Posted by fluffy on July 23, 2003, at 12:48:26
In reply to Re: Barbara Cat, I need your opinion » jrw, posted by Barbara Cat on July 22, 2003, at 22:24:30
Wow Barbara--
Sounds like you've had a difficult run lately. If you can manage to be optomistic, then HELL--I sure can! Sometimes I get really self absorbed. I feel like a total whiner--WAhh-my meds aren't working, etc. But even if they aren't, my job is one that allows me to be unstable at times. I work in a specialty bookstore, and my co-worker is really laid back and understanding. I'm really sorry about your work/financial situation. But it sounds like the nutritionist thing would be really great. My boyfriend's mother is Bipolar, and she's done really well managing her own business--taking at the pace she can. She's a massage therapist. There's room for all temperments in this world. Leave the corporate slavery to those other so-called stable work horses!
I can relate to your crying at work. Man--the last episode I had, I cried until a customer came in. I'd suck it in, and then start crying when they left. I couldn't say anything to anyone without crying my eyes out. Pretty embarassing.
Thanks for your story Barb-cat!
Jennifer--poetry corner!! (snapping in circles)
Don't be shy!Katy