Posted by cybercafe on August 7, 2002, at 21:12:38
when i was young i used to not question my shyness, and idolize/idealize other people... and i was never really depressed
now i am more narcissistic .. totally don't idealize other people but just feel physical anxiety... and am depressed
ok so sometimes i think i am over my depression BUT when i DREAM at night my sanity sort of RESETS and i experience this non-depressed personality of my youth ... so in the past doctors have told me "you are not depressed anymore" and i tend to believe them however it is only when i remember how i felt in my dreams -- my interest is always totally captivated, never bored, ... things seem right with the world, i am content, satisfied...
but maybe it's not normal to feel "ok" (content, at peace)... because i have also felt "ok" recently when i had girlfriends, and i suppose it would be screwed up if you felt just as good when you are single ?anyways i basically just wondered if you guys noticed feeling emotionally A-OK when you are asleep
btw.. i suffer from vegetative depression, hypersomnia .. maybe it's different if you have melancholia, insomnia
seriously if this is what it's like in a coma, i definately wouldn't want someone to pull the plug