Posted by djmmm on July 13, 2003, at 16:31:11
In reply to Just out of 2 week hosp. stay: Nardil = cure..?, posted by jerrympls on July 13, 2003, at 15:31:05
> I know "cure" is a pretty heavy word - but after being clincially depressed for 12 years, having been on almost every medication, having seen 10 psychiatrsits, having been through ECT and VNS implant, I just may have found MY "cure:" NARDIL.
> After missing days and days of work, feeling overly exhausted, depressed and severely hopeless, I finally checked myself into the hospital. I saw a WONDERFUl psychiatrist who decided to give Nardil a try. I was nervous about it at first, but decided it would be for the better and I was eager to start feeling better.
> I was in the hospital for 2 weeks - only for the need to wash out the Lexapro before starting the MAOI-Nardil. They did it in about a week as opposed to 2 weeks because Lexapro has s short half-life and becuase they could monitor me. So, I waited....
> Finally they started me on Nardil. Of course, there are dietary restrictions - but they're hardly horrible as once made out to be. Basically, you have to watch out for anything fermented - aged cheeses (fresh mozzerella is fine) red wine, saurkraut, aged meats and anything rotten (darn!). There's more to it than that but those are the most important. Some say you cannot have pizza nor can you have chocolate - but that's bull. You do have to watch out for gourmet pizzas because they may have aged cheeses. Also, you hav eto watch out for certain OTC meds like Sudafed, etc.
> Anyway, they started the Nardil on a Thursday and by Monday my life had changed to somthing very close to "normal" - a GOOD normal. I was feeling %100 better - although my depression wasn't 100% gone, I was feeling motivation and began talking more with the staf and other patients - I was being social instead of isolating myself. I saw the doctor that afternoon and told him about how well I was feeling. He said it was an excellent sign that I was responding so well so early in the treatment ( I'm at 30mg - they will boost it up to between 60-90 mg next week).
> Since being out, I've started to do things around my house - things I'd ususally sit around and obsessivley think about and never actualy DO. I've started to see my friends, plan for future goals, see movies and have fun. I've started to "live" again.
> By no means, however, am I 100% cured - but I am getting there. The Nardil has been a Godsend (and I'm not much of a religious person).
> Unfortunately, 1 week after getting dischagred from the hospital, I was back in - this time for viral encephalitis (they thought I had the West Nile Virus!). So I was in for 4 days. however, I am feeling much better.
> Anyway, for those who have treatment-resistant depression, talk to your doctor about an MAOI if you haven't already tried one. Of course, it may not work for everyone - but if you were to see the list of meds I've been on - you'd believe Nardil was/is the miracle for treatment-resistant depression.
> thanks for listening,
> Jerry :-)
>Another Nardil success, Im happy for you...a widly underused and extremely potent antidepressent, it cured my social phobia symptoms almost immediately.