Posted by GLYN on October 20, 2000, at 12:19:47
In reply to Re: SOME OBSERVATIONS ABOUT US ALL, posted by Sharon J. on October 20, 2000, at 11:38:29
I'm glad you feel that way as I do too. I was worried about condeming anybody and I hoped that people would see where I was coming from which is why I further elaoborated my post. I am the kind of person who finds tremendous relief in self analysis and analysis of the groups which I associate with and have to be careful sometimes to not be as strikingly and cruely honest about others as I am with myself. I take back "morbid fascination" as its completely the wrong term and instead would like to offer "introspective self analysis" as "morbidity" can mean pertaining to the body and the self as well as connotating darkness and death (the latter is often mistaken for the first and I should have chosen another term).
Also, I think its great that we find a hobby in our illnesses as long as this is a constructive and healing exercise and not one that perpetuates our problems - wisdom is required to know the difference. Learning to try and forgot and not dwell on problems can be importanbt to recovery where anxiety is concerned as anxiety about anciety is often what leads to (and sustains) a nervous breakdown - at least for me. HOWEVER, I'm sure that carefully monitoring moods and being aware of the self is vital where mood disorders and episodic problems are concerned.
I'd be heartbroken to think I caused anybody any distress and if this is the case I truely apologise - I guess I just feel the need to stand back and take a long hard look at myself sometimes (a kind of a self audit) and I dont wish to drag others down with me.
My main purpose was to encourage people by highlighting what I consider to be great and admirable strengths, abilities and value and in their "weaknesses".
I genuinely believe (after having studied the people on this site) that mental distress can be a price we pay for remarkable insight and cognitive abilities. But then, I might be manic and having dellusions of granduer! But its unlikely as I see the same to a greater extent in others.
God bless you all with your struggles and I truely hope that you find relief - whether it be through acceptance or triumph.
As the alcoholics annonymous prayer goes:
"God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and wisdom to know the difference"
(BTW - I'm not an evangelist or anything so please dont think the refences to God are a precursor to the "full-on gospel")