Posted by Miguel Ebay on August 9, 2002, at 0:50:14
Hi there, I'm new at these boards and want to thank many people who have posted. It was like reading the NY times (Sorry chicago tribune fans, I'm a Cubs fan so I can't use you as my favorite paper)for someone who didn't think others w/withdrawal problems existed.
I am taking effexor and love it. I have been taking it for anti-anxiety and it is like a new day. Here's my dilema. My doctor is taking me off it after my soon to be ex-wife wrote a letter to her stating the drug was making me bi-polar. Now to be clear my brother is bi-polar so she has some ammunition, but I do not suffer the same symptoms (manic, depression, etc.) as my brother. I do suffer though from generalized anxiety. I feel my ex-wife is doing this for vengeance since I'm the one that filed. The doctor has decided to take me off it on her word alone. Effexor has not made me violent, manic, etc., it has done exactly what it is supposed to do - decrease my anxiety!
I have pleaded w/my doc not to take me off it because the side-effects have been mucho bad when I went off it before, however, she will not listen to me.
My question is do I have any legal recourse? Has anyone done this before for any uninformed docs not aware of the side-effects? How can someone write a letter to a doctor and the doctor base their decision on a non-professional opinion, especially if that person happens to be a spouse going through a divorce? If that's all it takes anyone could write a letter to someone's doctor and ask them to take them off the medicine they're on.
Thanks for reading this loooong email. Any advice would be appreciated. Take care!
poster:Miguel Ebay