Posted by JohnDoenut on November 30, 2001, at 14:42:42
So after having bad side affects from the ritalin (head and chest pains), Im taking Wellbutrin in addition to the Neurontin for my mood problems. I took very small quantities of the wellbutrin (SR 100mg)at first to get used to it and also to let it build up to avoid side effects like anxiety et all. I got a pill cutter and took a 1/4 for 4 days, then 1/2 for a week or so. It didnt seem to do much except make me feel spaced out and give me headaches. Today this morning I took a whole pill for the first time. At this point I dont feel spaced or have headaches which is good. I do feel it is somewhat activated however it is not having the positive benefit for ADD I got from ritilan (side effects aside) at this point. So Im going to keep taking it and see what happens.