Posted by FP on April 5, 2000, at 9:42:36
I'm a "newbie" on this board, and something struck me this morning - so many of the posts are about medications: which ones work, what their side effects are, the quest for better medications, etc. Frankly, it's kind of disturbing. There's a subtext to a lot of these posts (and hopefully it's just me, projecting) that "if I could only find the right medicine, I would get better." Don't get me wrong - I am on Serzone and Klonipin myself. The "Mental Illness is a chemical imbalance just like diabetes" analogy is compelling, and at least partially true. But that's the problem - it's only partly true.
There are many other treatments that may work as well, or better, than medicine: religion, "talk" thereapy, journalling, meditation, 12 step programs, volunteer work, etc. Are we just future candidates for an "SSRIs Anonymous" type program?
Thanks for letting me vent