Posted by Sulpicia on March 3, 2001, at 21:06:33
In reply to Thany You For Your Complements Steve and errata, posted by Cam W. on March 3, 2001, at 1:20:39
> Cam, I too thank you for your dedication and insightful accurate posts.
And like you, I've had the equivalent of Dr. Bob's "please be civil" on
other boards when I periodically loose it with certain religious zealots.
[I have ADD, and choose to treat it rather than waste my life] I was blown
away by your looking for an Alexander to play Aristotle to -- classical
training in a scientist??? What next, another Enlightenment? If you seek
employment in the US, perhaps the most noticable imitatio Alexandri is
Bill Clinton, not that his behavior results from psychopathology or anything.
Perhaps Donald Trump? Possibly the best use of your offer might
be made currently in Israel. Its current leader definitely would benefit
from some learned political philosophy on behavior appropriate to a
good king. But then again, Alexander didn't listen to Aristotle too closely.
Did create all those interesting Hellenistic kingdoms tho, and probably
all the plots for American soap operas as well.Thanks again for the wisdom and compassion you bring to this forum.