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Re: Methadone, Propoxyphene and APAP » Elizabeth

Posted by dougb on May 15, 2001, at 16:52:21

In reply to Re: Methadone, Propoxyphene and APAP » dougb, posted by Elizabeth on May 15, 2001, at 7:24:16

Thanks Elizabeth,
you learn something evry day...

> But it has ibuprofen added; excessive amounts can cause GI bleeding. Very serious.

Once you take away the apap or ibuprofen, the drug is reclassified as a Schedule II narcotic, go figure; they take away toxicity and re-categorize it as more dangerous.

I have this (perhaps?) slightly paranoid theory that "they" are really concerned about certain drugs because of the potential effect on citizens wholehearted participation as good drones and consumers....

During the 60's-70's with all of it's preoccupation with pot, etc. The predominant mind-set amoung that group was questioning of authority and questioning of the desirabilty of one's participation in the 'american dream' etc etc.




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