Posted by Elizabeth on August 23, 2001, at 11:29:30
In reply to Xanax and panic, experiences? , posted by Thrud on August 22, 2001, at 23:52:46
> I have just ramped up to 6mg per day of Xanax for my PD (yes, a high dose for a big problem!)
6 mg isn't so far-fetched. I'd probably need 6-8 mg/day if I were using it around-the-clock, too. Are you taking 1.5 mg q.i.d.?
> I am feeling very tired, but I am not sure if it is from the Xanax or my anxious fatigue (when inadequately treated, I get hypersomnia and extremely tired with my PD).
Xanax can make you tired when you first start it or when you increase the dose, but you should adjust to it pretty quickly. Personally, I never had that particular problem. I can take quite a bit of Xanax or other benzos without feeling sedated, although a lower dose (2 mg Xanax, e.g.) is usually all that is necessary to fend off a PA.
> After approximately how long should it take for the sedative effects of Xanax to settle out?
Different for different people, of course, but I'd give it a week at least.
> Also, my libido is now shot as badly as when using the SSRIs.
I think that might be a gender-related effect -- men and women might have opposite reactions. Are you M or F? ("Thrud" seems pretty neutral < g >, but I'm guessing you're a man.)
> I have found someone else with a similar experience where his sexual function took 'months' to recover after going from Klonopin to 4mg per day Xanax.
I guess that it would take a while. When people discontinue benzos after long-term use, there are EEG differences present a year afterwards, so there can be some sort of long-lived change resulting from chronic benzo use.
> In general, why the f!ck does *anything* that helps my PD ends up destroying my libido?
Sedation, maybe?
> (Conversely, when I am unmedicated my libido is fantastic).
Do you have atypical depression as well as PD, by any chance?
> I am desperately clinging to the hope that I can be panic free without being sex free as well!
Panic attacks don't exactly enhance the mood, yeah. :-)