Posted by Nancy Schimelpfening on August 27, 1998, at 9:26:36
Dr. Bob,
My experience with psychiatry has been that there is not hard-and-fast system that is used to determine which med to use for an individual. There does seems to be a particular sequence of meds that doctors go through and if the first one doesn't work after a full trial, another is tried, and another. While there is some logic to the order of selection of medication, it's a time consuming process and seems almost to be a guessing game. A few days ago, I ran upon a method by a Dr. Jensen which is radically different from this approach. It uses a series of short "protocols" and claims to find the med(s) which will give 100% relief of all depression symptoms in a short period of time by finding the right med or combination of meds for a person's particular brain dysfunction. Could you read about it and report back to us what your opinion is? It makes a whole lot of sense to me, but I am not psychopharmacolgist. If this method is on the right track, it may be a great help to those who are "treatment resistant" since perhaps their only problem is that they haven't yet recieved the right meds. Also it would be a tremendous benefit to other patients to be able to get relief in a shorter time rather than wait weeks or months to find the right med. Here's the URL:
poster:Nancy Schimelpfening