Posted by nichole on January 17, 2000, at 18:51:23
I was abruptly taken off of Klonipin in Nov. 99, after taking it for 6 months. I took 2 .5mg tablets daily for a seizure disorder that was misdiagnosed. Since coming off the Klonopin (I was in a hospital at the time, I feel dizzy a lot of the time and like I am not really here. Noises echo in my head and I have ringing in the ear (left mostly. I have muscle spasms frequently and nausea. A Dr. of mine (who does not seem to support the withdrawal theory) sent me to balance/habituation therapy. That helped a lot. I recommend it to anyone with the dizziness. i have copied tons of peoples and Drs. testimonies from websites and given them to my Dr. waiting to here his response now. I have read that the symptoms can go on for months or years. That scares me.