the training I had received as a child, our family does not display emotion and he said that I had learned my lessons well...
it occurred to me as I left the session that the drugs were not helping... so I quit that day...
just went cold turkey... no one told me that it was not a good idea or that it was not really possible to do this. I went home and threw out the three bottles of pills and had no problems at all...
when the psychiatrist and my regular doctor found out they were upset about it and kept offering to put me in hospital or to prescribe stuff to help me cope with the reaction and so on, but I was doing fine and figured that any other meds would mean an adjustment time and it might not go so well...
I was smirking about it to the psychologist one day and he really told me off, told me how lucky I had been and how foolish... and then I read Bridgey's account of coming off Effexor... and had a time of retroactive panic...
no one will ever get me to take any of that stuff again... EVER....
as for when the Topomax will begin to work, it takes different time periods with different people, the trick is to hang in there and let it get up to speed...
the metabolism, the present weight, so many factors play a role...
I mentioned earlier that I saw weight loss begin almost immediately, three pounds the first week, but it took several months to lose a significant amount and it has slowed down now...
I have not lost any weight for several weeks...
I keep hoping.. but then again I have not gained any so that is good...The binging is going to come under control as the topomax begins to affect the part of the mind that controls that tendency...
and I forget which part of the brain does that...
it may be in the frontal lobe as that is where my epileptic problems occur and the topomax seems to help that too ever so much...
when I have a problem remembering or I am especially clumsy or have an outburst of foot in mouth disease I always title it one of my F-7 Moments...
works for me and people are more sympathetic as a rule... they are never quite sure what it is, but if it has a letter and a number it must be serious and they need to be considerate <g>
other than husbands of course....give it time and encourage her, she will get there and it will help...
meanwhile, encourage her to drink lots of water, it is in style and it helps... and if she nibbles on cashews or pecans, an ounce or two when she feels the urge to binge it helps and is healthy and cuts her appetite urges too...kat
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 1, 2004, at 18:48:20
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by headachequeen on October 1, 2004, at 18:04:48
I have found that when I am having withdrawl symptoms with the Topamax..I hallucinate. Anyone else have this? Not meaning to scare anyone off. This was an accidental thing. What happened was I missed a dose that I thought I had taken and then it was too late in the day to take it. So I skipped it...well..maybe I'll just risk it next time. Was REALLY tired that evening to I laid down for a nap. My husband woke me up to say goodnight to my daughter and I kept saying something about the walls were green and a picture was a different shape. Now, to me I SAW these things with my own eyes and when I think back I remember them clear as day as he says I was seeing them. So I know I was awake. I also didn't know who my daughter was. He kept saying Say goodnight to Hannah...and I said..Who? Who?...I couldn't grasp who she was for some reason right then and then I noticed my room was green and the picture on the wall was now a melted trapazoid shape. This has happened several times, usually when I need to go UP on my meds. It's like I have needed to go up for so long my body is going through withdrawl. If I ever have to come off this drug....whoo wee! Maybe I should just get a bottle of booze or something and watch the show! JUST KIDDING!!!!
Posted by headachequeen on October 1, 2004, at 20:41:59
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by bridgey1128 on October 1, 2004, at 18:48:20
> I have found that when I am having withdrawl symptoms with the Topamax..I hallucinate.
A while ago I had to quit taking Topomax and Tegritol both for some tests they wanted to do..
there were no withdrawal symptoms other than me muttering and growling because the seizures started in right away of course, two and three a night, every night until I started back on Teg and Topomax and worked back up to a controlling dose...
hallucinate? no but I did daydream about strangling the person whose idea it was to do the tests without the anti-seizure meds... does that count???
Posted by Aussie on October 1, 2004, at 23:34:06
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed » bridgey1128, posted by headachequeen on October 1, 2004, at 20:41:59
Zyprexa is probably the drug that made you feel like a zombie.
Effexor doesn't do that. I understand that getting off Effexor is 'not a good thing'and I don't look forward to that time. However the drug is a wonder drug!
I am so happy to be on it.As for Topomax, it made me much more anxious -like extremely, which is unusual the doctor said. Apparently if you've had a childhood trauma then Topomax is not for you. I took it for a month increasing slowly and I lost weight almost immediately.
I should reiterate that as many have said before me - everyone reacts differently.
Has anyone had problems weaning off serzone?
Stressed - Your daughter is lucky to have such a caring Mother :)
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 2, 2004, at 8:39:36
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed » bridgey1128, posted by headachequeen on October 1, 2004, at 20:41:59
Aussie..Did I mention I was a redhead? We have weird side effects...that's probably the reason. I have always reacted weirdly and differently to drugs and always had the most odd side effects. That is probably why NO WEIGHT LOSS with the Topomax. Because that would be a DESIRED one, you see.....ah the joys of being a redhead...*sigh*
Posted by headachequeen on October 2, 2004, at 9:56:47
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by Aussie on October 1, 2004, at 23:34:06
> Zyprexa is probably the drug that made you feel like a zombie.
> Effexor doesn't do that.I should have been more concise in my reply earlier... some journalist I am lol...
I was originally on Effexor and Welbutrin, then just on Effexor when they realised that seizures were a problem as I was epileptic and welbutrin causes seizures and exacerbates seizures...
with the effexor by itself I was a zombie... the zyprexa added to it made me a whole clan of zombies or whatever a group of zombies is called...
being celtic in background, I would of course be a clan <g>
and it was not pretty I am told...and you have again reminded me how fortunate I was to have such an easy time coming off the two of them...
never again....
I don't care if the sky is falling and the earth opening at my feet...
never again...
I will stick pins in my eyes first
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 2, 2004, at 10:32:22
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by headachequeen on October 2, 2004, at 9:56:47
Effexor didn't do anything for me except not work and up my libido beyond belief. I think it flipped me into a mania. Which just proves I shouldn't have been taking it to begin with. At that time I didn't know I was bipolar, which explains why I didn't know what was going on. For people who are bipolar STAY AWAY FROM EFFEXOR!!!! NOT a good drug. Actually people who are bipolar should stay away from antidepressants period. They don't work. Which isn't good because Topomax isn't good for depression, which is another catch 22. *sigh*. Problem for me now is I was doing well but now I feel like I am going back into another depression. I just have to fight them because frankly, I don't have the $ to go to a psych or a a counselor. My deductible is so high it would cause me to STAY depressed to worry about paying the freaking bill!!! So I guess I'll have to battle it yet again if it comes. Time to up the meds again I guess.....
Posted by stressed on October 2, 2004, at 11:37:34
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by Aussie on October 1, 2004, at 23:34:06
Aussie.....when you say you lost weight almost emmediatly, are you saying after a couple of weeks? I am expecting to see her lose in the second week, and that may be unreasonable. Because of her binging problem, I am not supposed to mention a diet, weight, etc. at all to her. I really can't ask her if she has lost anything. Doctors instructions, of course. Thanks for your input. All of you are helping me in getting through these tough times with her. Thank you so very much.
Posted by headachequeen on October 2, 2004, at 13:15:14
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by stressed on October 2, 2004, at 11:37:34
> Aussie.....when you say you lost weight almost emmediatly, are you saying after a couple of weeks? I am expecting to see her lose in the second week, and that may be unreasonable.
Okay, Stressed...
I am not Aussie, but I am a redhead like Bridgey, does that count :) ???
and I have all the freak and strange health things that go with being a redhead... arrghhhanyway, first, let me add a word to the advice that you have been given, when you do notice a change, please encourage her, be supportive and compliment her...
it is soooo helpful...I remember people walking on eggshells around me... I have done the anorexic trip and looked like a skeleton with flesh and done a version of the binge trip and no one would say anything if I lost weight...
they were afraid to comment in case it was because I was sick and was losing weight because of some dire symptoms or because it might embarrass me...
hey world!!! I have lost a lot of weight...
I look almost like the person I was before the wrong meds were prescribed and I started eating to combat the boredom and the unhappiness ....
it would be nice to have someone notice that I now wear clothes a few sizes smaller...other than that, I did start to lose weight right away... it was only a couple of pounds...three in the first week... not a hugely noticeable thing unless you saw the number registering on the scale...
and the binge attacks were curbed... suddenly I no longer found myself standing there with food in hand that I really didn't want but ate because it was in my hand and why waste it...
some days I was simply not hungry at all... I forced myself to eat something... yoghurt or carrot sticks...
I had a craving for protein, chicken was a favourite choice...lately I am on a more balanced diet plan of choice not of planning I must admit, but I do eat only one main meal a day with perhaps a snack in the evening of a slice of whole wheat bread and some cheese or nuts or peanut butter that sort of thing... whereas before it was all day constantly...
my office had a supply of emergency rations in case I felt myself about to die of starvation at fifteen-minute intervals...
I was not hungry, I was lonely, bored, deprived, whatever...
the topomax curbed so many wrong feelings about eating...
and it worked over a period of time... from a size 16 pair of jeans to a size eight... and from a large jacket or sweater and sometimes and XL to a small...IT WILL WORK but do not panic as that will create more stress for her and she has enough stress about her weight and her binge-eating and whatever is causing it (binge-eating and anorexia and all the eating disorders seldom just happen so my shrink keeps telling me)
Be positive and supportive... and patient...
it is VITAL...
she has been on the med for a short time...
I saw the weight loss on the scale and that helped... I saw the weight loss effectively in a month or so when I had to get a size smaller in jeans and pants and skirts...
can't remember exactly when...
I do know that by September (started in January) I was in a size ten...and she will be healthier if it does not come off in a matter of days too....
Posted by stressed on October 2, 2004, at 17:28:06
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by headachequeen on October 2, 2004, at 13:15:14
Thanks so much for the support and information. It was really uplifting and encouraging for me. How great for you to be able to lose that amount of weight. I just keep thinking "what if she is that one person that Topamax doesn't work?." I know how hard it is to lose weight. You are really helping me through this, more than you know.....really. Anyone feel free to add information anytime. Thanks
Posted by headachequeen on October 2, 2004, at 19:57:23
In reply to Thanks for the advice, posted by stressed on October 2, 2004, at 17:28:06
> Kat,
> Thanks so much for the support and information. It was really uplifting and encouraging for me. How great for you to be able to lose that amount of weight. I just keep thinking "what if she is that one person that Topamax doesn't work?." I know how hard it is to lose weight. You are really helping me through this, more than you know.....really. Anyone feel free to add information anytime. Thanks
I have been helped here by so many people and soooo sooo often... that I am happy to be able to help someone else... my chance to pay it forward...just remember to give things time and that you will not notice the change overnight...
relax and be will come...
as I think of our foster kids and our own kids, and there were more foster kids than own kids <g>, I have to say that the most important thing you can do is let her know that you love her no matter what
love is the most important tool in her arsenal... love and support as she tries to overcome this... and unconditional love is the most important thing of all...
now my bog challenge is to keep the weight off and to beat the seizures... I used to think it would be wonderful to be able to go to sleep at night and not worry about a seizure happening...
now I remember that old saw about being careful what you wish for...
suddenly the nights became totally seizure-free and days became terrifying...
so now I am happy when they happen at night...
and I look forward to seizure-free time as long as the weight stays off...
I always have these little riders that I attach to life <g>
Posted by iris2 on October 2, 2004, at 22:36:02
In reply to RE: More info please...stressed, posted by stressed on October 2, 2004, at 11:37:34
Because of her binging problem, I am not supposed to mention a diet, weight, etc. at all to her. I really can't ask her if she has lost anything. Doctors instructions, of course.
I am curious is this doctor a therapist?
I think it is paramount that your daughter sees a therapist. If she has an eating disorder than no matter what medication she needs to work on the causes. You seem really preoccupied by her weight more than the binging. How overweight is she? Are she or you over stressing the weight problem? Does she have a lot of body image problems? Is being a little overweight seems like a huge amount and impossible to deal with? Or is she actually very overweight. I know at this age body image is very important but if it is overblown by those around her that only makes her emotional problems worse. I am asking because I have had an eating disorder since I was 15. I was anorexic and weighed 56 pounds at 5'2" before I started eating again. My mother was always weight conscious. Way too worried about her own weight and both her daughters. It created many more problems for me. I have been bulimic and binge eating for 30 years now. I am better now. I do not have the symptoms most of the time but I always suffer with body image problems. I am not happy unless I am very underweight. A lot of grace and age has been helpful to me. I am probably about the correct weight for my height but I feel like I am overweight. The problem is too much emphasis on weight and not enough on physical activity and eating correctly. That is especially important to a teenager. They, as all of us need to be physically active as it creates a better more muscular body and from that a better body image to say nothing of improving self image, confidence and boosting those all important good feeling chemicals in our brains.
It would be interesting to know how much your daughter really is overweight? You sound very concerned. How much is the concern coming from her just feeling bad about herself as apposed to a big weight problem.
Unless someone is morbidly obese no one should take a medication solely to loose weight. Topimax is used as a mood stabilizer. It is news to me that a doctor would prescribe it to someone just to loose weight. It is a difficult medication and one needs not to be in any rush with it. It can be dangerous.I took it as a mood stabilizer only because I have a bladder disease that makes it virtually impossible for me to take most medications and I was able to take Topimax. My doctor never told me that it could cause weight loss. I never noticed any improvement in my bulimia or binging. Nor did it get worse. My depression either got worse or nothing happened. But it seemed to me that when I took it I was more tired. I did not loose any weight. I was on it for several months. I cannot remember how much. I weaned myself off of it. I cannot remember all the side effects but it took me a couple of months to get off the stuff. After I went off of it I gained about 30 pounds. I had no idea it was from not taking the Topimax. I had not been I touch with my doctor. When I told him how I had gained so much weight so quickly he asked me if I had stopped taking the Topimax. He than told me that it was a common effect to gain a lot of weight even though I never lost any on it when you go off of it. Because of my eating disorder and what this weight gain caused me mentally he suggested I go back on the Topimax. I immediately lost the weight I had gained but not more. I weaned myself off of it again but this time over several months.
I tell you all this because I have a lot of experience with eating disorders and it started at about your daughter’s age. I also have taken Topimax. From what you have described I do not think this is what your daughter needs to be taking. Just my opinion.
I think the doctor is dealing with symptoms and not with the disease. In the end that will hurt more than help. Loosing weight is not the answer if she has an eating disorder. I have seen people actually gain weight and be overweight but because they got the right kind of help for their eating disorders they were a lot happier and dealt with the weight gain like "normal" people do.
I hope I did not make you feel too unhappy with what is going on but I think there needs to be good judgment when dealing with such complicated and life threatening illnesses and medications.
Posted by stressed on October 3, 2004, at 12:28:30
In reply to Re: Thanks for the advice » stressed, posted by headachequeen on October 2, 2004, at 19:57:23
Ok, here is the situation. My daughter weighs around 170, maybe a little more. She is 5'6. She has about six Cheerleading uniforms she needs to be able to wear through out the year. So far they are really tight, and I know she will be very hurt if she cannot cheer because she can't wear the cloths. She lives for this chearleading thing. I am a fittnes instuctor, and she has been working out with a trainer and doing cardio for over one year. Nothing is changing. Her Phys. told us that Topamax changes the way you think about food, and could possibly help along with cognative therapy. I see how this will disrupt her life and it's painful to hear the comments the kids and other people make about her gainging this weight. I know I can't shield her from that, and it will eventually get to her. She keeps saying she doesn't want to be fat. I wish it were me, because I know it's harder to watch it happen to your child. Thanks for any other adivice anyone wants to contribute. I really have been relying on all of you for support.
Posted by headachequeen on October 3, 2004, at 12:48:47
In reply to Re: Thanks for the advice, posted by stressed on October 3, 2004, at 12:28:30
> Ok, here is the situation. My daughter weighs around 170, maybe a little more. She is 5'6.
could the fitness and exercise program be bumped up a notch to help her work off the weight??through the time you have been on the list she should SAFELY have been able to move up to the next level (50 mg) of the med... and it should be beginning to curb the urge to eat...
this is going to work... but we have to give it time....
and we have to be confident for her and with her and with you...
and we are here to help you get through it so you can be confident for her...the negative approach will not help you and we are not going there...
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