Posted by Comp on September 3, 1998, at 17:50:01
In reply to Re:Thanks for your help Toby, here is my ADD inf , posted by Toby on August 31, 1998, at 8:56:09
Toby, thanks again for your help.. it is honestly
appreciated. As I told you before, I am a male
28 5'9 and weigh 160 lbs. I am taking 40 mgs of
Adderoll for 3 weeks with minimal help.
I can notice that the speed of my voice
has decreased as well as my thought process.
Yet my concentration is not that good.
I do not know if all people with ADD are
the same, I am sure they are not,
but without any medication(Adderoll or Ritalin
the only drugs that I have taken so far)
my mentality and comprehension are very good.
But most of the time, my mentality, concentration
and comprehension are not good. I know how it
feels to be ADD free (without the medicine)
but most of the time, that is not the case. I
feel like I have a BIG Block of Cast Iron on
my forehead preventing me from thinking and or
learning. I feel so defeated sometimes, I know
what my potential is and although sometimes I
reach it, most of the time no matter how hard
I try, I cannot meet it. I would appreciate
your help again Toby.PS My pysc (the one able to use medicine)
only prescribes medicine but does not use
therapy ( does not help out with the emotional
aspect. Is that the way it is supposed to be?