Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 203759

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Why do i feel better than ever ?

Posted by janejj on February 25, 2003, at 15:38:44

Before I started taking Prozac I was really depressed and I really though the best way out was to die.

After a while Prozac really helped me and I felt better and less depressed, but not exactly perfect.

However for various reason I had to give up taking the Prozac and Ativan. I was concerned that i would just slip back into depression, but I haven't I feel better than I have done in almost 3 years. Why is this ? My doc told me I'd have to take Prozac for the rest of my life because i have dysthmia.

I'm really happy that things have worked out, I just don't understand why !has this happened to anyone else ?


Re: Why do i feel better than ever ? » janejj

Posted by Eddie Sylvano on February 25, 2003, at 15:48:54

In reply to Why do i feel better than ever ?, posted by janejj on February 25, 2003, at 15:38:44

> I'm really happy that things have worked out, I just don't understand why !has this happened to anyone else ?

Not to rain on your parade, but how long have you been off the Prozac? Depression doesn't come back all that quickly. I was on Effexor for about a year, quit it, and also felt great for about another year, after which it all came back again. Back on Celexa now, and feeling better.


Re: Why do i feel better than ever ? » Eddie Sylvano

Posted by janejj on February 25, 2003, at 16:14:16

In reply to Re: Why do i feel better than ever ? » janejj, posted by Eddie Sylvano on February 25, 2003, at 15:48:54

Only a few months. So how can you get better without meds? even if it is just for a year you are still better!



Re: Why do i feel better than ever ?

Posted by Eddie Sylvano on February 25, 2003, at 16:46:41

In reply to Re: Why do i feel better than ever ? » Eddie Sylvano, posted by janejj on February 25, 2003, at 16:14:16

> Only a few months. So how can you get better without meds? even if it is just for a year you are still better!

I think that in general, the longer you've been on the meds, the longer it takes for their effects to wear off. No one has put forth a decent theory on what causes the cycle of depression to begin, but it isn't really something that happens quickly (well, maybe if you're bipolar). The months of medication have a sort of inertia that carries over for quite a while before the system begins to reverse the trend. The reversal takes a while, and you may not be aware it's happening until it reaches some critical point. For me, that means physical symptoms return (anxiety, fatigue), I start listening to Nick Drake again, etc. Everyone's experience is different, though, and some people do indeed continue to remain "well."


Re: Why do i feel better than ever ?

Posted by male34 on February 25, 2003, at 16:46:47

In reply to Why do i feel better than ever ?, posted by janejj on February 25, 2003, at 15:38:44

ive read you asked with out meds there are supplements and vitamins and exercise done daily ,look into it research,im glad your well and lets just say you would have to be on meds for a long time lets say, hey thats ok also, whatever works ,keep that in mind stay well,
i was on paxil anxiety went off was well for 1/2 year my mom died life got tough now im back on ssri lexapro, i must face facts its who i am and all of us 34 million in the usa "no biggie"--- deal with it , be strong to all of us -----------" we will live " god bless good luck


Re: Why do i feel better than ever ? » janejj

Posted by JohnV on February 26, 2003, at 1:50:23

In reply to Why do i feel better than ever ?, posted by janejj on February 25, 2003, at 15:38:44

Jane, there of course really is no answer either way but is really one of the bigger questions in life, like "Why are we here?", etc. Live, love, dream, enjoy yourself as much as possible. And if someday things become too overwhelming, you know there is help available. From my experience and personal research it is just so important to take each experience day by day, because as the song goes, "tomorrow never knows". Somedays may (and will) be two steps forward, and sometimes of course a step (or maybe two) back. Yes, depression has cursed me with possibly being a bit too negative sometimes.

As you know, depression is a very humbling and grounding experience, and I think though it also robs of us of some of our ability to dream and hope. I think one of the biggest problems with medication for depression is it seems to "numb" many people especially in the doses regularly prescribed for the long term. They rob us of some of our deeper and richer feelings. I'd really love to see all antidepressants made into liquid form, and people tried eventually on the smallest amount possible. (But again, for others I would never suggest they just "stop" medication.)
That is also why I think you may be feeling better after such a long time on medication.

But you have also seemed to cognitively dealt with "issues" that may have plagued you in the past. My depression has slowly lifted in part because I have been able to deal with issues that made me horribly depressed in the past, and I honestly don't think "any" medication will change "real world" problems that will still be there no matter how many years go by. Again, though, the medication helped me live and face the problems until something could be done about them.

I hope you can share your insight with others on the board, and don't be too afraid if you still have some (that being the key word..:-) teary-eyed days. And of course, you know now not to be afraid to ask for help if needed. Take care, John.


Re: Why do i feel better than ever ?

Posted by JohnL on February 26, 2003, at 7:31:18

In reply to Why do i feel better than ever ?, posted by janejj on February 25, 2003, at 15:38:44

Maybe the Prozac sort of recalibrated things so that all is well, for now and hopefully forever. Or maybe this is just the up part of a cycling effect, with a down side coming up in the future. My grandmother had a 7 year long depression that just went away by itself one day.

So, who knows. Enjoy the good times!

> Before I started taking Prozac I was really depressed and I really though the best way out was to die.
> After a while Prozac really helped me and I felt better and less depressed, but not exactly perfect.
> However for various reason I had to give up taking the Prozac and Ativan. I was concerned that i would just slip back into depression, but I haven't I feel better than I have done in almost 3 years. Why is this ? My doc told me I'd have to take Prozac for the rest of my life because i have dysthmia.
> I'm really happy that things have worked out, I just don't understand why !has this happened to anyone else ?

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