Posted by dcm1 on August 19, 2002, at 18:06:18
My wife has had anxiety problems for years. She started having a real problem early this summer. The doctor put her on zyprexa and it seemed to help for about 3 months then she had a bad anxiety problem and the doctor put her on Wellbutrin. This started all the problems; she couldn't sleep at all after the second day. She never had sleep problems. After about a week of this I took her to a phyc. He prescribed Effexor and Klonopin. She slept a little at first then for six weeks she hardly slept and was so anxious she would just lie in the bed and cry for help. I finally figured out it was the Effexor giving her the anxious feeling. We weaned off of it in about 2 1/2 weeks. Switching over to Remeron she now went the other way she has bad depression, which she never had before. She was up to 30mg. Could the Remeron be causing the depression or could it be withdrawals from Effexor? She started on the Effexor 6-5-02 and quit8-18-02. She had started the Remeron on 8-11-02 The Remeron hasn't helped at all for the depression.