Posted by Richie on March 8, 2001, at 1:49:22
I was a heavy drinker for years (quit this year) and a daily smoker of marijuana for over 15 years. I have Slowly tapered off to no drinking and gave up pot last December. I would smoke and/or drink daily and at night to help me get relaxed enough to sleep. I have tried accupuncture and it worked for the night after the treatment. 5-HTP or Valerian with B-complex and Magnesium, nor Melatonin works. I have tried turkey and warm milk, but no go. When I don't take any medication I stay up all night and finally fall asleep around noon and get a few hours of very light sleep. This schedule is ok because I work a short job in the evening. This cycle of not sleeping has made me depressed. I was prescribed Ambien but one is never enough to put me off to sleep. I would take up to 4 or 5 of them to get a good night's sleep. I don't want to continue abusing the Ambien. So the doctor prescribes the anti-depressant Wellbutrin because of my concern of insomnia on a non-smoking cruise vacation. Wellbutrin is supposed to give you a distaste of tobacco. But it gave me no sleep, so I drank (this was before I stopped) Still, now no sleep. Then I went back to the doctor to ask to be prescribed something else for my insomnia. I got Celexa 20mg.Another anti-depressant. Nothing. I don't have apnea or abnormal breathing while I sleep. I may suffer from RLS-restless leg syndrome or PLMS-periodic leg movement syndrome. Another time he prescribed Effexor 37.5mg. Any seacrhing I did on these meds indicate that they cause insomnia. The insomnia causes me to be depressed and they are giving me anti-depressants that aggravate insomnia or the RLS I mentioned before. Now I have a scrip for remeron 30mg.and I slept like a baby just the first night. The indications said to discontinue Celexa and Effexor while taking the Remeron. But I still don't sleep well. Sometimes I overmedicate myself trying blind mixtures and hope one of them works well.
I am now getting a new prescription for Trazadone. I hear it has sedative effects. I will follow his instructions with this. Can anyone sugggest a mix of these mentioned that would make me sleep soundly but not hurt me. Last night I had amnsesia while not sleeping after having taken around 4 ambien and a 2 remeron one Celexa and one Effexor. I recalled hallucinations (seeing people in corners looking at me in an empty room), but I know I over medicated myself. Can anyone suggest a plan of action to help a recovering drinker & pot smoker who wants to stop popping pills. I just want to sleep normally. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Richie