Posted by Cheryl on February 8, 2000, at 18:16:10
Please someone out there relate to me. Please someone who is where I am at. Please relate to me. I have been off work for three weeks getting better. I have till Monday morning to be better. I am not better.I would rather die than go back there. I am supposed to go to day patient treatment @ The same place I had inpatient treatment last week. This morning I decided that I would rather die than go there. I stayed Here @ home in my self made prison. They turned off the water I got it turned back on they turned off the electricity I got it turned back on. Now I have HOT CHECKS!!!!!I have to borrow money from mom and dad now.Then they can bail poor Cheryl, who is mentally ill and cant go to work out again. I had almost rather bounce the checks, Or as you guessed it , I had almost rather die.
I am hanging on by a thread here. That stupid hospital is not helping me. What it all boils down to is that my life sucks and I do not have the will power or gumption to do a damn thing about it. Even if I did I think I would just rather die. I am sick of hospitals and drs and thearapists and meds and high hopes and empty promicises is there any person out there who is where I am at? Maybe we can be miserable together.