Posted by colin wallace on May 1, 2002, at 13:30:24
In reply to A budding bipolar ??, posted by colin wallace on April 30, 2002, at 13:28:30
Thanks so much to all of you for those responses.
Kate: As regards what actually triggers my mood crashes, I thinks I’m pretty philosophical as far as everyday upsets are concerned. Tickets sold out, cancelled meetings etc. generally won’t send me into a spin. In fact, after a short string of expletives, I think I deal with these types of mishap better than most.(Maybe I just laugh and consider them trivial compared to the depression I’ve been through!)
That said, from that list, studying and not being able to absorb stands out as a likely candidate for a mood nosedive.Foul (UK) overcast weather will , without fail, cause me to crash badly (seems to be air pressure related , rather than light- I can wake up feeling like crap on an overcast day, without even looking out of the window).My fibromyalgia angers me greatly, and that causes swings too. But , I have to admit, often there need be no cause or trigger.John J.
John, I was meaning to ask how you’re faring with the exercise/med program right now.
I have just emerged from a pretty awful (scary, in truth) mood crash, which lasted two days. It has sapped all my mental energy in fighting against it (like somebody suddenly plunging my head underwater!), and has lifted as suddenly as it came on.I did a furious hour on a climber in the gym today, and that helped snap me out of it I think .Does lithobid adversely affect exercise? I don’t think Zoloft is the culprit as far as I am concerned- I’ve always suffered mood crashes.I get on well with Zoloft as a rule.I’m far better since taking sam-e/Zoloft than I ever was without.John W.
John, those links are invaluable.I’m almost certain now that I’m BP11- The criteria listed fit me perfectly. I’m waiting to get a consultation with a psych., but as this takes time here in the UK, I’ll discuss my belief with my GP. and angle for a lithium trial.
Speaking of voodoo , I’m beginning to wonder whether you’ve placed some sort of hex on your ol’ limey pal !! Our symptoms seem to be almost merging into one!Serves me right for calling you madder than a pumpkin eh??? I took the test, and one other, and both came back with major depressive disorder/dysthymia. As you say though, some face to face discussions with my doc are in order, and I hope to follow suit with a lithobid trial, if I have my way. Do you get any prominent side effects with it? I read that it can greatly increase suicidiality if discontinued after some timeBut the.Hair loss concerns me more !?
Thanks for the time you took with that response.I’m now beginning to see that, especially in retrospect, my depressive course has been as ‘undulating’ as yours. Never normal, often anxious, agitated, anergic. Even though my mood swings are less frequent , I’d really like to eliminate them completely.Like you, I never considered the possibility of being in any way bipolar, due to never being ‘manic’.Our symptoms again are very, very similar it seems.I will also discuss neurontin with my doc, and let you know how it goes.
If I am bipolar 11, I’ll have no difficulty accepting it- I may have difficulty convincing my doc though!Oona.
I’d like to hear how you fare with Respiradol-seems like Zoloft didn’t agree with you particularly.I wonder, did you try lithium first ? I’m still on that learning curve too-didn’t realize there were so many mood stabilizers around. Hope it goes well.
Cheers all,Col. (back in the land of the living!!)
poster:colin wallace