Posted by Ima Lamer on June 3, 2000, at 13:55:31
Ok, here I am again.
I was the Rapid Cycler from B4
My question still stands, but has changed.
Can't I live with out the meds?
Really, I do well with out meds for BiPD, but should I look into an anxiety medication? This is my real problem. Ever since I've been a kid (still kinda am) everyone has said that I was shy, and I am.
But I'm not shy in a normal shy way. It's going into any situation where I'm not 102% sure of the results. It IS anxiety, it's panic attacks, it's fear. (cold sweats, then the mania feeling sets in-but it's not mania, just my heart racing etc.)
And a second question, what should I do about this:
I never told a doctor or really anyone of other problems I have because I was afraid no one would take me serious really. When I was about 12, it was a big thing for people to act 'crazy' and people always joke about hearing voices and what not. And that made me think that if I say these things, I'd be ignored like I ignored them. And something I wish I could have changed - I didn't share this information with anyone around me, so I'm afraid that if I tell someone about this now, they just won't believe me, flat out.
I have delusional thoughts (which rarely do I realize the false thoughts which I have are not real) like the classic God examples. (which has happened since before I read one thing about this-people tell me that I only have these thoughts because I read about this stuff to much-well what about before that?)
Funny story, when I was about 15 I thought God would come down and make me raise up in the church, almost like I was Jesus. I completely played this out in my head and oblivious to everything around me. Now this isn't really a normal thought for me, because I believe that anyone saying they are Jesus, God, etc. is wrong (in more ways than one).
So, just comment and I'll listen.
Any tips on how to tell people about this kinda stuff would help.
poster:Ima Lamer