Posted by Cindy on November 7, 1999, at 23:29:55
In reply to Re: cont. Prozac after bad reaction WHAT FOR? & misc?, posted by Tom on November 7, 1999, at 21:44:01
> > According to that "Listening to Prozac" book (page 147 top) I should just cut my dose in half and continue on.
> >
> > It doesn't make a lick of sense to me. NONE!..... ZERO!
> >
> > If one has an immediate bad reaction to an AD (like my overwhelming anger/violence with Prozac), what possible benefit can one derive from continuing it .. at half a dose?
> >
> > I also don't understand all this delay in kick-in stuff either. I felt that 20mg Of Prozac within hours!
> >
> > Why does it take some ADs weeks to bloom?
> >
> > What's it DOING during those weeks?
> >
> > How can it be doing ANY THING GOOD when it's making you HURT/sick with side-effects?!
> >
> > According to "Listening..." I shouldn't even of had that reaction. That increasing serotonin levels results in a marked decline in hostility and a decrease in the expression of anger.
> > The author poopoos the whole idea of people becoming angry/violent off of Prozac.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Diane
> You are not alone. I took 5 mgs of Prozac and had so much anxiety that my stomach hurt. Doc said it's not the Prozac. Increase the dose he said. 10 mgs...20mgs...after one month I was psychotic. It then dawned on me my Pdoc was the one with a screw loose. I immediately stopped the drug and became suicidal. Getting past withdrawl was no piece of cake either. Needless to say that I don't have "Listening to Prozac" on my bookshelf. Just take faith in that you are not alone in your reaction.Adam, I don't know much about how antidepressants work, but it occurred to me, could the "poop-out" be due to downregulation? At first, antidepressants seem to help (preventing reuptake of neurotransmitters). Could poop out occur when the cell "downregulates" (when sufficient or too much neurotransmitter is present?).
Which mechanism of SSRI's causes the sexual dysfunction in many people? I have read some stuff that suggests that 5HT-2 is affected (?). Why can't they make an SSRI that is even more selective and not cause dysfunction? Thanks!--Cindy