Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 1109323

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Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on April 19, 2020, at 18:54:08

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on April 18, 2020, at 8:23:53

I've been trying to study First Aid for the USMLE, 2019.

I also have companion volumes (Basic Science, Organ Systems, Cases) for when I need things to be unpacked / further explained.

I also have Pathoma lectures. It is a book. I can also purchase online lectures for when motivation becomes a problem. Sometimes he reads the book (that gives you the chance to say what he is about to say just before he says it).

Hmming and Haaing about the money motivates me to study USMLE / the Pathoma book, more.

I can also purchase access to questions -- where there is additional content / instruction around the questions. It is expensive:

My motorcycle died. The electrics. My mother said she would give me money for a new (second hand) one to get me back on the road again. Since I don't need to commute with my handy apartment location, location, location I asked if I could have a bicycyle, instead, and save the money to put it towards medical study / examination / accreditation.

The money is there, for that. For things like that.

But it is a lot of money.

I feel like I should eek everything I can out of First Aid for USMLE and Pathoma before forking out for the question / problem sets.

But likely that's the wrong approach. Like trying to *understand* mechanics or thermodynamics *before* starting the problem sets when it's about doing the problem sets, doing the problems sets, doing the problem sets, recognising the answer to the problem that you have done hundreds of times before, doing the problem sets.

I don't know.

I've also started flipping through Kahn Academy videos of AP American History, AP World History, AP Government and Civics.

I need to watch less Cohh and get back into work more properly. It's been a pretty unfocused year for me since I've been throwing mental f*ck*ng trantrums that they refused to process my application to medidcine properly (yet again) and I should have started in Feb.

But I guess I've had my couple months summer break (I studied through much of my summer break) and it is time for me to get back more properly into work.

I don't know the answer to your questions. I feel like I would need to see particular / individual cases. The Kahn Academy stuff is helping me make sense of the broad political situation and role of president and judiciary etc etc. Even the whole Pilgrims vs indentured servants (much of the medical workforce) and slavery thing.

I'm slightly obsessed with Brown, at the moment. And Rhode Island. And Moscow and Cernobyl...

I think I've found a competent lawyer. And I think the District Health Boards are learning to give the health workers the Medical Supplies and so on... So... So... There we go.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on May 1, 2020, at 15:38:30

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on April 19, 2020, at 18:54:08

Alexandra all the best in Auckland. There you probably wont need sweaters and heaters anymore.

At best you must do something with that you can evolve your talents.

I think Trump is sometimes right. Maybe the sun rays do decrease the concentration of the Corona virus in Auckland or other high frequent rays could be used other than the solar spectrum to clean large surfaces from the Virus. At least Trump has fantasy. However, dont think that inhalation or injection of disinfectant is a good idea

Its obvious the hotels are void and there is good reason to continue a bustling life. It seems that the president lacks a bit empathy but I think he has conscience.

Prime Minister Ardern made many things right. She tightened the gun laws and collected the semi-automatic guns. But she also closed the border immediately . So there is less virus in New Zealand than somewhere else.

You know, everyday there are hundreds of new regulations of state or federal laws put into force. Not even a lawyer has a complete overview. I have spent time to have at least some overview. Here, not only data protection laws are violated but also constitutional law and research law.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on May 6, 2020, at 6:59:46

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on April 19, 2020, at 18:54:08

youre already discriminated and exploited by hsiung, alexandra.

But maybe there are lovely people in New Zealand. Considered that you have the ruling Prime minister Jacina Ardern it is likely. She closed the borders early. Trump played it down at the beginning of the pandemic. Now it seems that the president has problems to restart the economy.

The electric thing is probably not so a big deal in a motorbike. Very likely it is the battery. Or it can be some corrosion. But if its the cylinder crushed or other such conjoined parts you probably wont have replacement parts anymore. I have heard that Italy produces non original replacement parts sometimes but I am not sure if they export to new zealand or to california. after fifteen years or so they stop producing replacement parts for older motorbikes.

Hope you can repair it.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 9, 2020, at 6:47:55

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on May 6, 2020, at 6:59:46

Trump would have been going against UN advise if he had have closed the borders any earlier. The UN would have frowned a lot on him closing the borders to China before 'epidemic' was pronounced -- by them.

That was why he was so critical of them for (retrospection is a wonderful thing of course) pronouncing 'epidemic' earlier. Also more critical of China not being pushier about the information (coming out of Taiwan and Hong Kong) about person to person transmission.

It is a hard call. NZ was following further behind so got to see how very very badly things were unfolding overseas and close the borders 'relatively' early. Not temporally early, compared to overseas, though.

There have been issues about the legality of our lock-down. But no issues (I think) about our Prime Minister declaring a state of civil emergency *before* epidemic was pronounced by the UN. Or... Maybe her pronouncement was, actually, after, and the temporal lag we experienced (relative to New York) was what made her pronouncement the early stages of our transmission.

I'm not entirely sure.

We do seem to be on track, though with 0-2 new cases being discovered each day for the last few days 2 weeks after relaxing our restrictions somewhat.

My motorcycle is dead, I am afraid. It is an old bike (2007) and a cheaply made bike (with soft metals that have eroded and plastic bits that have bits broken and chipped) that has been kept outdoors in the rain and hail and even snow... And the sun and the shine.

It was falling apart, basically. From neglect -- since I didn't know how to look after it properly. Tune the various bits. It needed a new chain and sprockets and the dim headlight is something about the stator motor... Or... The mechanics weren't quite sure... They said they could order it for maybe $500. Then a couple hours labor maybe $200. So $900 dollars work on a maybe $1,500 or $2,000 bike to replace... And maybe that wouldn't turn out to be the problem... Maybe the headlight would still be dim. Could possibly be the bulb (need to order that in...) Or... So... Yeah...

My Mother said I could get a new bike (well, new second hand one). But then the problem is how I'm supposed to pay for the couple hundred dollars of maintenence work that needs to be done on it every few months to keep it in good shape.

Then add to that the fact that the kids downstairs wil kick it over periodically or otherwise maim it. Try and cut into the ignition, or whatever.

I do really miss not having one. I liked the freedom. Flying along on the motorway...

Feeling like a human being. An actual person.

Instead of being like:

Most people my age have a mortage on their house. Why don't I?? Why must I live like a child or a homeless person in temporary accommodation in the bottom demographic always???

Or: Most people have a car and use the roads. Why don't I??

Why am I locked out of normal society things always???

Perhaps I'm too stupid for a job

Gee, that must be it.

There have been times in my life when I apply and apply and apply and apply and apply...

But nobody processes my stuff anymore.

You know. Unless I get prior approvals and only submit what I'm supposed to submit when I'm supposed to submit it.

For sure.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 9, 2020, at 7:09:10

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 9, 2020, at 6:47:55

I could be wrong but I think Trump closed the borders early Feb.

We didn't start lockdown until 24 March.

So nearly 2 months later.

It was just 'early' from our perspective because it didn't look like the virus was going to make it here. It had already taken off in NY.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on May 10, 2020, at 5:49:58

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 9, 2020, at 7:09:10

You are right that New Zealand closed its borders not much earlier than the us. When I checked, I ve found out that the USA closed the borders for air traffic approx. on 11 March, while New Zealand waited approx. until 19 March. But you can imagine that the consequences for the us are much, much bigger. Chicago, Atlanta and New York are huge hubs with big passenger transits.

Considering the spread, it also has something to do with culture. While Asians have less problems with masks, Western culture has more problems with masks. In Asia, masks have always been part of the culture, including drama and theater. They dont have so much problems to wear this daily.

If electrical parts of your motorbike are broken, you can replace them likely or take them from another motorbike. But a cylinder and adjacent parts have a unique length and diameter depending on the model. If the part is no longer produced, it's difficult. It may not be possible to replace it.

your should do the repairs yourselves with your hands.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on May 10, 2020, at 6:29:40

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on May 10, 2020, at 5:49:58

It's not the case that I don't like Trump, by the way. CNN doesn't like Trump. Trump employs many people in his hotels. Maybe Trump wouldn't like to fire people like Mitt Romney. The president is not so susceptible to feelings, however. Personally, I have more a political attitude like that from Jacinda Ardern. Climate change is a fact.

My husband helps me with motorcycles. The climate here in the Southwest is very dry so there is barely rust.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us? » ert

Posted by alexandra_k on May 11, 2020, at 8:02:23

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on May 10, 2020, at 5:49:58

The media is going on about some 300 page document dump but all I can find is a 6 page proactive FYI release. It states that NZ closed borders to mainland China day after Australia. After the US, too. 2 Feb we did.

Yes, I understand the many bigger ports in the US made it much much harder for the US to close borders with China. And for China to close borders with the US, too. Nobody wants to be the guy to be wrong in a situation like that. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I think the leaders all probably did the best they could for their people.

I think you are right about masks being more routine. I think there is also something more orderly about the culture. Contientiousness. Neatness. Neat and tidy. Hair carefully brushed. Don't touch your face. Things like that. So, all those other things about handwashing etc etc too.

Very different from cultures where people are more routinely physically intimate. High fiveing and fist bumping. Patting each other on their backs. Playfighting and hugging and kissing on cheeks.

I think that may be why the health people here are reluctant to reccommend face masks for most people. It would be likely to be something very very uncomfortable for rather a lot of people. They might be more inclined to touch them and adjust them all the time. Feeling awkward. Them becomming contaminated, even.

I find that wearing a face mask helps remind me not to touch my face. I actually feel safer and more confident with one on. But I don't think many people feel that way. I can't tolerate them for long... But I think the particular style I have is the issue more than anything. Waiting on some of a different type to arrive...

I have a Yamaha Scorpio SX-4. It would need to be pretty seriously dismantled to get at the wiring. I did think about gettign another Yamaha Scorpio SX-4. That way the old one could serve as a parts bike and I could start dismantling it and so on...

But then I thought that I didn't really have anyplace to dismantle it -- I would have to do that outside since I don't have a garage. And that would be a pain and I likely would not.

I ended up getting a bicycle instead. I keep it inside. Can put it on the balcony and do repairs. I feel like I should enjoy looking after it more... Cleaning the chain... Adjusting the brakes... But I mostly don't much like those tasks. Because I don't feel I have good tools / because I don't feel I properly know what I am doing. I persist... But I don't feel I properly enjoy that, yet.

I am worried I will try and do something, do it wrong, and make a hazard for myself. I don't trust my brakes after I replaced the brake pads, now. I don't know if the screws are tight enough or whether one might slip in an emergency...

Are you into motorcycles? What kinds of motorcycles?


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 11, 2020, at 8:09:05

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on May 10, 2020, at 6:29:40

Motorcycles would be lovely in a dry climate. Cool breeze from the wind chill. Sunny days.

I really do miss Scorpio. We had adventures. It was a little bike with very little oomph. Like... A shetland pony of motorcycles, really. But had adventures, we did. It was a fun little bike on urban streets of NZ that are a hit hilly and windy. Manouverable. Light so it didn't get dropped toooo much. Actually... We took more than a few slow speed tumbles...

But it was a great little learner bike.

I was also looking at Kawasaki 300 or ideally 400...
Duke 390 (but some concerns about them running hot or something)...

I really like the... Olive green.. Burnt orange.. Ninja.

I think I might try and get one of those, as my next bike.

Just from a superficial sort of a perspective. Don't know how they feel to ride...


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 2:27:16

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 11, 2020, at 8:09:05

There are a few nice color options. The plasma blue is good, too. I am not a fan of lime green. I like more of a forest green... The same shade (I think you call it) as the burnt orange / plasma blue. But in green.

Still a baby bike, of course. But I like the idea of being able to pick it up by myself if I need to. And I am a lighter rider and don't need to tow a house bus...


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 2:51:49

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 2:27:16


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 3:05:08

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 2:51:49

I guess there are different degrees of border control with respect to different regions of China and with respect to travellers vs cargo ships and the like.

I know in level 4 lockdown boating was not allowed. Probably to stop people travelleling about in houseboats / sailboats / private yachts. I think we get a fleet?? Of travellers from the Northern Hemisphere here for our summer every year. American tourists.

Seems lawyers are going to question the legality of the situation in the courts. As they should. For that extra layer of protection for the peoples.

I read something about the communications and advertising that went into our lockdown campaign.

A 360 on the usual idiocy that you see in public health.

The sort of simple advertising campaign that is so simple... Just works... Like how Apple used to be simple... Everything just works...

But popping the hood and actually thinking about all the intelligence and work that goes into things running so smoothly as they did.

Not sure if people can read the text.

It is very very very much a contrast to what you usually see in public health.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 11:33:52

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 3:05:08

it was a long article.

it pointed out that phrases like 'team of five million' were run through focus groups to check how the message was received.

it pointed out that there was something particular about the shade of yellow and the softening effect of curves and broken lines.

that was the shade of yellow i wanted, by the way. for my stethescope. the only yellow 3m has got going on is lime. fizzy. sour. strange-ness.

yolk yellow. yup.

i went with black. because i couldn't justify paying a price premium on the item.

i paid a price premium on a macbook, however many years ago. to get a black macbook instead of a white macbook. not entirely sure how i justified that... but i did. i think i was very very very opposed to white.

but i can't pay a price premium for not-black. because there is nothing much wrong with black. and the green, while a nice color actually, was called 'hunter' green. if they had have called it 'forest green' instead i might actually have brought it...

maybe they should have focus grouped that.

i guessed burnt orange... but i can't for the life of me find the name of that particular shade of green...

i had a trek bike in that particular shade of green... and i liked it very much.

they don't do that shade on many things, anymore. they make the green to light. lime. hunter. whatever.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on May 26, 2020, at 5:17:50

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 12, 2020, at 11:33:52


my husband immigrated from italy to the us. he knows a lot about engines. but the weather in new zealand is very different than in the southwest. i read about the new zealand warning system in the newspaper. new zealand is obviously a progressive nation.

you shouldn't compare yourself too much with other people. it doesn't make you happy. you are unique as a human being. i think you have many talents. you can write well.

i would like to work for jacinda arden if i could. but you have to be pretty loyal when you work for the government. btw, i would not work too much for hsiung, alexandra. you're being taken advantage of.

the lockdown slows things down. many things are closed and you have to be more patient. but there are also advantages. the air is clearer and the view is better.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 27, 2020, at 1:21:58

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on May 26, 2020, at 5:17:50

I see. Does your husband cook, also? I like italian food.

I have heard weather in Arizona and the like is sunny sunny sunny and dry. More like Australia. I'm not sure if that is sort of where you mean. My knowledge of the US and regional variation is fairly limited I have not visited that part.

I think our warning system was borrowed from Singapore. It seemed like a very wise decision -- to borrow that one in particular, yes. I am pleased our leaders had the wisdom to do that and the capability to roll it out smoothly in a timely fashion. It was well done. Yes. I think the world agrees that it was very ideal, really, the way that it was handled in this part of the world.

But it is also important to keep that in perspective... A little bit humbled... About our borrowings. And about our luck of being able to observe things unfolding in other places with the benefit of that and of more time to strategise and roll out something appropriate.

> you shouldn't compare yourself too much with other people. it doesn't make you happy. you are unique as a human being. i think you have many talents. you can write well.

Thankyou. I think that everyone is special. There was a song... By this band... 'Death by Chocolate'. I mis-heard some lyrics. 'Because you're special... Just like everybody else'. And I interpreted it to mean that every human being is unique with their own unique strengths and beauties and abilities and accomplishments and so on... Every single one of us.

But that wasn't actually the meaning of the lyrics.

Comparisons are difficult, yes.

It is hard for me in NZ particularly, I think, becuase of the strong Maaori influence that is tribal. Group or community focused. People are often raised in sort of sports teams of families. I mean to say that the family is similar in number to a sports team. There is a community and commonality. People share rooms and are very physically intimate. Bouncing off each other etc. From when they are little and they share a bed with siblings...

It comes through culturally. The importance of group work. The importance of having a group. A tribe. The idea of strength in numbers.

I'm very much out on a limb... Out on my own... Going against the tide... Going against the norm... (It turns out)... In returning to University as an Undergrduate AFTER achieving success in graduate studies. They can't parse it. Why anybody would return to undergraduate studies after getting through them with good grades. They can't parse it. So they've set about to denying the grades that I've got and so on...

It's a difficult situation for me to be. Precisely because... I appear to be peer-less.

It's a strange thing...

I remember at Waikato when I was an undergraduate 1/3 of the undergraduates were mature (25 years or older). There were students returning to study becuase they wanted a change in career. E.g., people wanting to learn computer science later in life or whatever. So I thought that was normal.

Also, the adult students were excelling, often. Because they were highly motivated and studious. Good work ethic.

THen TV shows like ER where people (e.g., Abbey) go to night school or whatever to do classes so as to get to study Medicine.

So I got it into my head that there wouldn't be much of a problem. Enrol in classes. Work hard with that good work ethic. See results. I was a bit worried about whether I would have the capacity / capability to do it... But not heaps and heaps worried. I tend to believe that people can learn anythign they want. Usually when people aren't learning it is because motivation is lacking. Sometieme becuase primary needs are not met. Sometimes becuase you realise the course is not for you (e.g., me with personal training. Me with physiotherapy with the touchy feely requirement and complete disregard for informed consent).

But it's become... Alien. That whole ideology that I had has become an alien one for our culture.

I don't know... Weren't these people raised on those TV shows, too?

Why did they come to embrace an ideology of inter-generational class division and complete disregard for meritocracy adn the idea of workign ones way up?

I don't know.

> i would like to work for jacinda arden if i could. but you have to be pretty loyal when you work for the government.

Wow. I don't know how loyal you have to be, here. We don't have enough for people to be totally or entirely replaced depending on how the election turns out. So people are in... Either way, I think. I don't know.

If Jacinda has junior people working for her... Interns and clerks or whatever... If she is involved in training the next generation... We never see them. We never see her do that. Nobody in government. I don't really see a new generation coming through....

I'm not working for Hsuing.

I'm not working.

I'm not working, at all.

I'm waiting on the courts, presently.

The University of AUckland is required to follow their algorithm on Medical Student selections, you see. They repeatedly refuse to process my application properly in order to give my place to someone else. They miscalculate my GPA. Refuse to accept evidence of completion of degree. Etc etc etc. It's a scummy scammy scum.

On the upside... I hope a lot of online content has been developed this year and that clinical skills training, particularly, is learnable online. So students don't need to spend however many hours playing doctors and nurses with each other in order to demonstrate knowledge of clinical examination completely oblivious to informed consent.

I hope.

I hope they are better about people taking days off (learning from home) if they need to do that for their health, sometimes.

We will see.

I am going to join a gym tonight / tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about that.

We (welfare recipients) recently got a pay increase (after however many years). It will cost the entirety of that...

But the classes and the extra equipment and gear that gyms have... All of it... The atmosphere... Seeing differnet things that people are doing. Trying things out... It was something that was very meaningful for me, yeah, and a positive experience. Changes my metabolism. Fixes up my sleep / wake. Helps me remember what it's about. The book learning knowledge. Using that for practical things. How I wnanted to contribute in the form of knowledge. KNowledgeable expertise. A consulation. FOr peopel who want to know. Who have specific questions / problems. Help with something like that.

In the spirit of fixing up the weakest link:

1) Nutrition. Including portion control.

2) COre. Vaccums. Good old fashioned anterior abdominal strength. I have none of it. I learned in a time where anterior core was neglected and rubbish rubbished and everything was posterior chain this and that. I did start out having to work really really really really hard for gluteal activation. But my lumbar extensors are chronically tight / overactive / prone to overuse injury) and anterior core is my weakness. Time to fix that up.

Oh my. It almost sounds like I need to train like a bodybuilder.

Since I trained like a powerlifter (very low back and posterior chain). And I trained like a weightlifter... Quads...

So... I've... Come home to it, perhaps.

I live not far from the Original Les Mills. For the group fitness and I think there is a bodybuilding community there. Usually it's packed. But social distancing.... I guess you book in advance, now. We will see...

ANd there are a couple other affiliates that I can go to in the neighbourhood, too.

My brother was assistant manager of the Hamilton branch at some point His girlfriend / wife did a figure show or something... Through an Auckland one, I think. For a time when they were living apart because she had a job in Auckland...


We'll see.

I guess I can see the future of orthopedic surgeries that may be needed in NZ in the next 10 or 20 years seeing people moving about for the classes...

Try not to join them in that way, myself...


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by alexandra_k on May 27, 2020, at 2:54:24

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 27, 2020, at 1:21:58

ahhhh.. That's a good idea.

They'll be doing them at the other end of the age spectrum next.

Then maybe some 'fit for surgery'




Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on May 29, 2020, at 5:18:55

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 27, 2020, at 2:54:24

I have some Italian recipes that I could send to you Alexandra. I ll look if I find them.

I think President Trump is right considering the fact that operators of online forums still have too much power. As I said, I think sometimes the president is right.

This is true in the case of Twitter, Facebook and of course in the case of Hsiung, who alone decides about everything. With Twitter and Facebook, everyone can delete their posts themselves. Here Hsiung decides that they are not deleted. And it contains phi.

In my opinion, Advisory Boards would be the best way to solve this problem concerning online social forums. The Advisory Boards should contain independent persons and specialists who make democratic decisions in hardship cases (button for advisory boards next to posts with a clear declaration of a statement or reason and so on). there could also be established an advisory board of appeal (advisory board of last resort).

the presidents Executive Order could lead to a state by which untruth-producing voices suppress others. Especially when they have big money pockets.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by Lamdage22 on May 29, 2020, at 5:41:56

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on May 29, 2020, at 5:18:55

Well, it is not possible to always be wrong.

> As I said, I think sometimes the president is right.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on June 9, 2020, at 7:00:19

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by alexandra_k on May 27, 2020, at 2:54:24

Imagine if medical and social security data on microsoft and google clouds could land on the internet. Such solutions that governments and schools evaluate to use. why should Europeans trust us ? I read in the times that Hamburg already is poised to migrate to Linux.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on June 9, 2020, at 13:05:54

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on June 9, 2020, at 7:00:19

> Imagine if medical and social security data on microsoft and google clouds could land on the internet. Such solutions that governments and schools evaluate to use. why should Europeans trust us ? I read in the times that Hamburg already is poised to migrate to Linux.

opensuse libreoffice


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on June 9, 2020, at 13:08:55

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on June 9, 2020, at 13:05:54

> > Imagine if medical and social security data on microsoft and google clouds could land on the internet. Such solutions that governments and schools evaluate to use. why should Europeans trust us ? I read in the times that Hamburg already is poised to migrate to Linux.

> opensuse libreoffice or gmx cloud

it's not only license costs it's also legal certainty and data security for sensitive information.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on June 13, 2020, at 11:09:50

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on June 9, 2020, at 13:08:55

> > > Imagine if medical and social security data on microsoft and google clouds could land on the internet. Such solutions that governments and schools evaluate to use. why should Europeans trust us ? I read in the times that Hamburg already is poised to migrate to Linux.
> >
> >
> >
> > opensuse libreoffice or gmx cloud
> >
> >
> it's not only license costs it's also legal certainty and data security for sensitive information.

You know, Alexandra, when I immigrated to the Southwest the climate was somehow arid. There is no rust. But I must say that the longer I am here the more I want to emigrate. Why not NZ, in a country that abides by human rights and does not steal and lie (such as health information). And has zero coronavirus. My husband will maybe able to help you then. We ll see.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on June 13, 2020, at 16:19:26

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on June 13, 2020, at 11:09:50

> > > > Imagine if medical and social security data on microsoft and google clouds could land on the internet. Such solutions that governments and schools evaluate to use. why should Europeans trust us ? I read in the times that Hamburg already is poised to migrate to Linux.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > opensuse libreoffice or gmx cloud
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > it's not only license costs it's also legal certainty and data security for sensitive information.
> You know, Alexandra, when I immigrated to the Southwest the climate was somehow arid. There is no rust. But I must say that the longer I am here the more I want to emigrate. Why not NZ, in a country that abides by human rights and does not steal and lie (such as health information). And has zero coronavirus. My husband will maybe able to help you then. We ll see.

only hsiung lies. but both steal. the us and hsiung. the copyrights as well as health information (sensitive information), host it online and generate money.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us? » ert

Posted by alexandra_k on June 13, 2020, at 18:43:56

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?, posted by ert on June 13, 2020, at 11:09:50

New Zealand does not abide by Human Rights. I assure you that the USA (at the Federal level, at least) as a better developed understanding of human rights than the New Zealand government does.

I understand things vary a bit by state. Things vary a bit by region here, too. But our laws offer very little protection for Human Rights, indeed. I have attempted to bring human rights violations to the the Human Rights Commission and most of our human rights laws have been redacted (or whatever the term is). Most of our Human Rights laws have been struck out. You have to prove that people are treating people badly *because of their race* compared to *just because they can*. And we treat everybody so very badly routinely as a matter of course... There are many... Indentured servants. Much underclass of white people. So... Good luck trying to prove that anything at all is becuase of race or disability or whatever. The chosen white will hold up a particularly stupid one of their own and claim that it has ADHD and needs a lawful prescription of meth to function which shows somehow that they aren't discriminating against people who are disabled becuase they are fairly represented...

I phoned the fraud hotline. Apparently it is set up for whistle-blowers to report cases of corruption. I phoned them up and informed them that Universities in New Zealand are not processing applications for enrolment in professional practice programs at least (that is to say medicine -- and probably law and engineering also) properly / fairly. Universities in New Zealand aren't grading students work according to best practice (blind grading the work against internationaly standards of academic values). Universities in New Zealand aren't signing students off when they have met the requirements for the Degree. New Zealand Universities are signing students off when they have NOT met the requirements for the Degree. They laughed and told me I didn't know what corruption meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeans.

I went to Amnesty International in Auckland. I told them that Universities in New Zealand treat their students as slaves. They require the students to pay fees to them while working for them. Years after they were required to sign the studnet off and employ them (pay them) for continued labor if they wanted to extract continued labor from them, at all.

They laughted. Apparently Amnesty International is all about slavery overseas. In other countries. In poor developing third world countries. Not in rich countries like New Zealand. Said the French lady on the desk there after they video recorded me giving an interview about the supposed human rights violations in New Zealand.

I asked her what it is that they did in New Zealand, then. She said 'policy. We write and develop policy'. I asked her where the policly was, then. She actually had the... Something... TO look vaguely ashamed at that point. Mumbled something about a website...

I know things aren't perfect in the US. I know things vary a lot depending on where in teh US you are...

But I can assure you that things are mostly worse, here.

I can assure you that a lot of stealing and lying goes on here.

I understand you have problems with the USA having under-developed protections compared to some places in Europe. To be honest I don't know much of anything about these issues.

But I do know that in New Zealand we don't have the most basic level of accountabiltiy for spending in our public health system. I mean to say we don't have the most basic of accurate pay-roll information. We don't have the most basic of purchasing information. For every dollar that is spent on healthcare how much of it is spent on things that are useful? Compared to lining the pockets of our DHB administrators I mean to say. Supplies... Not being purchased. Being locked away so they are never used. Being diverted into private clinics... Things are worse, here. I am certain of that.

Our doctors don't know how to write competent file notes. I am almost certain of that. Don't know how to do a focused (15 minute) history of presenting symptoms. Don't have the capability to order relevnt laboratory tests. Don't have the medications that can be presribed. Don't have the laboratory tests come back (results be communicated back). Don't have the medications to home in on the correct prescsription after the results come back. Don't have timely referrals for cancers that have been found. Don't have screenings. Don't have yearly health checks. Don't have competent specialists (e.g., pathology, radiology) to help with diagnoses.

We hear an endless stream of incompetence and ineptitide resulting in death after death after death in our public health system.

But you know, the chosen white's kids get to do whatever they want to whomever they want because it is their God Given Right.

I can assure you that things are worse here.

We have LESS LAWS. Overall. And what laws we have are more likely to be written by lawyers representing business interests (to do with politicians on the take, I guess) than laws to help the people.

As can be seen by the sheer number of laws that have effectively been scribbled out each and every year.


I am making conversation mostly about your husband / your husband helping me. But I do have a picture in my head of a guy riding an Italian motorcycle in the dry sunshine...

I wish I didn't hate New Zealand so very very very very much. But it's incredibly frustrating to see the f*ck*ng idiot retards ruining things worse year after year after year after year while they pat themselves on the back for all the money they steal while refusing to allow this country to develop. Their f*ck*ng stupidity and moral ineptitute ruining things for us all.


Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us?

Posted by ert on June 21, 2020, at 14:05:29

In reply to Re: Would Dr Bob reveal personal information about us? » ert, posted by alexandra_k on June 13, 2020, at 18:43:56

For me it sounds like nz is a good place. I could not visit my friends in South America that easily. here mainly is dust, whereas where you live there is rust.
Hasta luego, tal vez

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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