Posted by Lorraine on April 9, 2002, at 16:06:27
This is Lorraine. I was recently tested for and confirmed to have chronic fatigue syndrome (which is just a collection of symptoms) except that I had high titers of 4 viruses (Ebstein Barr, Cytolomega, HHV6 and HSV2) and a low natural killer count activity level of 11 (most people are over 40 and the low end of the range is 20). Anyway, nother test and I'm positive for Lyme disease--late stage. Not a pretty picture. Not so difficult to treat early but late stage has CNS involvement and can put people in wheel chair, make them deaf etc and, of course, mimic depression and anxiety and sometimes even psychosis. Get the test. You will have to pay for it on your own, but get the test and rule it out. I am eight years (and 51 drug trials) into this madness to be finding out that I've been chasing the wrong train perhaps.