Posted by lilsis on September 26, 2002, at 15:43:38
just to kinda keep a journal this is my fourth day and i woke up high as hell. i took my pill at ten last night and passed out hardcore at 11:00 i was up at 8 and had to goto court. luckily i didn`t have to testify or i would have laughed in their fsaces. hahahaha. i have had a smile on my face since i woke up. the high feeling left around 12:30 after i woke up from my nap. then i went to the gym and got my dizziness thing again but not near as bad..and peoples not that you would care but an old friend of mine that works in a grocery store seen me today and was like wow i never seen you so happy since you were on the drugs. and then he asked me out on a date tomorow. awesome eh? and kinda funny because i know some people that i laugh at for going the the supermarket to pick up. hahahahaha. am i a hypocryt or what.
thanks for reading. feel free to ask questions in this thread and tomorow i will follow up on my next day