Posted by shellir on January 1, 2002, at 22:31:13
In reply to Re: methadone?, posted by stjames on December 31, 2001, at 17:05:56
> Keep in mind I am talking about heroin addicts converted over to MMT. Tolerance has something to do with it, but the advantage with methadone is that it occupies receptors far longer than heroin.
The thing that I don't get is why methadone works for some people with the once a day dose, and for others, not. I've never been on heroin, so maybe that has something to do with preparing your body to accept once a day dosing. I was relieved to read MB's post that she went through withdrawal every evening when getting methadone once a day because I think I would have a similar experience. I'm not sure about withdrawal, but I do know that it's antidepressant effects last for me for about six hours and that my worst time in early morning, when I have not had a dose for at least eight hours.
I am surprised that when I started replacing my third dose of methadone (15mg) with 7.5mg of vicodin, I did not experience any drop in mood. I know that when I switched from oxycontin to methadone, my dose was halfed. So I am confused why then 1/2 dose of hydrocodone would have the same effects on me.
I think at some point I ran across a dosing chart for opiates; I'll have to try to find it again. Meanwhile, does anyone know if I am off track in thinking that that the same amount of methadone is stronger than say vicodin (hydrocodone)?
On a positive note, I recently received an e-mail from a person I mailed from a methadone advocate program, who said that it actually may be possible to be given more than one dose at some clinics. He also gave me a contact person for my state, hwich apparently has very liberal laws regarding the "best medicine" guidelines that went into effect last March. Not that I have any idea what that means, but it seemed encourging :-)
> This means one is not having to seek a fix > I live in the heroin center of the US.
I thought I picked up somewhere in your posts that you lived in New Mexico? Where is the drug capital of the US, anyway?