Posted by Wendy on February 18, 2001, at 7:51:40
In reply to PMS vs. PMDD vs. Bipolar, posted by Dan on February 16, 2001, at 15:11:13
Dan - first, I need to say "Don't give up!" Just your obvious concern and effort say a whole lot about your feelings for your wife. Try to remember that what she is going through is NOT a conscious choice! Believe me - I know because I was once quite the same 'wife' to my husband for years! He stuck by - and is reaping the rewards!
Second, I also looked into bi-polar disorder for myself a few years ago (yep, it's been going on for a while), and quickly learned that it is a VERY specific disorder and much, much more clinical than PMDD or PMDD/mild depression. Starting out at the least worrysome of possibilities is probably your best bet.
I am one of the fortunate ones who started on 20mg/day of Paxil and noticed a nearly immediate change in my 'state of mind'. It's working wonders for me and hopefully will for the near future. I'm not wanting to go into 'trial and error' with meds as some woman have to.
Another lead might be hormone therapy for your wife. That's a lot more inclusive and complicated than simply trying meds to help adjust seratonin levels - it would be exhausting just THINKING about it.
Lastly, know that one of the most difficult aspects of all this for myself (and many other women, I'm sure), was that I 'couldn't handle it all by myself'! The fact that I couldn't fix whatever was wrong with me was an extremely bitter pill to swallow! I'm supposed to be supermom, superwife, superfriend, superemployee, etc., etc. Asking for help was one of the most difficult tasks I've undertaken; it also proved to be the smartest move I've made in a long time!
This is pretty scary stuff, for you both. Remember that, and allow for the fear and anger when it comes. Then remind yourself that there IS help out there and your wife has every right and reason to ask for it!