Posted by JohnL on May 3, 2000, at 4:11:43
In reply to no medicine works for me, help!, posted by Bonnie on May 2, 2000, at 23:23:32
> i am 15 years old and have been suffering from depression for about 9 months and i am so sick of it and want it to be over it. I have tried Prozac, wellbutrin, Celexa, and Effexor. None of these meds have worked. I am working my hardest and think I am making people around me depressed. I just want it to go away,I would appreciate any advice. Just don;t say "hang in there". Thanks
I'm so sorry you're having such a battle. I can sure relate. I feel for you very strongly, as do I'm sure many others here. I know it doesn't help enough, but at least know you are in good company. You are among other folks who know exactly what you're experiencing.In cases like yours I find the greatest advantage in embracing an approach pioneered by Dr Jensen. That is, try about three drugs from each of several drug classes for one week each. The idea is to stumble upon the right drug. How will we know the right drug? It will show definite response within a week, often the first day or two. Side effects will be minimal. These are characteristics of a drug molecule that your unique body chemistry likes, and a molecule that corrects whatever chemical imbalance is causing the symptoms. Drug molecules not liked by your body are characterized by what you have already experienced...poor, slow, or no response, and sometimes worsening of symptoms.
It is unlikely you'll find a local phsycian practicing this approach. That's too bad, because this approach is specifically geared for sufferers just like you. And it's primary goal is to get you well FAST. While traditional psychiatry preaches 6 week trials, you could spend the rest of your life trying to find the right drug that works. There's no need to wait that long. In my opinion, your condition is not just uncomfortable and painful, it is a medical emergency. That's just how I view it. And it warrants aggressive treatment.
You may want to at least visit to get a better overview of these things I've mentioned. And if you can afford the cost of a psychiatrist, then you can afford to set up a consultation with Dr Jensen by phone. He'll work with your current physician in recommending what drugs to try, how to try them, and why. You will still need longer 6 six week trials, but only AFTER superior meds have been identified, and AFTER inferior ones have been weeded out. It doesn't take 6 weeks to do that.
Assuming you continue down the same path you've been on, what's next? The choices are staggering. There are other SSRIs, like Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox. There are TCAs like Nortriptyline or Desipramine. Mood stabilizers like Lithium, Depakote, Lamictal, Neurontin. Stimulants like Ritalin or Adderall. APs like Zyprexa, Risperdal, Stelazine. All of these have the potential to target whatever chemistry is causing your depression. But where to go next? This question highlights the need for a real good doctor who has a real talent with depression chemistry. The run-of-the-mill doctor is going to take a LONG time to find the right drug for you, unless by huge luck you happen to stumble onto it earlier.
On a different tact, I've noticed over the years that people who do not do well with 'natural' remedies go on to find a presciption they like. And vice versa. People who have been frustrated with many prescrips often go on to find a 'natural' remedy works better. If you can afford $20 to $40 a week, it would certainly be worth trying NatureMade SAMe from Wal*Mart. In my experience, a minimum effective dose is about 4 pills a day...2 in midmorning, 2 in midafternoon, all on an empty stomach. But the max is 8 pills a day. Anecdotal evidence as well as scientific evidence suggest SAMe really does work, especially at these higher doses. But it is expensive. I've tried it several times. Each time it kicked in by day 3 and provided significant improvement (4 pills per day). If not for the expense, I would have continued with it at higher doses. It usually does work fast, so that is important in your case. A 'natural' remedy for you might be SAMe in the short run, and St Johnswort in the longrun. Start both at the same time. While SAMe should work fast, it will carry you a few weeks until the SJW kicks in. For SJW, stick with these scientific-formula brands...Movana, Kira, Perika, Ricola. And be aware that the best results have been shown in clinical trials to be 2 to 3 times higher than the usual dose of 3 per day. Nine a day is the maximum and most effective. For me, 5 a day works best.
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. And I'm sorry there's no easy answer. But for the quickest success, I would suggest one of the following:
1. go to
2. start a new AD, but start a stimulant with it (they work fast, 24 to 72 hours when they work)
3. start SJW and SAMeHope this helps more than it confuses. :-)