Posted by R.Anne on October 19, 2000, at 19:52:36
In reply to depressed again and I'm scared !, posted by Amo on October 19, 2000, at 19:04:10
I learned after a few bouts of my depression that I would most likely need the medicine the rest of my life. Sometimes it bothers me but I am accepting it more these days. I am on 20 mg. of Paxil and 2-3 (37.5 mg.) effexor now. Once Paxil was all I needed for depression and it lost its effect on my. Now, it works for my OCD and the Effexor works for the depression. More than 20 megs. of Paxil makes me too sedated I've found. It is a scarey thing to realize that we have these serious illnesses to deal with for who knows how long. But I hope you realize that you are not alone and people here, including me, can relate to you and be here to "talk" to. I know it's difficult. At times I'm terrified when my medicines don't seem to work and I think I'll be in the awful state I'm in forever. I've had to change medicines many times. I try to remember that there are more medicines out there and some help available. I'm having a hard time finding a therapist suitable to my needs and feel like that is getting hopeless now because lots of them don't take my insurance. It's always something for us but we aren't alone. I sometimes just pray even if I'm not a church goer it seems to give me some comfort. Taking a walk or hot bath helps, too. Hang in there-I think it will get better. I'm wishing good things for you!
> Two years ago I experienced more emotional pain than I thought was humanly possible. I couldn't sleep, lost 20 lbs., couldn't concentrate, had daily panic attacks and cried incessantly. After a few months of this living hell I went to the doctor who prescribed 20mg Paxil; because that treatment was effective for my sister's depression. After a month or so, I began feeling like myself again. Working, living, traveling, playing-finally I was back. I stayed on the Paxil, either at 20 or 30 mg, for a year and a half. I decided to go off the Paxil because I felt fine and stable, and I hoped the incident was an isolated event. BUT, for about two months now I've had a recurrence of the depression. Loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, anxiety, panic, long crying bouts-ugh. I went to the shrink immediately and started the Paxil again. I went from 20mg-no good at 3 weeks. Up to 30mg for the next 2 weeks. I had a good response for 10 days and then I was back to crying and panic. He just put me up to 40mg and I am desperately praying this is it. But I'm scared! I never expected, or ever wanted, too feel this horrible again. I'm so scared I'm going to have to deal with this the rest of my life and I don't know what I'll do if this pain doesn't end soon!