Posted by sandi on January 11, 2000, at 21:50:46
In reply to meds stop working-now what ?, posted by kelly on January 5, 2000, at 14:36:08
> I'm afaired to tell my DR. that i think my meds stopped working cause i just started zyprexa & been on prozac for a yr now. i've tried almost everything & when i saw him last he was talking about ECT if all else fails. My husband is agains ECT & i'm not sure. I was asked to have it done in 95 so i know all about it & the side effects.Has anyone been there?
Kelly, In 1995,I went through a severe depression accompanied by suicidal ideation and episodes of self mutilation. I was hospitalized 3 times and received a total of 17 ECT treatments. My impression was that it did not work and that I would never have another one. Then last year, I began thinking about that time in my life and realized that there was little I did recall about my hospital stays. I contacted the hospital and had copies of all my records for that year mailed to me (at a cost of almost $300, mind you!)
After reviewing them, I was suprised to discover that afer approx. 3-4 treatments, my entire demeanor changed. The depression was almost eradicated and I was soon discharged home to complete the remaining treatments on an outpatient basis. Several months later, the depression started creeping back and my doc suggested "maintenance" ECT where you go for treatments periodically (monthly, bi-monthly, whatever...) in order to maintain a positive and healthy outlook. Well, I had one "maintenance" treatment and one week later I was re-hospitalized for another complete ECT series. ECT DOES work and work rapidly. It's the side effects that are the kicker. Most docs will tell you ECT causes "temporary" short-term memory loss but in my case and in many others, the "temporary" ain't so "temporary." It has become a joke in my family when someone mentions something I should remember but don't. I say,"Well, I guess it was shocked out of me!" and everyone gets to laugh instead of feeling uncomfortable and uneasy were it memtioned seriously. My doc did allude to me that ECT does cause brain damage and was puzzled by the horrified expression on my face. It would have been nice had I known that before 17 treatments! I don't know about you, but I need all the brain cells I can get!!!! In sumation, I would have to say that were it between severe incapacitation or suicide and ECT, I would opt for the ECT. It works well and it works rapidly--just remember there are definite and potentially irreversible side effects and brain damage that can occur. I wish you luck and remember that after every long, dark night there is a sunrise and the hotter the fire, the purer the gold!-----------------------------sandi