Posted by Countygirl10 on July 28, 2003, at 19:12:01
I am not sure if my previous post will show up....second time. Has anyone had an adverse reaction to Celexa? I started taking 10mg per day about 7 weeks ago or so. It started to make me feel better mentally. Two weeks after the first day I had sore blisters that began on the palms of my hands and feet. Everyday it got worse. About 4 days after the blisters started I broke out in welts and a red rash covering the inside of my arms and legs. The blisters were fluid filled and extremely itchy! I went to the E.R. where they ccould not figure what was happening. A doctor mentioned Lyme Disease, late stages perhaps as I was bit by an insect last summer. Or perhaps it was an allergic reaction to something. They gave me steriods for a week and the rash on my body went away and the blisters on my palms got smaller. Over the next 5 weeks (after I stopped the steroids) the itchy blisters grew larger and spread on the palms of my hands with other symptoms - numbness on different areas of my skin, tingling and numbness in left arm, left side of face and left side of scalp, deep sharp pain in my left ear, (the pain in my left ear started before being placed on Celexa), diarhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, blurred vision, fatigue, weakness and most recently severe neck and back pain which is sore to touch. Lower back pain is constant. I saw different doctors, none with an answer. My primary care physician decided it could be the Celexa and I stopped taking it last week and have been taking oral steroids. The blsiters are going away. The back pain and a bit of the numbness is still there. I started on Effexor today for clinical depression and OCD thoughts. (Prior to Celexa, I tried Zoloft and Prozac for a short amount of time over 10 years ago). Anyone have a similar experience with Celexa?