Posted by Anne on March 5, 1999, at 20:53:02
In reply to Re: Sweating relief?, posted by Barbara Roberts on September 10, 1998, at 20:27:54
> > > > Can't believe I found something about a
> > > > condition I thought was being caused by aging,
> > > > even though I'm only 39!> > > It's so good to know that others are as
> > > uncomfortable as I am (or is it as miserable)
> > > with the sweating - I'm 51 and my gyn increased
> > > the dose of estrogen thinking that was the
> > > problem. If Dr. Bob sees this, could he please
> > > help us?> > There's a page in Psychopharmacology Tips on this.
> > One of the search categories is Sweating, you can
> > click on it and then on the Search button to get
> > the link.> > Or you can just go to "Sweating from
> > antidepressants", at:> >
> Thank you . I read it and found it very helpful. One more question - in addition to the article on SSRIs and Apathy, do you have any suggesstions where I might find more info on the flat, blah, I don't care, no ambition and totally unmotivated but NOT depressed feeling I have with 40 mgs of Prozac daily in addition to 40 mgs Dexedrine for ADD. I even think the Prozac is dimishing the effect of the dexedrine and I cannot find anything on that. Suggestions are most welcome.
> Thank you for your work on the net.
> barrobe@aol,com
> > Bob