Posted by drbob2 on August 2, 2001, at 20:51:24
I go through bouts of 'weakness' every few weeks that last about 1 week and then go away.
I have tried without success - prozac, paxil, zoloft, etc etc etc.
Low low dose amitryptiline (1/10th the anti depressant dosage) was once given for sleep and it made my weakness worse. Much much worse.
Weakness feels like the flu or that god awful feeling of weak/coldness when you are cut off in traffic!
Valium and xanax sometimes helps somewhat.
I want to seek out a psychopharmacist. I have not found something that cures but the fact that the amitryptiline caused similar feelings scares me to start trying the anti-depressant of the day. BTW - buspar did nothing.
Any suggestions???