Posted by beardedlady on March 31, 2003, at 13:27:33
In reply to Memory, Concentration, Energy Problems......, posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 13:02:55
> One example is when I drive with someone in a car it is difficult for me to recall where we're going and how we got there. I know some people have this problem but mine is much worse than most. I am terrible with directions.
Yes, many people are. This is normal. I don't know a lot of people who pay attention when other people drive.
> I also can't find my car in a parking lot unless I concentrate on the location of it before I leave it. I can't casually just go about my business and remember.
Been there.
> I also forget simple stuff like if I shampooed my hair when I'm showering, I have to check my hair if it's clean sometimes. I've gone to get a Pepsi and found that I had previously gotten one already and it was at my desk cold and unopened.
Okay, so this is a problem.
> Another example of my poor memory is when playing Chess. I play chess as a serious hobby but after the game I have a very difficult time recalling what moves I played in the game although almost all of my opponents can usually remember.This is like trying to remember all the songs the Dead performed at all their concerts. Why even try?! Eek!
> If I read something I seem to be able to remember what I read pretty well and I did quite well in College, although I usually didn't listen to my teachers much and generally got all my information from a book.>Multi-tasking really makes it difficult for me to remember things, such as taking notes and trying to listen to the teacher at the same time.
And therein lies the problem. People always claim to have worse memories than others or blame meds on lack of concentration (could be but usually isn't) when age and multi-tasking are so often the culprits. Try finding your keys when you're doing three other things, and it's next to impossible. I can't tell you the number of times I climb the stairs for something, get to the top, forget what it was, go back downstairs, remember again, and go up for it.
I want to say it's normal. It is! So many people suffer from this that it is actually the norm.
> Some of my memory problems may be due to Concentration and Mental fatigue..I often feel tired. I never thought I had problems with concentration because I can read long books and concentrate on them and play long games of chess but it may actually be an underlying problem with me.
If you are suffering from depression, this is a symptom.
> I was wondering if any of you knew about any "smart drugs" that may help me. I'm 25 so the drugs used for people who have lossed some of their cognitive abilitly and are looking to regain it would probably not be for me. I'm also not taking any medications that would interfere with my memory.. I get plenty of sleep, eat well and workout regularly.
Although Gingko is said to help improve concentration (or is it Ginseng?), I would 't try anything except saying out loud what you're doing. I'm going to get a Pepsi, you say. When you get there, you remember to do it. When you get to your desk, you say, "Here is my Pepsi." Try to concentrate on everything you do. Make a conscientious effort not to do two things at once or, if you have to, make some verbal reminders out loud.
This has really improved my life, though I often relapse.
beardy : )>