Posted by petey on November 27, 2001, at 14:01:15
Today I did a search on tinnitus. I found a message board and thought I'd share with you what I found.First, it seems alot of the people stay away from caffiene and sugar. They say when they ingest either the tinnitus is much worse. Absoulutley no aspirin! Herbs and vitamins reccomended-- Ginko Biloba, maganese ( 10 mg. ), cal-citratre supplement, and vitamin B complex ( especially B-6 ).They said you need to be patient because it could take up to 6 weeks to start feeling improvement. There were a couple of medications mentioned, also. The one that sounded most promising was called Lidocaine. These are injections. A study showed a success rate of 70%. That's pretty good! They also mentioned 2 other medications- Venpoatine and Vencamin. These have been used successfully in Britian. I'm not sure if they are available here, but it's worth asking your doctor about them. A couple people said they had some relief by going to a chiropractor. One last comment made was tinnitus can be caused by T.M.J. I know in our case that this is probably not our problem, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Some of these poor people have been suffering with this ailment for 10, 20, 25 years! I feel so sorry for them. Hopefully some of this will help you! How've you been the last couple days? Aside from fatigue and a little anxiety, I'm feeling pretty good. Talk to you soon! Take care and God bless!