Posted by martha on February 22, 1999, at 8:19:19
I am new to this web site and i wonder if you can tell me if you are speaking from the knowledge base of a dr. , also, I have some additional questions about the drug: After my stroke i went to see a psychiatrist to get a second opinion about using Ritalin. I did this because the doctor who perscribed it for my daughter wouldn't speak to me himself, but told me through his secrestary that the ritalin hadn't caused my strike. He alsdo did this without looking at my medical records, so I was scared. This second doctor looked at me in amazement and said, You are the second person to come to me recently with such and experience, the other patient was an 8 year old boy.
i have been told by my perscribibg doctor that because they doin't know what caused my stroke that there has been no reporting of it is.