Posted by Thygrrr on December 12, 2002, at 16:03:36
Today was a really new experience for me, because Trevilor (Effexor) made me see strangers in a positive way.
I usually tend to hold a very deep grudge against anything humans do or even themselves, how they look, etc. This goes so far that I, while my rational side clearky states that I am indeed a human being, indulge in a fantasy of being a were being; kind of the soul of an animal trapped in my body.
Actually, there is a whole sub culture of such people on the net ( ;, and it's a nice pass-time and social activity (yes, as much as that conflicts with being hermitic and anti-social in general, it's true), so to speak; however, I find some of my (pre)-cognitive impressions and phantom-shifts (moments where you feel a part of your body that you don't have or use, like, whiskers, front paws on the ground despite walking upright, or a tail) quite unsettling. Well, my rational side does so, I generally like those incidents (it's fun, I'm admittedly proud of it) ...
So, anyone here with similar experiences? I'm serious about this; I know the whole split identity thing is kind of a clichée ... sorry, but I'm being frank and honest.