Posted by storm717 on March 11, 2001, at 19:53:15
For Panic AND Anxiety disorder I have been on SSRI'S for the past 6-7 years. Paxil 20mg worked until I used drugs (street) then it no longerhad any efffect when I tried to go back on it. I switched to Zoloft 50mg and that worked and I was drug (street-pot) free for the past 5 years or so until I was on vacation and I thought I could use and be ok. I MASSIVLY went into addiction within a very short period and 4 months or so later the Panic and Anxiety (and depression and hypochondria) set in FuLL Tilt!!! I stopped the pot and went to the psychiatrist (went on short term dis too) From December to mid Feb he increased my Zoloft fomr 50-75-125-150 then to 200mg. I kept tellig im we are beating a dead horse here it is not working. Cognituive behavior therapywas helpfull and I think he put any gains to meds not therapy. Problem is I still feel I need the meds and I don't know why but he added (I thought he would switch) Effexor xr tothe mix, first at 37.5 mg for a week then at 75mg for the past 2-3 weeks. Ony in the past few days have I began to notice a slight improvement. My doctor will not talk to me between visits and cancelled my appt this week and rescheduled it for late in april. My min questions are:
Why am I still on the Zoloft if I am at the max and it is not working?
If I am starting to feel better (slightly) can I attribute it to the Effexor xr and not the combination?
How does one get off the Zoloft while on the Effexor xr?
I know I need a new psychiatrist, but till I find one I am going to my pcp next week and just wan to know what you think as I like to be prepared when visiting the doctor!