Posted by KarenB on March 13, 2000, at 0:42:40
In reply to Re: Hi Karen (thanks AndrewB), posted by Janice on March 12, 2000, at 22:13:07
Dear Janice,
Hi there!
I lived in the Philippines for five years, and just returned to the States in '99. For over 10 years I had been treated for depression in the States, by various doctors and always with SSRIs, which never worked for me and only added to my frustration. I could not figure out what was wrong with me and was getting very little help. Like, "Oh, that SSRI didn't work? Well, try this one..."
While in the Philippines, I met a very young, just out of med school doctora (female doctor) - a family practitioner, not a psychiatrist. My young children had various illnesses and through my visits to her clinic I got to know her quite well. When I brought up my depression, she suggested that there may be more going on than a unipolar disorder, as she had witnessed a little of my hypomania on occasion and being bipolar herself, knew what she was seeing. She suggested a list of medications I may try and so I did. I worked out my own dosages, based on the inserts and found great success. You see, in the Philippines, everything I wanted to try was available over the counter.
The combo I finally discovered was Survector (amineptine), a modified tricyclic antidepressant which has been since discontinued by the manufacturer - and Dogmatil (sulpiride), a neuroleptic with antidepressant qualities. Both are Dopamine reuptake blockers but I think they work on different receptors. Nothing has ever lifted me, both mind and body, like those two did. And, I may add, NO SIDE EFFECTS! Except, the Dogmatil caused very slight weight gain and no menstrual periods while taking it. I don't mind that side effect at all.
I am still getting the Dogmatil sent to me and am searching other contacts in the islands to buy up leftover stock of the Survector while I can.
I am finding it difficult to find a replacement for these meds here in the US but AndrewB had some suggestions on which I intend to follow up.
Oh, by the way, I am atypical Bipolar II. My depressions are a dark and ugly place combined with unbelievable fatigue. That is where I go without the right meds. After tasting normality for a season, I just don't want to go back there again, you know what I mean? I also have a two year old and almost five year old - both high energy boys. They are a big inspiration to me in staying well. They deserve a whole mommy.
Let me know if you have any other questions, OK?