Posted by iac27 on January 29, 2003, at 23:54:09
I related so well as I read your first post. I was diagnosed with Atypical Depression two years ago, along with Bipolar 2, have been on meds and in therapy for 4 years. Like your husband I am functioning, go to social events, work, people think I am a happy person...they don't see me when I am holed up in my apartment for days crying. I have been on similar medications as your husband, Prozac, which fizzled out, Celexa, I gained almost 60 lbs. and then moved on to others. I even had a crazy dr. who wanted to put me on thanks. There was a stint with Zoloft but there was "one particular unacceptable side affect" I was not willing to live with. Right now I am on Effexor, with Wellbutrin and another drug not so commonly used yet, Topomax (used as a mood stablizer, but commonly given to epileptics). I've found this combination, when given in the right dosage, to work well for me. I would like to say I am feeling the best I have felt in in years. However, I have had a slight downturn in the past couple weeks, planning on calling my dr. tomorrow. Yet, I do think Effexor combined with the others has given me back somewhat of a life that was not there before...the motivation to be happy with myself.
One important point to remember is that when depressed, people turn away from problems and realities in life. I have found that medication and talk therapy must go hand in hand to be successful and your therapist and dr (gp or pyschologist) really need to communicate and be on the same page for you to get the most effective treatment. We deserve it.
Keep in touch...I would love to hear more from you.> My husband has been depressed for the better part of 15 years. Just recently I read about atypical depression, and his doctor switched him to Effexor (doctor wanted to avoid side-effects and possible complications of MAOI's, which are normally recommended for those with atypical depression). So, he's been taking Effexor since this fall, and is now sleeping 12 hours a day again (and crawling back into his cave.)
> My husband cancelled his third appointment to see his psychologist, and complains that if he goes in for the "fatigue," he'll just get the run-around as to whether or not he has sleep apnea (sp?)
> Help! Is it normal for him to be experiencing a relapse? Is it possible he's not taking the right meds? How can I avoid getting dragged down, too?