Posted by pullmarine on October 15, 2000, at 13:36:30
In reply to Re: Some psychos i've gotten to know and love, posted by stjames on October 15, 2000, at 12:58:50
> > Erik Satie, French composer and all around psycho. Very interesting life, not to mention his writings and compositions
> > Mozart, german French composer and all around psycho.
> Great list. Satie was probably OCD. Obsessed with 3. 3 can be found througout his music in theme, form and analysis.
> His living quarters, which nobody saw when he was living, were OCD spotless (ACTUALLY< THEY WERE QUITE MASSY > INCLUDING AN OLD EMPTY PIANO FULL OF TRASH). He had multiple sets of the same clothes.
> Always appeared neat as a pin.
> Ah, Mozart ! Prodigy with stage father who really pushed him. It is common with a prodigy that was pushed from an early age
> to develop odd behaviors. Van Cliburn, for instance. Tom Hulches manaical laff in "Amadeus" has a factual basis.
> Throughout Mozarts letters one finds the phrase "And I laff'ed and laff'ed and laff'ed". Mozart never saw much sucess, no patron and only
> a minor court appointment. Very poor, there are very sad letters to Mozarts father begging for money.
> > Van Gogh, possibly Bi-polar, Committed suicide)
> The body mulitation is sugesstive of schizoid disorgers. (Not Necessarily)Thank god for his brother !
> He was an art dealer who supported Van Gogh all of his life (Van Gogh sold ONE paintings, people hated his work,artists loved it)
> burned a lot. His brother saw the greatness a head of its time and supported his brother and picked up the peices after
> many breakdowns) Clearly Van Gogh had mental illness but painting at that time
> was very toxic as paints were lead based. Painters lick their brushes to get a good point. Lead and
> other metals are neurotoxic. The solvants painters use are toxic, too. There are letters from Van Gogh to his brother
> saying he was eating paint and drinking solvants, as well as absinth and smking opium. Nice ! Crazy to start with and the metals and other
> things really did him in.
> > Salvador Dali. spanish painter. Psychotic.
> White hot brilliant. Chaos theorist.
> > Kurt Cobain. Musician.Bi-polar. Heroine addict. suicide.
> As if being married to Courtany was not enough !
> > Joan of arc. easily schiozophrenic.possibly trans-gendered.
> Well said !
> > Edgar allen poe. depressive.
> Very addicted to laudinum (opium) or mophine. Self medication, perhaps ?
> The drugs he was on contributed to the distinict tone to this writing.
> > Francis farmer. us actress. bi-polar.
> Poor Francis ! What treatment she got was pre-med.
> Insulin Coma therapy, a high dose of insulin is ingected (ingested insulin is broken down in the stomach and has no effect!). produces
> a seizure, shock. Barbaric. Also high dose and frequancy ECT.
> I'll add my list later, thanks pullmarine, this is an intresting thread !
> james